The Unforgivable Crime of Confronting Cubans on Two Sides

This Tuesday, in Havana, the National Revolutionary Police was preventing passage in the areas surrounding the Capitol, as a measure against the anti-government protests of recent days. (EFE / Yander Zamora)

14ymedio biggerThe streets of Centro Habana are overrun with policemen and paramilitaries disguised as civilians. I can easily identify them: the experience of years living under the harassment of surveillance leaves in the harassed the sad ability to discover the hyenas, no matter how hard they try to blend into the urban landscape.

Political police officers swarm on their Suzuki motorcycles which, far from concealing their presence, make them known instead. They want to be seen, they show haughty faces, an arrogant attitude and a great desire to be feared. I am not afraid of them. They are the ones who should feel afraid.

Under the summer heat, common people circulate through portals, line up at stores and fill the buses like any other day. But below the surface, nothing is normal anymore. You do not feel the usual vibe, the ease, the eternal street chatter among Cubans, whether they know each other or not. There is a feeling of anxiety in this silence, or better, in this strange non-dialogue, so alien to us. I am struck by so much silence in people who are usually outgoing, loquacious and chatty.

It is a deceptive silence because continue reading

, in poor neighborhoods like this one, with decades of accumulated shortages and frustrations, is just where popular revolts are forged

It is a deceptive silence because, in poor neighborhoods like this one, with decades of accumulated shortages and frustrations, is just where popular revolts are forged, which broke out on Sunday, July 11th and continue to take place, despite all the disproportionate repressive deployment, riot troops included.

Patrols circulate along Avenida Carlos III with their sirens at full throttle, followed by caravans of repudiators that the Government sends to beat and repress the rebels. They carry sticks tied to their wrists to lash out at the unarmed protesters.

It’s a sad spectacle, to see these Cubans, also poor and deprived of rights, so willing to crush their brothers with hatred and violence just to defend the privileges of the members of the power class, the ones that oppress and humiliate everyone equally. Nothing will save them tomorrow from such shame.

Since Sunday I feel that we are inhabiting a different city, a different country. The scab of fear has cracked and fear has been transferred to power, its henchmen and scribes.

Now the puppet on duty, the jockey of continuity, has committed the unforgivable crime of inciting violence, confronting the Cubans on two sides and, what is worse, has stained his hands with blood.

It is a pity that, with all this, the so-called president has ruined the opportunity to dialogue with the people, who have so generously offered him many civil society voices to seek a way out of the crisis and have him lead the essential process of change. One could not imagine greater ineptness.

Translated by Norma Whiting


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

The Change to Democracy in Cuba Has Started

“Cuba’s communists have no remedy.”

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 12 July 2021 — Cuba’s communists have no remedy. They destroy the economy and peaceful coexistence in the country, and instead of seeking a solution to the devastation they have created, they meet in their exclusive Sanhedrin, the Political Bureau of the party’s central committee, to analyze what they call “provocations orchestrated by counterrevolutionary elements, organized and financed from the United States with destabilizing purposes.”

On the other hand, and it could not be otherwise, they give the highest appraisal  to the “call from comrade Díaz Canel” which, in case someone does not remember it, was a plea to promote the civil confrontation. In this are the Cuban communists in their conclave, which according to official media included the participation of Raúl Castro. Ah! But did anyone think that the last of the Castros had left power?

The sudden call, the messages of support for Díaz Canel and the strange presence of Raúl Castro (strange because some information placed him in Venezuela), confirm what is already known. Cuban communism is in its lowest hours. It does not know what to do against popular movements very critical of the model. People don’t just want aid, medicine and food. People scream for freedom and an end to communism.

This time, the protests, broadcast in real time thanks to telephones and social networks, have not been anticipated by the organs of civil espionage and State Security Intelligence, and thus the communist conclave in which, at a minimum, some pegs are going to be tightened. That’s fine. To the extent that there are people who will receive punishment for continue reading

not having been able to foresee what is happening, and even, for not repressing and punishing the mobilized people with the maximum force, the greater the number of people who will break with the official line and leave their communist militant membership card, and later, you already know. From one day to the next, Ceausescu in Romania, ended up executed by the participants of the same demonstration that he had called in his support.

