Prison Diary XX. With his mouth sewn shut and smeared with excrement, a young man demands his rights

I found myself, like most of the time, writing on my bed when I heard the call, “Political, Political”; and they came to me in haste. Outside, they told me, there was a man who sewed his mouth shut with wire, come. Really, to think about the scene makes me bitter. “I’m not a maxillofacial … Continue reading “Prison Diary XX. With his mouth sewn shut and smeared with excrement, a young man demands his rights”

April Left and May Arrived / Mario LLeonart

And my poor blog had almost no spring. Angel Santiesteban, the cry of the last post I was able publish back in March, he is still in prison, and injustice is still have a party. To think that some people look and me and accuse me in Cuba of privileged access to the Internet. And … Continue reading “April Left and May Arrived / Mario LLeonart”

Blogger Bios

Ángel Santiesteban Claudia Cadelo Dimas Castellanos Ernesto Morales Licea Eugenio Leal Fernando Dámaso Guillermo “Coco” Fariñas Iván García Jorge Luis García Pérez “Antúnez” Laritza Diversent Luis Felipe Rojas Miriam Celaya Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo Regina Coyula Reinaldo Escobar Voices Behind The Bars Yamil Dominguez Yoani Sánchez

To Redress a Wrong / Luis Felipe Rojas

A couple of weeks ago my friend, the poet Rafael Alcides, published a text… as a way to air the case of Ángel Santiesteban Prats. I responded to him immediately, “You are wrong, Master…”  Alcides sent me this text that I want to share with you about the opportunistic response of eight Cuban writers, affiliated … Continue reading “To Redress a Wrong / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The Violence that Touches Us / Regina Coyula

I believe I have successfully crossed the threshold of the 21st Century, a century that I prefer to believe more inclusive, comprehensive, and cohesive. After having been educated in certain social and ideological intolerance, I’ve gotten past them. My lesbian friends — they aren’t my friends so I can be “tuned in” — rather because … Continue reading “The Violence that Touches Us / Regina Coyula”

Bad — Very Bad — News / Luis Felipe Rojas

Among the somewhat reasonable excitement over the traveling out of Cuba of some of the most glamorous of the dissidents like Yoani Sanchez, Rosa Maria Paya, and Eliecer Avila, extremely alarming things are happening. Two independent reporters arrested (they released Cedeño but Calixto Roman continues to be locked up). Angel Santiesteban gets of every morning … Continue reading “Bad — Very Bad — News / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Dust Thou Art and Unto Dust Thou Will Return. Until then, Manolo Rodiles. / Agustin Lopez

It is January 28, Monday, I get a call from Yoani earlier than usual, it was 7:55 am when she told me we should go by Rodiles’ house; she always thanks me as if my work were a favor and not an obligation, I was ready and found myself behind the wheel, at 8:07 I … Continue reading “Dust Thou Art and Unto Dust Thou Will Return. Until then, Manolo Rodiles. / Agustin Lopez”

The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS

Five years after Cuba’s representative signed the United Nations Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the situation with regards to fundamental rights in Cuba remains precarious. The violation of fundamental rights is not only a part of the repressive apparatus of the State, but our national legislation itself … Continue reading “The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS”

Not All Is Lost / Luis Felipe Rojas

“We are also concerned about the fate of the writer Angel Santiesteban-Prats,sentenced to five years in prison on December 8, 2012, officially for “housebreaking and injuries” after a process in which the charges were fabricated and witnesses bought. “An intellectual recognized in Cuban society, who has received several awards, the only thing Angel Santiesteban-Prats did … Continue reading “Not All Is Lost / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Days of Silence / Rebeca Monzo

Although I have not written anything for quite a few days, a thousand ideas are turning over in my head that I cannot seem to organize enough to put down in black and white. As usual, events on my planet are annoying and even painful, and although far from the theatre where they are taking … Continue reading “Days of Silence / Rebeca Monzo”

Forgotten: Black and Dissident

The case of the arbitrary arrest of Sonia Garro and her husband Ramon Alejandro is confusing for several reasons. That she belongs to the well-known group the Ladies in White and he to an independent Afro-Cuban organization, highlights lack of tactics or support (or both) by our internal dissent. Recognized international institutions have raised the … Continue reading “Forgotten: Black and Dissident”

More Than Half A Century Making A Mockery of Human Rights / Julio Cesar Galvaz #Cuba

By: Julio César Gálvez. The current economic and social crisis spreads and worsens among the most vulnerable sectors of the population: children, elderly, disabled, women, ethnic minorities. It is not an isolated case. It is a well-structured plot over 50 years ago to control an entire country. The lack of ethical and moral values and … Continue reading “More Than Half A Century Making A Mockery of Human Rights / Julio Cesar Galvaz #Cuba”

Can I Wake Up? / Yoani Sanchez

Sometimes when I’m restless I dream that I move, that I change houses over and over without being able to enjoy any of them. In this recurring nightmare, my life is dismantled and my childhood photos are lost in some moving van. But this only happens to me on nights of midlevel anxiety. This week, … Continue reading “Can I Wake Up? / Yoani Sanchez”

LIBERTAD! FREEDOM! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Link to Facebook Here Declaration No. 2, 11 November 2012 On Wednesday, November 7, a group of citizens was arrested outside the so-called Section 21 of State Security, at 31st Avenue and 110th Street, in the municipality of Marianao. The group of about ten people was there to inquire about the legal status and whereabouts … Continue reading “LIBERTAD! FREEDOM! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”