Open Letter to a Confused Supporter / Miriam Celaya

Mr. Josep Calvet: I have hesitated for some weeks to respond to comments that you have occasionally poured into our little forum, but recent events that will mark the fate of my country in a not-so-distant future, force me not only to answer, but also to do so publicly. My intention is, of course, to … Continue reading “Open Letter to a Confused Supporter / Miriam Celaya”

Excitement / Regina Coyula

My uncle Fernando Pérez-Puelles is 99, and save for some thick-lens glasses because he doesn’t want to have cataract surgery, he is divine, with a vitriolic personality but a great nostalgia for Cuba. Fernando has lived in Miami since 1961 and yesterday he called on the phone, very excited; a little cryptically, he said he … Continue reading “Excitement / Regina Coyula”

Personal Glasnost / Regina Coyula

I appreciate the support of the commentators. I am not going to stop writing, nor have I thought of moderating the comments, though I appeal, yes, to the good judgment of those who write for more than catharsis. Several of my readers have asked me. When I was sixteen I started at MININT (The Ministry … Continue reading “Personal Glasnost / Regina Coyula”

Philosophy of Hate / Fernando Dámaso

A philosophy of hate has spread across the world like a pandemic which seems to cover everything, calling into question whether humans are thinking beings of superior intelligence. Love has been pushed to the side and must struggle fiercely to show itself, in public as well as private social relations. Intolerance and violent confrontation reign … Continue reading “Philosophy of Hate / Fernando Dámaso”

Lives Condemed Due to Medical Malpractice / Miguel Iturría Savón

Yadima Évora Casales is a 25-year-old Cuban mother from Vista Hermosa in San Miguel del Padron, Havana. She believes she is a victim of deceit and manipulation at the hands of officials from the institutions that “respond” to the interest of the country’s citizens. Her tragedy began five years ago when she became pregnant. Since … Continue reading “Lives Condemed Due to Medical Malpractice / Miguel Iturría Savón”

Broken Promise / Yoani Sánchez

I swore never again to speak of that gentleman with the well-trimmed beard and the olive-green uniform who castrated* filled every day of my childhood with his constant presence. I underpin my decision not to refer to Fidel Castro with more than one argument: he represents the past; we need to look forward, to that … Continue reading “Broken Promise / Yoani Sánchez”

20 Reasons to Doubt / Ernesto Morales Licea

My generation grew up listening to the litany. It wasn’t the only one. It was barely a new one. But I can attest to that: along with a motto I never understood “Pioneers for Communism, we shall be like Ché!”, my legs and my conscious grew up hearing that the country my grandparents had, without … Continue reading “20 Reasons to Doubt / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Goodbye, Granny / Miriam Celaya

Since I am not always home when the news comes on, and taking into account that information is an integral and offshoot component of one’s opinion, a few years ago I negotiated with a kind neighbor for the possibility of getting a secret subscription to the newspaper Granma. For a long time she has been … Continue reading “Goodbye, Granny / Miriam Celaya”

What Does Martí Have to Do with a Single Party? / Dimas Castellanos

The official Cuban press insists on justifying a single-party system. Some of the arguments are based on the fact that Martí created a single party, how lack of unity led to revolutionary failures, how the very existence of the nation depends on preserving unity, and how a multiparty system would be co-opted by imperialism. The … Continue reading “What Does Martí Have to Do with a Single Party? / Dimas Castellanos”

Divine Providence / Rebeca Monzo

Juan Juan Almeida surprised his friends when he told us he was going to initiate a hunger strike, as a final recourse to get them to let him leave. It hit all of us because there is nothing further from JJ’s personality: happy, jovial, optimistic and even has the sweet tooth of a little kid. … Continue reading “Divine Providence / Rebeca Monzo”

YOANI IN THE PRINCE CLAUS AWARDS…!!!! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Algerian Publisher Barzakh Editions to Receive Principal Prince Claus Award of EUR100,000 PR Newswire AMSTERDAM, September 6, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — This year, on 17 December, the Principal Prince Claus Award of EUR100,000 will be presented to the Algerian publisher Barzakh Editions at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In addition, ten other laureates will … Continue reading “YOANI IN THE PRINCE CLAUS AWARDS…!!!! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”


Report from the 2010 Prince Claus Awards Committee June 2010 The Prince Claus Awards The Prince Claus Fund’s Awards Programme celebrates and brings to public attention outstanding achievements in the field of culture and development. Awards are given annually to individuals, groups, organisations or institutions in recognition of their contribution within the Prince Claus Fund’s … Continue reading “CLAUS’S CUBAN ROOM (BUT WITHOUT CLAUSTROPHOBIA) / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Twenty Years / Claudia Cadelo

Photo: Penultimos Dias I’ve made quite an effort not to write about Fidel Castro. First, because I’m not capable of saying anything serious about his persona (sometimes I would like to take him less lightly); second, because reading his “Reflections” has the same affect on me as do some science fiction fanzines (I like the … Continue reading “Twenty Years / Claudia Cadelo”