The lessons that the communists should learn from Díaz Canel from what is happening in Cuba are several and some of them have been anticipated in this blog.

First, that the Cuban people are fed up with communism as an official and political doctrine. That the model of the 2019 constitution does not serve to make the country work, and that the experiments rarely go well, such as the Ordering Task (la Tarea Ordenamiento), and the stores that take payment only in freely convertible currency (MLC).

Second, for the same reason, the people want freedoms and a legal framework for coexistence of a democratic and plural nature. The people do not want a single party and neither do they want the dictatorship of the proletariat. People do not agree with Díaz Canel on many things, but perhaps the most important is that everyone believes that Cuba is a dictatorship, no matter how many rights the leaders list.

Third, that Díaz Canel has failed in just two years and so has his political project. And that before it gets worse, his fate would be to remove him from the presidency. The problem is who to propose, and above all, to do what? Because this is the important thing, regardless of the individuals. To know where Cuba is going.

Fourth, the propaganda of the regime is over. Despite the pressure exerted by this, at all levels, the popular demonstrations show that an discourse that is an alternative to the official Roundtable TV program and the state newspaper Granma has taken hold in the population, showing that the institutional communication policy has also failed.

Fifth, and as a second derivative of the previous one, one cannot be blaming the United States for everything bad, the blockade, the embargo, etc., etc. It is still curious that fewer than 15 days ago the regime obtained a political “victory” in the United Nations by obtaining a large majority against the United States for the embargo, and while that was happening and the official media did nothing but talk about this issue, in Cuba the machinery for social explosion was heating up.

Sixth, the economy is important. The social unrest caused by the popular uprising has much to do with the deterioration of the economy as a result of the Ordering Task that began to be applied on January 1. Last year, with the pandemic at its highest levels, people weathered the crisis and there were no protests. But this year, with the uncontrolled peso exchange rate, triple-digit inflation, nominal wages losing purchasing power, subsidies plummeting, and people distressed by the lack of food, all of them effects of Ordering Task, the situation has changed and the responsibility lies with the government and its stubbornness for implementing an unnecessary policy, poorly designed, poorly executed and lacking in rigor and credibility.

Seventh, to believe that this social outbreak can be controlled and eliminated through the repression of the state security apparatus. Big mistake. The protesters have clearly shouted “we are not afraid” and this message is essential to understanding what is taking place in Cuba, which is a breakdown of the framework of coexistence imposed by the communist regime. More repression will make it very difficult to get out of the hole, what they must do is open spaces or disappear. There is no alternative.

Eighth, international attention to Cuba is at a maximum. Unlike previous crises that could go more or less unnoticed, there is also a general understanding, support and adherence to the people who spontaneously participate in the demonstrations that spread throughout the country. The main world leaders have warned Cuba of the consequences of applying harsh repression against protesters. It will be necessary to see what happens to the disappeared and detained, who number in the hundreds.

Ninth, there is the impression that the institutionality of the regime does not serve to solve the underlying problems that hit the country, and that there is no replacement for it. Raúl Castro’s participation in the communist conclave confirms that there is no future, but that one lives in the past, a remote past that was thought to be surpassed, and that returns to the fore from the worst places in memory.

Tenth, Díaz Canel is wrong to believe that those who support him, the “revolutionaries,” are the owners of the street. He is wrong, because there are really many fewer of them. And if democratic elections were held at this time, the offer led by Díaz Canel could be extra-parliamentary. The communists, who feel supported by their leaders, will change their shirts tomorrow and are at the forefront of political change. It has happened in all dictatorships that have evolved to democracy. And it can happen in Cuba. Ending up alone is very sad.

The seed is in the ground and will bear fruit. As much as they want to achieve the opposite, the people have spoken and done so with first-rate clarity. The leaders, if they were responsible, would go to work. They are not, and for that reason, the worst awaits them, a long agony that can bring about the collapse. Recognizing that Cuba has begun a march towards freedom, political pluralism, democracy and respect for human rights, without the communists, is something more than evident. Trying to stop that process, crazy.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Cuban Government Admits One Death in Protests That Began on Sunday

So far there is no official number of arrests for the protests. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 13 July 2021 — After several complaints from civil society and Cubans on social networks, the Government of the Island acknowledged the first death in the protests of recent days. The deceased is a 36-year-old citizen who participated in a demonstration that took place this Monday at the La Güinera Popular Council, in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, in the Cuban capital.

