Sales by Cuba’s Private Businesses Tripled in the First Half of the Year

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, August 25, 2023 — Sales of goods and services by Cuba’s micro, small and medium-sized private businesses (MSMEs) tripled in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period last year according to a report issued by Cuba’s National Statistics and Information Office (ONEI) on Friday. However, the total sales … Continue reading “Sales by Cuba’s Private Businesses Tripled in the First Half of the Year”

The Cuban Parliament Defines the Profile of Teenage Mothers: Poor, Black and Out of Work

14ymedio, Havana, 19 July 2023 — The Cuban Parliament reported on Tuesday that in the first half of 2023 there were 7,953 pregnancies corresponding to women between 12 and 19 years of age, out of a total of 41,761 reported nationally. The situation is more worrying in the rural context, where, say the deputies, early … Continue reading “The Cuban Parliament Defines the Profile of Teenage Mothers: Poor, Black and Out of Work”

Putin Uses Cuba in His ‘Political Blackmail’ With the United States, Warns Former Cuban General Rafael Del Pino

14ymedio, Madrid, 10 July 2023 — The arrival at the port of Havana of the Russian military ship Perekov, scheduled for this Tuesday, hides other interests beyond the sending of humanitarian aid, warns Cuba Siglo 21. According to a dossier made public on Monday by the organization, based in Madrid, and signed by former Cuban … Continue reading “Putin Uses Cuba in His ‘Political Blackmail’ With the United States, Warns Former Cuban General Rafael Del Pino”

The Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers Requests that Censored Authors and Works be Restored

14ymedio, Havana, 5 July 2023 — A half-hour blackout delayed the Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers’ meeting scheduled for Monday at 9am at the theater on 23rd and 12th in Havana. The producers, who had invited about thirty professionals from other provinces and those living abroad to join the meeting via Internet, proposed creating “an organizational … Continue reading “The Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers Requests that Censored Authors and Works be Restored”

Cuba: Pirates of Yesterday and Today

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 4 July 2023 – Laws that restrict business to an absurd extent usually generate corruption and all manner of roguery. Following the Conquest and colonisation of the Americas, the maritime powers established a commercial system that created an exclusive relationship between the metropolises and their colonies. Trading with foreigners carried … Continue reading “Cuba: Pirates of Yesterday and Today”

Cuba Lacks Food. . . and Will Continue to Lack Food

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 22 June  2023 — In Cuba, food is lacking. It’s been six decades of pernicious scarcity that demand a response to one of the most serious day-to-day problems for Cubans. A recent edition of the State TV program Mesa Redonda [Roundtable] was dedicated to this issue, with the title What … Continue reading “Cuba Lacks Food. . . and Will Continue to Lack Food”

Cuba: In Search of the Lost Tourist

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, June 27, 2023 — Nobody understands how it is still possible that some leaders of the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba, at this point in history, continue to believe that the recovery of the sector on the Island will happen “through their efforts.” It is a way, like any other, of … Continue reading “Cuba: In Search of the Lost Tourist”

‘Minors Are the Most Tortured’ in Cuban Prisons, Denounces Prisoners Defenders

14ymedio, Havana, 30 May 2023 — The organization Prisoners Defenders (PD) presented a new report on torture in Cuba on Tuesday, after collecting the statements of 181 political prisoners, including seven women and four minors (16 to 18 years old, the criminal age on the Island). In an online press conference, the president of the NGO based … Continue reading “‘Minors Are the Most Tortured’ in Cuban Prisons, Denounces Prisoners Defenders”

The Spanish Hotel Melia Company Continues To Bet on Cuba Despite the Bad Tourism Data

14ymedio, Havana, 6 May 2023 — With the opening of four new facilities in Havana and Holguín, the Spanish hotel company Meliá aspires to regain its prominence on the Island. During the International Tourism Fair (FitCuba) held this week in the Morro-Cabaña complex of the capital, the executive vice president of the Cuban division of … Continue reading “The Spanish Hotel Melia Company Continues To Bet on Cuba Despite the Bad Tourism Data”

Solitary Confinement: More Cruel and Inhuman Treatment of Detained Persons by the Cuban State / Cubalex

Cubalex, 4 April 2023 — Cuba’s Law of Penal Procedure (LPP) obliges police officers to permit communication between detained persons and their family members, as a required formality when they are being charged. Nevertheless, the absence of judicial control over detention has permitted use of institutionalised practices such as prolonged solitary confinement and coercive isolation. … Continue reading “Solitary Confinement: More Cruel and Inhuman Treatment of Detained Persons by the Cuban State / Cubalex”

Press Association Denounces ‘Repression’ Against the Media, Journalists and ‘Influencers’ in Cuba

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, April 25, 2023. (EFE) — The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) denounced on Tuesday an unprecedented “crisis” in Cuba’s unofficial media and the “repression” of the authorities against journalists and influencers. In its new biannual report, the IAPA says that “the crisis of independent journalism is approaching a bottom never seen in … Continue reading “Press Association Denounces ‘Repression’ Against the Media, Journalists and ‘Influencers’ in Cuba”

The Regime Returns a Cuban-Born Tourist to Canada for Her Criticism on Facebook

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 April 2023 — Glenda Corella Céspedes arrived in Canada in 2012, when the Cuban government agreed to her request to leave the country after eight years of waiting. Her life in Toronto went smoothly until March 7. She decided to return to the Island to attend her brother’s wedding and was met … Continue reading “The Regime Returns a Cuban-Born Tourist to Canada for Her Criticism on Facebook”

China and Cuba Agree on ‘A Long-term Strategic Relationship’ in Cybersecurity

14ymedio, Havana, 5 April 2023 — On Monday, China signed an agreement with Cuba that details the collaboration between the two countries on matters of cybersecurity, as they had suggested in November. Press agency Prensa Latina celebrated the news that this compact lays the groundwork to build “an internet that supports development and wellbeing of … Continue reading “China and Cuba Agree on ‘A Long-term Strategic Relationship’ in Cybersecurity”

Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 28 March 2023 — The NGO Amnesty International (AI) denounced on Monday in its annual report the “hundreds of people” in prison in Cuba for “the peaceful exercise of their human rights” — including “three prisoners of conscience” — and the “repression” of “dissidence” and protests. In its document, which summarizes … Continue reading “Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’”

The US Senate Wishes To ‘Accelerate the Investigation Into the Murder’ of Oswaldo Paya

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 7 March 2023 — A group of bipartisan senators, led by Democrat Dick Durbin, sent a letter to Tania Reneaum Panszi, executive secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), to “accelerate the progress of the investigation into the murder” of Cuban opponents Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero. The group … Continue reading “The US Senate Wishes To ‘Accelerate the Investigation Into the Murder’ of Oswaldo Paya”