About This Project

Translating Cuba is a compilation of translations of Cuban bloggers, independent journalists and human rights activists, primarily writing from the island. The authors included here share a number of characteristics. They: Write from the island of Cuba.* Are independent, that is they are not paid by the Cuban government. Write under their own names. Their … Continue reading “About This Project”


Intramuros is the blog of the digital magazine Convivencia, from Pinar del Río, Cuba.  The editorial below, which appears in English translation on the magazine’s site, describes the mission of Convivencia. CLICK IMAGE FOR BLOG IN ENGLISH “Convivencia”: First Anniversary. On the threshold after half a century December 10th 2008. We are on the threshold … Continue reading “Intramuros”

If We Want Everything To Stay the Same, Everything Must Change

By Jesuhadín Pérez. Things are going badly for Cuba. People lose freedom while trying to get it, and starve to death when asking for justice. Those in power have no ears to listen to the solutions to people’s problems, solutions that would jeopardize historical powers. This is the contradiction between form and substance. In other … Continue reading “If We Want Everything To Stay the Same, Everything Must Change”

The Castros, Each One on His Own Side

Those who  expected some clues about the needed economic and political reforms  that the island is crying out for were left disappointed. General Raul Castro sent them a message: you will have to wait. Castro  II did not even speak at a ceremony held in the province of Villa Clara, 180 miles  from Havana, to … Continue reading “The Castros, Each One on His Own Side”

Sui Generis

I don’t know what lesson to draw from this boring celebration of the 57th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes military bases, an action which is considered something of a Genesis for neohistorians. Beginning at midnight, in the first moment of July 26, I was very surprised they didn’t … Continue reading “Sui Generis”

The Teachings of Chibás

The Cuban government, shackled by a chain of failures after seven long years of inflexibility, decided to begin releasing political prisoners jailed in the spring of 2003, in order to change its image abroad, to seek aid, and to proceed with a reform called “update the model.” This shift underscores the failure of inflexibility and … Continue reading “The Teachings of Chibás”

ETESCA Down on its Luck

One day before collecting their bonus in convertible pesos, known as CUCs, which the Cuban government usually pays to certain institutions, close to sixteen thousand employees from ETECSA, the only telecommunications company on the island, got their second piece of bad news for the month of July. In the previous days, the company had already … Continue reading “ETESCA Down on its Luck”

Economy Bankrupt and Prices Rising

A new rise in prices, not announced in the media, has been taking place silently, both in products that are purchased only in CUC as well as in others, sold in Cuban pesos. “Silently” in a manner of speaking, because at times the price increases are a scandalous 20% or more over the previous value. … Continue reading “Economy Bankrupt and Prices Rising”

JORGE LAGEZAMA LIMA / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

JORGE LAGEZAMA LIMA, originally uploaded by orlandoluispardolazo. la-fortaleza-de-la-soledad.blogspot.com/2010/06/ediciones… Months back, Willy del Pozo and Harold Alva, editor and deputy editor respectively of Altazor Editions, told me about an important project they were thinking of going forward with. Weeks passed and the objective showed signs of being coming off, and then they put it on hold … Continue reading “JORGE LAGEZAMA LIMA / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Liberation or Forced Exile?

A press release from the Archdiocese of Havana on July 8 announced the release, over the course of three to four months, of 52 of the 75 political prisoners convicted in summary trials in April, 2003. Twenty-three had already been released on medical parole. The releases were the result of an unprecedented dialogue between President … Continue reading “Liberation or Forced Exile?”

ALL ABOUT DAD / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

ALL ABOUT MY FATHER Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo Reading miracles in Mirta Suquet’s blog. My father didn’t beg for alms, but depended on a brother and another son in the USA. My father had to go out into the street to sell a little packet of anything, even though he gave English classes at home … Continue reading “ALL ABOUT DAD / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

“We Are the Root of The Change,” by Raudel of the Patriotic Squadron

This video was made yesterday at a concert organized by the group OMNI-Zona Franca in Gaia house. There was very little light and the audio is bad, but the song of Raudel shines out above any technological problem. I transcribed what I’ve managed to understand, any contribution from a reader with a better ear than … Continue reading ““We Are the Root of The Change,” by Raudel of the Patriotic Squadron”

Cold Air or the Fridge Up in the Air / Regina Coyula

On Mother’s Day last year, my niece gave my mother a refrigerator as a gift. My mother was delighted, since in spite of being larger, the new refrigerator consumes less electricity than the former one. And everybody was happy in my mother’s house until this New Mother’s day. First the refrigerator and then the freezer … Continue reading “Cold Air or the Fridge Up in the Air / Regina Coyula”