The victim, identified as  Diubis Laurencio Tejeda, was killed during a clash between protesters and security forces, the Interior Ministry said in a note. In addition to the deceased, “several citizens were arrested” and others “suffered injuries,” including “law enforcement officials.”

Monday’s protest in La Güinera, one of the most depressed areas of Havana, was broadcast in several videos through social networks, despite the fact continue reading

that the Government has kept the internet connection cut off since Sunday.

The images only show dozens of people advancing through the streets shouting slogans such as “Libertad” [Freedom] and “un pueblo unido jamás será vencido” [a people united will never be defeated].

According to the version of the Ministry of the Interior, the protesters “altered order and tried to head towards the National Revolutionary Police Station in that territory, with the aim of attacking its troops and damaging the facility.”

Other videos shared on social networks detail several dead, injured, detained and missing. It is not known precisely how many or where, because the internet and telephone lines are cut off in Cuba, but little by little, via encrypted channels, messaging and social networks, the toll of the repression against the popular uprising is becoming known.

So far there is no official number of arrests, but activists on the island have released a list that includes, at the moment, about 120 people. Among them are prominent activists, artists and journalists, such as Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), Manuel Cuesta MoruaLuis Manuel Otero AlcantaraAmaury PachecoCamila Acosta, and Henry Constantin.

Civil society has also warned that apart from these 120 people, some 5,000 have been imprisoned or are being investigated after the days of protest against the Cuban dictatorship.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Dead, Wounded, and Disappeared, the Imprecise Toll of the Repression after the Protests in Cuba

A badly injured man in an unidentified place on the Island, in one of the videos posted on the internet.

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 2021 — There are deaths, injuries, arrests, and disappearances.  It is unknown precisely how many or where because the internet and telephone lines are cut in Cuba, but little by little, by encrypted channels, messaging, and social networks, the toll of the repression of the popular, massive, and unprecedented uprising, which started Sunday across the country, is becoming known.

“They killed him, they killed him,” screams the crowd that surrounds a badly wounded man in a video shared by user Cubalibre on platforms this Tuesday.  The crowd also rebukes the police who attacked him, on an unidentified street.

A woman from Batabano, in Mayabeque, reported in a video the death of her nephew, amid shouts and expletives against Miguel Diaz-Canel and “his disgusting Communists.”  “They pulled his teeth, set the dogs on him, seven or eight Black Berets beat him,” she said, desperately, and warned: “While the children of the henchmen that you defend are safe in other countries, yours are in Cuba, and they’re going to pay.”

“Facebook groups are reporting several deaths in Batabano tonight, a result of police repression,” reported Jose Raul Gallego, Cuban journalist residing in Mexico.  “Among the names they mention are Aldo and Subyane El Sapo,” he says.  “According to the commentary, they were beaten to death for continue reading

filming the repression.”

Another man called Remy and living in the United States told how they assassinated his brother on the Island in a place he did not mention. “They fell on him with clubs, took out his eyes, his teeth,” he said. “Men kill each other head on, they don’t do what they did to him. I wish they had shot him in the chest or the head and killed him straight out instead of torturing him like that,” the Cuban lamented.

A recording published on Facebook showed the arrival of a gunshot victim at the  Cardenas hospital in Matanzas, which lately has been featured in dramatic news reports for being the epicenter of COVID in Cuba.

“Just as there has never been a protest like this since the time of Hatuey, likewise the repression is brutal,” denounced a Havana priest who wished to remain anonymous. Because of this, he said, “The Government has cut off the internet, precisely so that the truth will not be known.” In the wee hours from Sunday to Monday, as he himself attested, “There were kidnapping, it was terrible, the Police set the dogs on people.”

Through an audio sent by VPN, apologizing for not being able to send video, the priest assured that he is aware that Monday there were “tremendous protests in Camaguey,” from which news of 2,000 injured reached him.

In the capital, he also said, “It’s impossible to do anything;” “it’s militarized” and “under seige,” something that 14ymedio was able to see in a tour around the Capitol. “There is a real army,” said one passerby on seeing the number of police officers, soldiers, and Black Berets, the elite military troops that the Government uses in special circumstances, guarding the place.

