Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso

On March 13, 1968, Fidel Castro, in one of his miles-long speeches, announced to the Cuban people what he called “the Revolutionary Offensive*.” In reality, it had nothing revolutionary about it, on the contrary, it was an essentially counterrevolutionary measure intended to eliminate the urban petty bourgeoisie. And with it to eliminate one of the … Continue reading “Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso”

Liberties in Cuba? / Yoaxis Marcheco Suárez

By: Yoaxis Marcheco Suárez I don’t know what is happening with some people and institutions in the world, I think that they suffer from some sort of lethargy that doesn’t allow them to perceive Cuban reality, or they are simply content with what the antidemocratic government of the country informs and draws for them. The … Continue reading “Liberties in Cuba? / Yoaxis Marcheco Suárez”

CITIZEN PETITION / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

  Havana, June 26, 2012 TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE POPULAR POWER OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA: The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba in its article 63, states All citizens have the right to direct complaints and petitions to the authorities and to receive the attention or pertinent responses in an adequate time-frame, … Continue reading “CITIZEN PETITION / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40 In those years of UMAP*, when Mr. Jaime Ortega was one more in the concentration camps, no one would have imagined that the last but most important mission of what some still … Continue reading “The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso”

The Cardinal of Disgrace / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

I have no words to describe the recent statements made by his Eminence Cardinal and Archbishop of Havana Jaime Lucas Ortega Alamino during his stay last week in the United States of America. Those who have followed each of the press releases that mention in one way or another the statements of the highest Cuban … Continue reading “The Cardinal of Disgrace / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

Pardon or Justice? / Miriam Celaya

In recent weeks, I have noticed that the theme of reconciliation and forgiveness among Cubans is surfacing in various opinion forums. Speakers from various areas as well as alternative digital media –including independent bloggers- seem to pay particular attention to the matter, which points to a general feeling that we are already projecting to conflicts … Continue reading “Pardon or Justice? / Miriam Celaya”

Conversation on a Sandbar / Lilianne Ruíz

My neighbor Elisa says she is convinced that the Revolution is immutable. One reason is because of the number of youth who are in the Revolutionary Armed Forces — doing their military service — who, according to her, would give their lives before “handing over the country.” I hastened to tell her, perhaps reassuringly, that … Continue reading “Conversation on a Sandbar / Lilianne Ruíz”

Letter to Pope Benedict XVI / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Artemisa, 20 February 2012 To His Holiness Benedict XVI: Like most Cubans, I greatly rejoice in your announced visit to our country, which will undoubtedly be welcome. You come to a country living in the most complex moment in its history. When you come, certainly, our authorities will show, among others, the achievements of our … Continue reading “Letter to Pope Benedict XVI / Jeovany Jimenez Vega”

The Public Sphere In Cuba, Without the Public / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

[Title]Would this be the T-shirt that could resolve the problem? [T-Shirt text”] Police and National Guard: I do not support AT ALL these T-Shirts that say that THIS REVOLUTION IS SHIT, and what’s more, I think they’re horrible, OK?” ARTURO, THE BRIGHTEST STAR At the launch of the magazine Criterios number 37, on February 28 … Continue reading “The Public Sphere In Cuba, Without the Public / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Bad Handwriting in La Joven Cuba (18) / Regina Coyula

To Harold for his work on intellectuals. The intellectuals, understood well beyond artistic creation, have been isolated from early on and isolated they remain, as I see it. I would like to dwell on the artistic intelligentsia for the weight, the social influence involved, and because the innate condition of the artist is criticism, at … Continue reading “Bad Handwriting in La Joven Cuba (18) / Regina Coyula”

Cuban Intellectuals: When Fear Seeps Into the Bones / Angel Santiesteban

How is it possible that intellectuals who were humiliated and punished by the same people who now govern the country, stay next to the boots that kicked them into submission, that harassed them until they were broken in body, soul and artistic endeavor? They suffered so much that the fear still corrodes them and they … Continue reading “Cuban Intellectuals: When Fear Seeps Into the Bones / Angel Santiesteban”

Mariela Castro in the Red Light District / Jeovany J. Vega

Towards the end of October, sociologist Mariela Castro Espin, Director of the National Center of Sexual Education of Cuba (CENESEX), while on a visit to this country, expressed her admiration for the “dignified manner” with which prostitutes uphold the value of their work in Holland. But in these latitudes, whose Revolution since its first steps … Continue reading “Mariela Castro in the Red Light District / Jeovany J. Vega”

Santiesteban, Padura, Milanes and the Repression of Intellectuals in Cuba / Angel Santiesteban

From Havana, Cuba, where he lives and is subjected to systematic police and legal abuse by the island’s military regime, because of his determination to be a free writer, especially in his blog “The Children Nobody Wanted,” Angel Santiesteban answered, bravely it must be said, the following interview questions from Armando de Armas for Marti … Continue reading “Santiesteban, Padura, Milanes and the Repression of Intellectuals in Cuba / Angel Santiesteban”

I Still Don’t Know If You Will Sing / Yoani Sánchez

I greatly fear the response of “never” Pablo Milanés The last time I went to a Pablo Milanés concert I couldn’t hum a single one of his songs. In the middle of the anti-imperialist bandstand* several friends and I unfurled a cloth with the name Gorki on it, to demand the release from jail — … Continue reading “I Still Don’t Know If You Will Sing / Yoani Sánchez”

Improper Conduct / Miguel Iturria Savón

There are those who believe that history is written only by those in power, by means of textbooks, testimonials, biographies, means of communication and other supports of dominance that certify the version of the victors. Cuban history of the 20th Century confirms the rule, but in conflict with the story of the main characters who … Continue reading “Improper Conduct / Miguel Iturria Savón”