Outside of Havana, the partial results of the referendum give a solid majority to Berta Soler / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 10 March 2015 — The leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, talks about the first voting on the referendum to determine whether she will remain at the front of the organization, and denounces the repression that accompanied the consultation. The first results are very favorable, although the votes from Havana … Continue reading “Outside of Havana, the partial results of the referendum give a solid majority to Berta Soler / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)

Announcements made by United States President Barack Obama and his administration have sparked an intense controversy about the Cuban conflict. Many opponents and civil society activists, within the island and in exile, have lamented, especially, the lack of transparency and the unilateral and unconditional nature of the new measures. It is indisputable and indispensable that … Continue reading “Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)”

“El Critico” will keep writing what comes from his heart / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

Given to putting rhymes to reality and signing to the rhythm of rap’s social protest, Angel Yunier Remon, “El Critico,” just got out of prison where he spent the last two years due to his activism. In March of 2013, Remon, who also coordinated the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) in Bayamo, was arrested for … Continue reading ““El Critico” will keep writing what comes from his heart / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Requiem for the 10th of December (International Day of Human Rights) / by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The 10th of December is one of the saddest days. That day the political police – the only source of governance in our island – brings out all of its henchmen to suppress dissent. Many are dressed with their olive-green monkey-like Ministry of the Interior uniforms – most are in plain clothes. And you never … Continue reading “Requiem for the 10th of December (International Day of Human Rights) / by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Artist El Sexto Will Face Trial in a Few Hours / 14ymedio

The trail of the independent artist Danilo Maldonado, known as El Sexto – “The Sixth” – has been set for tomorrow at 8:30 AM in the Plaza of the Revolution municipal court. The cartoonist and creator of numerous graffiti is accused of the alleged crime of threatening his wife, which could mask political retaliation. The … Continue reading “Artist El Sexto Will Face Trial in a Few Hours / 14ymedio”

Let’s Join "The Death of The Cat" in Denouncing the Castro Dictatorship at FIBABC

For my soul brother Angel Santiesteban, prisoner of Cuba for thinking differently. For my second father, Raul Guerra, who died intoxicated with disappointment. The Death of the Cat Writer:  Lilo Vilaplana  Genre:  Fiction  Category:  Fiction The Death of the Cat is much more than an exceptionally accomplished work of art by Lilo Vilaplana.  It is … Continue reading “Let’s Join "The Death of The Cat" in Denouncing the Castro Dictatorship at FIBABC”

El Sexto Facing Trial / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 9 July 2014 – The graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado, known as “El Sexto” (The Sixth), has been in custody for five days charged with “violation of domicile and injury” and will be prosecuted, according to several friends and Cuban activists. Interviewed by the newspaper just two weeks ago, the artist is being held … Continue reading “El Sexto Facing Trial / 14ymedio”

The Stop: A Citizen Performance / Lilianne Ruiz

My blog appears abandoned. But that is not the case. What happens is I want to do many thing and so I am behind in updating it. I follow what’s going on around me, I want to understand our history, our social paralysis. I am not brave. I realize it’s easy to stay home, have … Continue reading “The Stop: A Citizen Performance / Lilianne Ruiz”

OLPL Speaks at Johns Hopkins / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Speech by OLPL in Kenney Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, 16 May 2014. Dear friends: As a Cuban from the Island —and all Cubans are, no matter how far and how much time has passed since we left or were expelled from the Island—, as a critical intellectual —that … Continue reading “OLPL Speaks at Johns Hopkins / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Dancing and Having a Good Time at the 8th Congress with the National Symphony of Birania*!

Another UNEAC* Congress has come and gone and our reality remains immovable. The existential problems do not mutate; the intellectuals continue speaking sotto voce, watching their backs to make sure they are not overheard and then betrayed by their own colleagues, neighbors, coworkers, and even family. Another useless congress, and the officials are still the same: … Continue reading “Dancing and Having a Good Time at the 8th Congress with the National Symphony of Birania*!”

The Summer when God Slept: “Novels From the Drawer” Prize Winner reprinted for International Distribution

(Photo courtesy of Neo Club Press) I have the pleasure to announce that my work, which won the 2013 International Franz Kafka Novels From the Drawer Prize 2013, “The Summer when God Slept,” will be reprinted in coming weeks by Neo Club Editions, an independent publisher located in Miami and directed by the Cuban writer … Continue reading “The Summer when God Slept: “Novels From the Drawer” Prize Winner reprinted for International Distribution”

The Dictatorship’s Annoying Writer / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba.  This past February 28, Reporters without Borders issued a statement attaching the second Open Letter from Angel Santiesteban to General-President of Cuba, Raul Castro, on exactly the day that the writer finished a year in jail.  Santiesteban published the first letter, addressed to the same leader, on his blog a few days before … Continue reading “The Dictatorship’s Annoying Writer / Lilianne Ruiz”

I Defend My Lawyer / Rene Gomez Manzano

Havana, Cuba, February 2014 – Last week disturbing news circulated throughout the Cuban dissident community: The top permanent body of the National Organization of Collective Law Firms (ONBC) suspended Amelia Rodríguez Cala—the great defender of accused opponents of the regime—from practicing law for a period of six months. As the days passed, additional details about … Continue reading “I Defend My Lawyer / Rene Gomez Manzano”

Opponents’ Attorney Can’t Practice / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba – The attorney Amelia Rodríguez Cala, hired by Gorki Águila to conduct his defense — in a trial against him still unscheduled since it was postponed on 11 February — has been suddenly sanctioned to six months without the ability to practice her profession in court. For this reason, the singer of the … Continue reading “Opponents’ Attorney Can’t Practice / Lilianne Ruiz”

The Trials / Lilianne Ruiz

Ángel Santiesteban, Manuel Cuesta Morúa, and Gorki Águila have in common that they dissent from the Cuban regime. The first was tried in a court so lacking in due process guarantees that he was declared by his attorney to be in a state of defenselessness, based on Cuban law. The witnesses for his defense, who … Continue reading “The Trials / Lilianne Ruiz”