Apart from Camaguey, some accounts disseminated on social networks say that on Monday, contrary to what was reported by the official press, which spoke of a “failed skirmish,” protests continued in several places like Guines, Parraga y Arroyo Naranjo, in Havana, or Jovellanos, Matanzas province.

In Guinera, a marginal neighborhood in the capital, it was striking that a housewife was looking after the protesters. “Look out, look out for the rear!” she warned them.

The peace in which Cuba woke up on Monday, the day after the massive protests against the Government in cities all over the Island, demanding food and medicine and shouting “freedom,” was only a facade.  From early on there arrived to this newspaper the accounts of arrestees who had been taken from their homes in Artemisa.

The agency Efe disseminated images of dozens of women gathered at the police station of Zanja in Havana, to find out the whereabouts of their relatives arrested between Sunday and Monday. The place was calm, however, in the afternoon, as this newspaper confirmed.

There is no official arrest figure, but activists on the Island have shared a list that, for now, includes 115 people. Among them are prominent activists, artists, and journalists like Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), Manuel Cuesta Morua, Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara, Amaury Pacheco, Camila Acosta, and Henry Constantin.

Many other anonymous Cubans, who did not even participate in the protests, were arrested or beaten for defending protesters from the attacks by the Police and State Security Agents dressed in civilian clothes.

To report their cases, a Facebook group, “DESAPARECIDOS SOSCuba” [SOSCuba DISAPPEARANCES], has started and in a few hours has been filled with posts.

This refutes what President Miguel Diaz-Canel said in his televised appearance Monday morning. “Already they come out with in Cuba that we repress, assassinate,” the appointed president defended himself with visible anger. “Where are the Cuban murders? Where are the disappearances in Cuba?”

Tuesday Havana awoke with little movement on the streets, and the strong police presence is still evident. The Plaza of the Revolution, the heart of power, for example, is shielded by a military operation. The tense calm continues.

Translated by: Sheilagh Herrera; Mary Lou Keel


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

More than 5,000 Detained in Cuba, Including 120 Activists and Journalists

The regime’s cutting off of internet services has prevented reports of arrests from coming to light promptly. (Screen capture)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 2021 — The wave of arrests in Cuba for the protests that began this Sunday continues to come to light. Several complaints from civil society collected by 14ymedio and others, which are trickling in from social networks and instant messaging applications, confirm that there are more than 5,000 people imprisoned or being investigated, among them more than 120 activists and independent journalists.

Olga Xiomara García Rivas, a resident of the municipality of Alquízar, in the province of Artemisa, reported to this newspaper that her husband, the activist Nomar Castellanos Romero, was arrested this Monday at their home. “At seven in the morning they took him away. Two patrols came with about ten policemen and they took him away handcuffed. They have him at the station here in Alquízar.”

García Rivas stated that they want to blame her husband for being the leader of the demonstrations that occurred in the municipality. “As he has many posts on Facebook against the Government denouncing all the things and barbarities that happen here and for his participation in the Emilia Project and in the Union for Free Cuba Party, they want to prosecute him as if he were the leader of the protest.”

Castellanos Romero belongs to these opposition projects, says his wife, but “he was not the one who launched the people into the streets, everyone went because they wanted to. He launched himself into the streets like a great part of the people did.”

Amanda Hernández Celaya is only 18 years old. She is a professional dancer. On July 11 she was heading to rehearsals continue reading

for a video clip. The car she was riding in along with other co-workers stopped on the esplanade of La Punta, in Havana, because the traffic was interrupted by the crowd protesting against the dictatorship.

“When she got out of the vehicle, she began to film what was happening with her cell phone and almost immediately she was detained by the forces of order,” the young woman’s aunt, the independent journalist Miriam Celaya, told this newspaper.

After hours without knowing Amanda’s whereabouts, her family learned that they first took her to the Fourth Station and from there they transferred her to the station at 100th and Aldabó. “The mother asked and the officers told her that the young woman is under investigation,” added Celaya.

