Cuban Independent Media ‘El Toque’ Describes the Pressures on its Journalists as ‘Bullying and Psychological Torture’

14ymedio, Havana, 10 September 2022 — The directors of the digital platform El Toque denounced, this Friday, new pressures from State Security against their team on the island. The public resignation of Wimar Verdecia and Iran Hernández, director and illustrator, respectively, of  Xel2 graphic humor supplement  led to the shutting down of this feature, which … Continue reading “Cuban Independent Media ‘El Toque’ Describes the Pressures on its Journalists as ‘Bullying and Psychological Torture’”

A Century Later than Mexicans, Cubans Will be Able to Separate Their Property When They Get Married

14ymedio, Havana, 8 September 8 2022 — Spanish laws provide for the separation of property in marriage since 1889; Mexican laws, since 1927. With a century of delay, Cuba hopes that the new Family Code, which will be submitted to a popular referendum on September 25, will grant “greater freedom” in marriage to decide what … Continue reading “A Century Later than Mexicans, Cubans Will be Able to Separate Their Property When They Get Married”

Cuban Abraham Jimenez Enoa Wins CPJ’s International Journalism Award

14ymedio, Havana, 14 July 2022 — Cuban Abraham Jiménez Enoa, co-founder of the independent magazine El Estornudo, is among the last three winners of the International Press Freedom award granted annually by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). The award is shared with him in 2022 by journalist Niyaz Abdullah, from Iraqi Kurdistan; Ukrainian Sevgil … Continue reading “Cuban Abraham Jimenez Enoa Wins CPJ’s International Journalism Award”

Saily Gonzalez Arrives in the US in the Face of Growing Threats from the Cuban Police

14ymedio, Havana, 19 June 2022 — Due to the “episode of repression” that activist Saily González Velázquez suffered last Thursday, she decided to leave Cuba and this Sunday she arrived in Miami in the United States. According to what she made known through her social networks, her decision was made “very hastily and I have told … Continue reading “Saily Gonzalez Arrives in the US in the Face of Growing Threats from the Cuban Police”

The UN Asks Cuba to ‘Punish Those Responsible for Child Abuse’ on July 11 (11J)’

14ymedio, Madrid, June 10, 2022 — The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child urges the Cuban State to review the penalties imposed on minors “declared guilty of exercising their right to freedom of peaceful assembly in the context of the July 2021 protests.” This is one of the conclusions of the periodic … Continue reading “The UN Asks Cuba to ‘Punish Those Responsible for Child Abuse’ on July 11 (11J)’”

Considerations on Cuba of the Committee Against Torture / Cubalex

Cubalex, 22 April 2022 — A Transcription of a Presentation by Sébastien Touze before the United Nations Committee Against Torture. Confidence in the national police has declined, you might agree with me, you have not denied it since the events of July 2021. This episode of demonstrations offered an alarming vision, as there were a large … Continue reading “Considerations on Cuba of the Committee Against Torture / Cubalex”

The Ordeal of Cuban Dissidents / Ivan Garcia

Ivan García, Desde La Habana, May 2022 — For the act of writing this article, the regime – were they to deem it pertinent to do so – could prosecute me and slap me with up to twenty years in prison, according to the current Law 88 which was approved in February, 1999. For collecting … Continue reading “The Ordeal of Cuban Dissidents / Ivan Garcia”

Cuba’s Machiavellian Use of Migration

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 25 May 2022 — On June 22, 1990, before the United Nations, Nelson Mandela firmly demanded that the sanctions against Pretoria be maintained. The African leader wondered what mistake had been made to allow a country with apartheid to be seated after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the … Continue reading “Cuba’s Machiavellian Use of Migration”

Biden Changes his Policy on Cuba and Venezuela

14ymedio, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami, 22 May 2022 — What’s going on is very strange. According to an American dictum, one does not change horses in midstream. According to the analysis of Politico – an online portal that is much closer to the Democrats than to the Republicans – the recent announcement of a change in strategy … Continue reading “Biden Changes his Policy on Cuba and Venezuela”

A Bleak Six Months for Press Freedom in America

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 21 April 2022 — The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) concluded its biannual meeting this Thursday with a pessimistic document in which it maintains that “the increasing violence against journalists is the main challenge to the free press in the Americas,” but there are other challenges, also on the economic level. The panorama of … Continue reading “A Bleak Six Months for Press Freedom in America”

Prisoners Defenders Submits to the UN a Report on Minors Prosecuted in Cuba for July 11 (11J)

14ymedio, Madrid, 18 April 2022 — Prisoners Defenders (PD) stated that in Cuba, there are children even as young as 13 and 15 years old in jail for having participated in the peaceful demonstrations last July 11th (11J). The cases of these 13 minors, which have received less visibility, are included in the NGO’s report … Continue reading “Prisoners Defenders Submits to the UN a Report on Minors Prosecuted in Cuba for July 11 (11J)”

Cuban Prosecutors and Judges, Willing to ‘Trade their Robes for Rifles to Defend Revolutionary Justice’

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 March 2022 — Cuban judges confirm feeling threatened for their work on the cases against the July 11 (11J) protesters and assure that they are willing to “trade the robe and dais, if necessary, for a rifle and trench.” The Union of Cuban Jurists (UNJC) held an assembly on Sunday in Havana … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutors and Judges, Willing to ‘Trade their Robes for Rifles to Defend Revolutionary Justice’”

David Beckham, Qatar and the Cuban Doctors

14ymedio, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami, 20 March 2022 –David Beckham is a great English soccer player. He is 46 years old. He started playing professionally at a very young age for Manchester. He retired at 38. He was in the Real Madrid team and there he learned to speak some Spanish. It was then when … Continue reading “David Beckham, Qatar and the Cuban Doctors”

Cuba: ‘The Excessive Sentences for July 11th Protestors are an Injustice and They Must Be Reversed’

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 5 March 2022 — Since September 2019, Catholic priest Alberto Reyes Pías (born 1967) serves 10 towns in the municipality of Esmeralda, 120 kilometers from the provincial capital, Camagüey. Masses, baptisms, visiting the sick, and above all, listening to problems consumes part of his daily life. Furthermore, he is engaged in … Continue reading “Cuba: ‘The Excessive Sentences for July 11th Protestors are an Injustice and They Must Be Reversed’”

Havana’s Lawton Neighborhood Suffers a Wave of Armed Robberies

14ymedio, Havana, 7 March 2022 — “First we had to put bars on all the windows and now we have to go out with a knife,” laments María Elena Figueroa, a resident near the corner of Porvenir and Dolores streets, in the center of Havana’s Lawton neighborhood. To the robberies in the houses are added … Continue reading “Havana’s Lawton Neighborhood Suffers a Wave of Armed Robberies”