The regime’s cutting off of internet services has prevented reports of the arrests from coming to light promptly. This was the case of the playwright Yunior García Aguilera, one of the protagonists in the November 27 meeting with the Vice Minister of Culture, Fernando Rojas. The artist spread through messaging and on his Facebook profile hours, after being released, what the detainees experienced in front of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), in Havana.

There he says, upon seeing the images of the protest in San Antonio de los Baños, a group of artists to requested “15 minutes in front of the Cuban television cameras to exercise the right to reply, to make a call to resolve our conflicts by democratic means, condemn the repression and find a solution without blood to the total crisis we Cubans are experiencing.”

“We didn’t mind being called naive, again, from any extreme,” he explains. “For us, staying at home with our arms crossed, watching the fratricide from a sofa, was not an option. We know, like few others (because we have lived it before), that rage is deaf, but we had to try.”

After the attempt at dialogue, García says, “a horde of radical conservatives and several Rapid Response groups denied us the minimum space of 15 minutes.” The group was beaten, forcibly dragged and thrown “on a cargo truck, like a sack of rubble.” They were taken to the Vivac Detention Center where they remained under arrest until Monday afternoon. “We saw dozens of young people arrive and we gradually learned about the protests in various areas of the country.”

In the multiple interrogations that the detainees went through, he says, “it was clear that no one from outside directed us to go out into the street, that absolutely no one paid us a penny for doing what we did. But we also made our position and our ideas of CHANGE very clear, in a country that is not stopping its own fall into the abyss.”

The group of artists was released under a precautionary measure and an investigation process is being carried out against them. “Those from Vivac who were at the ICRT, we all left, but there are still brothers imprisoned or disappeared, among them, Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez Yong. No one can silence our right to be honest, to demand that they release all of them and to express what we feel” demanded the playwright.

“Cuba is crying, Martí is crying right now from his grave. Let’s save our land from hatred and barbarism. Let all those guilty of this nightmare resign! Let all worthy Cubans who do not share the fascist discourse rise from their silence!” Garcia concluded.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Raul Castro Attends Meeting to Defend Repression Against Cuban Protestors

Cubans living in Mexico, for and against the regime, clashed this Monday in demonstrations at the gates of the Cuban consulate in the Mexican capital. (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 13 July 2021 — Raúl Castro, who is supposed to be out of power since he resigned as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the last Congress, reappeared this Monday, according to official media, at a meeting of the Political Bureau to address the massive protests that started on Sunday.

Chaired by the current first secretary of the PCC and designated president Miguel Díaz-Canel, it “analyzed the provocations orchestrated by counterrevolutionary elements, organized and financed from the United States with destabilizing purposes,” says the official press, which does not offer any image of the former president.

“The members of the highest party organ also addressed the exemplary response of the people to the call of comrade Díaz-Canel to defend the Revolution in the streets, which allowed the subversive actions to be defeated,” the report added.

Not one iota of self-criticism is perceived at the top of the Cuban power structure. Thus, in his television appearance on Monday, Díaz-Canel once again blamed the United States for destabilizing the country through a “media campaign” on social networks and independent media. continue reading

The number of deaths, wounded, detained and disappeared by the State Security after the demonstrations, which continued to take place this Monday, is uncertain, but the testimonies from ordinary citizens have multiplied these numbers.

The usual allies, notably Venezuela and Nicaragua, but also Argentina, Mexico and Russia, spoke in favor of the regime and against the sanctions of the United States.

The Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, was one of the first to call Díaz-Canel and show his support in the face of the protests.

“From this dialogue table and this presidential palace, I ratify, as I said yesterday by phone, to President Miguel Díaz-Canel all the support of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the people of Cuba, to the revolutionary government of Cuba,” said Maduro this Monday in a ceremony with a minority group of the opposition.

To Cuba, he said, “they have applied the same method of suffocation, of persecution for 60 years,” and asked, following the island’s propaganda: “If the United States and the extremist opponents in Cuba really want to alleviate and help the people of Cuba, let them immediately lift all sanctions and the blockade against the people of Cuba.”

From Nicaragua, the marriage formed by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo also contacted the Cuban president to express their support. Murillo even compared the anti-government demonstrations on the island on Sunday with those experienced by Nicaragua in April 2018, and accused the United States of using in Cuba “that same format that we knew.”

Those protests, classified by the Nicaraguan Executive as an “attempted coup,” left at least 328 dead, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), although local organizations raise the figure to 684 and the Government recognizes 200.

Murillo offered his words just hours after the United States revoked the US visas of 100 legislators, prosecutors, judges and other officials of the Nicaraguan Judicial Power, for facilitating “the regime’s assaults on democracy and human rights.”

For its part, Russia expressed, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that it is “following the development” of the situation in Cuba while stating that any attempt to “destabilize the country from abroad” is “unacceptable,” referring to a alleged interference by the United States. For the Russian Foreign Ministry, “the Cuban authorities are taking all the necessary measures to restore public order for the benefit of their citizens.”

In similar terms, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, expressed his “solidarity with the Cuban people,” urging them to seek “a solution through dialogue, without the use of force, without confrontation, without violence.” At the same time, he criticized the “unusual information display” of the Cuban protests promoted “by those who do not agree with the policies of the Government of Cuba” and asked the United States “to suspend the blockade.”

The opinion of the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, was the same. “I do not know exactly the dimension of the Cuban problem,” he declared. “What I am clear about, as Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, is that if we are really concerned with Cuba in a humanitarian sense, let’s end the blockades.”

Asked about the demands expressed in the protests registered this Sunday in Cuba, Fernández said that “all these things are problems that the peoples have to solve.”

On the other hand, the president of the House Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States Congress, Democrat Gregory Meeks, asked President Joe Biden on Monday to lift the economic sanctions against Cuba imposed by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

“Cubans face great difficulties due to the economic and health impacts of COVID-19, the entrenched culture of corruption and mismanagement among Cuban leaders and the strict sanctions cruelly imposed by the Trump Administration,” Meeks said in a statement.

“I call on President Biden to help alleviate the suffering in Cuba by rescinding the sanctions,” added the congressman, who declared that “Cubans are angry and have every right to express their frustrations and participate in peaceful protests” and warned that “basic freedoms must be respected, not punished.”

Biden was asked on Monday when he would be willing to change Trump’s Cuba policy, but he avoided answering. “We will have more to say about Cuba and Haiti as this week progresses. Stay tuned.”

COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Residents of Central Havana Live the Nightmare of a Building Collapse

Some residents of the building had been complaining for a long time that the property is in very bad condition. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 8 July 2021 — Shortly after 11 p.m. on Wednesday, part of the building that occupies the corner of San Lázaro and Galiano, in Central Havana, collapsed. The property is inhabited by multiple families, and for years, according to a resident, “it could not withstand a punch.”

According to the official press “no injuries are reported” after the fall of a good part of the building’s eaves, which are halfway between the neoclassical and baroque styles. The crash coincided with the Covid-19 curfew time in the Cuban capital, on a corner that was commonly extremely crowded in other circumstances.

Traffic was diverted from the early hours of Thursday, to allow for the collection of the debris. In a visit by 14ymedio to the area, the presence of government officials was notable and a demolition crane was seen working in the area.

On the part of the building where the eaves collapsed, no signs of people residing in the apartments were visible, but on the other side there were clothes hanging out to dry and some people leaning out of the windows. continue reading

For a long time, the residents have been complaining that the building is in very bad condition. “It’s a nightmare, people live there but at any moment it could collapse completely. For years the building has been in poor condition, and it is a miracle that it hasn’t collapsed,” said one of the residents of the area, who was rubbernecking this morning from the corner of Galiano.

“I just passed a section of San Lázaro street that goes from Belascoaín to Galiano and the truth is that you can’t walk on the sidewalk. I came down the middle of the street because everything is falling down, all the balconies, the facades, the buildings, no one should live here, it’s scary to walk around here,” said another resident in the area.

Central Havana is one of the most populated municipalities in the capital and is an area that, for decades, has been characterized by the high presence of tenements, mostly with infrastructure problems and overcrowding. Many of its buildings were built at the beginning of the 20th century and have not received repairs beyond painting the facade painting for more than fifty years.

The building occupies the corner of San Lázaro and Galiano, in Centro Habana. (14ymedio)

The buildings near the Malecón suffer especially from the effects of the saltpeter and none of the various government programs have solved the problem of the frequent collapses.

Last April, a man was seriously injured when two buildings and part of a third collapsed on Malecón avenue. The buildings were semi-dilapidated, enclosed by metal fences, uninhabited and at the time of the collapse they were being demolished by construction workers.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

A Man Stabs Several People in Vibora Park, Havana

The attacks occurred in a multifamily building in Víbora Park, in the Havana municipality of Arroyo Naranjo.

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, July 8, 2021 — A man stabbed several people in a multi-family building in Víbora Park, in the Havana municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, and then committed suicide, leaving at least two dead and three injured, according to information that has not yet been confirmed in the official media.

A neighbor in the area tells 14ymedio that the alleged perpetrator lived alone in the building where the violent events occurred and says that the attacker had seemed like “a decent person.”

“He attacked the neighbors of his building with a knife, killed a lady and wounded five, then set fire to his apartment and threw himself off the roof. It seems that he went crazy,” adds this neighbor. continue reading

According to internet posts by other witnesses of the events, the attacker caused the instant death of at least one person and seriously injured five others, including a couple in their 40s and a teenager.

A video shared on social media showed the moment when police and firefighters arrived at the crime scene. It also recorded the body of a woman lying on the sidewalk, and another woman being transferred by uniformed men to an ambulance to receive medical attention. The body of the alleged killer lay at the entrance of the building.

Other neighbors reported that they heard several sirens in the neighborhood and because of the uproar they thought it was a fight between residents.

No official version has yet been made public by the authorities or the state press.

What happened today in Víbora Park:

— EL FIFO (@FIFOCastro) July 8, 2021


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Psychiatric Patient Unable to Get Medications Murders Her Mother in Havana

In recent months is has become impossible to get antibiotics, pain medications, or any type of antidepressant anxiety drugs in Cuban pharmacies. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger 14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, July 10, 2021 — Norma would have turned 79 on July 8, but her life ended in mid-February, when her daughter Olga Nidia, who suffers from psychiatric problems, allegedly beat her to death in the Havana municipality of Cerro, according to accounts collected by 14ymedio.

Cuba’s health crisis has claimed many direct and indirect victims. Olga is a woman in her 50s, dependent on various medications to control her mental illness. She needs everything from sedatives like amitriptyline to tranquilizers like alprazolam, but the supply of these drugs is increasingly unstable in the network of state pharmacies.

Olguita, as her neighbors call her, stopped getting the pills that kept her calm and allowed her to lead a normal life. Unable to continue with treatment, this psychiatric patient fell into several violent crises, ending with a fatal victim: her own mother.

The neighbors of Santovenia Alley, between Patria and Lindero, are outraged because five months after the tragic incident, no justice has arrived for the late Norma, nor medicines for Olguita. continue reading

“I’ve known her for more than 20 years and she’s always been a bit mentally unbalanced, with periodic blow-ups, which were controlled with her medications. It all started with the instability of supplies to the pharmacies. In a short time you could notice the change in her treatment of the neighbors, and you heard the frequent fights from inside her house with the mother and the husband, who was an alcoholic,” a neighbor told 14ymedio.

Norma León, Olguita’s mother, had worked the last ten years before her retirement as a cleaning assistant at the Central Havana Pediatric Hospital. Her coworkers remember her as a kind lady, who was always ready to help others. After retiring, various health conditions made her an invalid; for two years she remained at bed rest under her daughter’s care.

The last months of Norma’s life were terrible due to the mistreatment that she suffered during each of her daughter’s episodes. “She would beat her all kinds of ways, like with the hospital bed-pan, or she would shove her head against the refrigerator. Then when it was time to feed her, she would put the spoon in her mouth so brutally that that it broke her teeth. Many times I confronted the daughter and gave her advice, but all I got in return were insults and disrespect from her,” says another neighbor.

On many occasions, Norma was left alone in the house for several hours while her daughter went to the house of friends in El Vedado. “When Olguita returned and found that the mother had defecated or urinated, then came the blows, the screams, and the mistreatment. The day that Norma died, there was one of those episodes when Olguita was uncontrollable; apparently the mother’s tired body could take no more. I saw the daughter run out of the house to call a neighbor. I heard her say: ’Hurry, something’s wrong with my mother and she doesn’t answer.’ When the man left, we learned that she had died.”

When a doctor from the polyclinic appeared on the scene and observed Norma’s condition, he decided to call in a forensic expert. “That’s how the place was filled with policemen. Then, one of them told us that the death was caused by a heavy blow. But we were surprised to see that they didn’t even take Olguita into custody. She tried to have her mother’s body cremated, but the authorities didn’t allow it,” says another of the neighbors.

“Days later they summoned her to a police station in Old Havana, but she returned the same day. Then they summoned her five other times but nothing happened, she’s still in her house,” the woman added. “She has moments of calm, but most of the time she is complaining and talking to herself, especially after her husband, a cancer victim, also died about three months ago; alcohol took its toll. You can imagine how she is, and without medication, worse every day.”

Neighbors report that no social workers or representatives of the Federation of Cuban Women ever appeared at Norma’s home, despite the fact that the doctor from the medical office was aware of Olguita’s lack of medicines and her mistreatment of her mother.

The serious situation that the country is experiencing due to the lack of medicines did not begin with the pandemic, but it has worsened since March 2020. In recent months the list of drugs available in the island’s pharmacies has diminished and it is practically impossible to get antibiotics, analgesics, or any type of anti-anxiety medication. In addition, the supply cycle in these state agencies went from being every week to every two weeks, a scenario that ends up inflicting more anguish on patients who now have to stand in long lines, sometimes up to two days, to be able to buy what little does arrive.

At the end of last year, government officials warned that due to “financial pressures” the list of drugs in the “basic table” would be very “tight” during 2021. The shortage has affected hospitals throughout the country, and the network of international pharmacies, which, despite their high prices, many Cubans resort to in desperation.

Translated by Tomás A.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

House-to-House Arrests in Artemisa After a Sunday of Protests Across Cuba

Demonstration this July 11 in Alquízar, Artemisa. (Screen capture)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, July 12, 2021 — The calm this Monday, after the massive protests this Sunday in several Cuban cities, is only on the surface. From the early hours of the day, reports multiply of arrests, repression, and police violence, without many details: the information comes in a trickle because internet service is still cut off on the island.

In Havana, the artists Raúl Prado, Yunior García, Solveig Font, Gretel Medina, Juan Carlos Calahorra, Daniel Triana and Reynier Díaz, who had been arrested in front of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television, remain in the detention center known as Vivac, near Calabazar. García’s girlfriend, Dayana Prieto Espinosa, reported by telephone to 14ymedio that some, including her partner, were beaten during the arrest. At this time, Prieto, accompanied by Fernando Pérez, is speaking with an officer inside Vivac to get news of those arrested.

They also arrested Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, leader of the San Isidro Movement, as well as Manuel Cuesta Morúa and Amaury Pacheco, who have been missing since they were taken off a bus in the capital.

From the city of Alquízar, Artemisa, there are reports of police operations and arrests against several of the participants in Sunday’s demonstration. “In my neighborhood they’ve already taken two young people and I’m waiting for them to come looking for me too, because I was one of those who protested,” a young man living in the center of the city explains to this newspaper. continue reading

Alquízar was one of the many Cuban municipalities where hundreds of people took to the streets demanding freedom, the end of the dictatorship, and a democratic change on the island. “There were people of all ages, even very old people, who came out with their pots* to protest because in this town there is nothing to eat. We are dying from lack of necessities and medicines.”

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said Monday, in an appearance with members of his government team, that the protests are aimed at “discrediting the Government and the Revolution” and “fracturing the unity of our people” and insisted that this is another chapter of the “unconventional war” that is being carried out against “all the revolutionary movements,” including Venezuela, and once again holding the United States responsible.

For the president, it is an “overheated media” campaign on social networks that has focused on the shortages to cause social upheaval. The source of dissatisfaction, he said again, is “the blockade.”

In addition, Díaz-Canel reported that “one of the first calls we received yesterday of solidarity, of support, of understanding, was precisely that of brother President Nicolás Maduro of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

The president clarified that the appearance this morning is an initiative considered for days “to provide information to the people” about the situation in the country, which is going through the worst moment of the pandemic and a severe economic crisis translated into shortages of food, medicine, and power outages.

Several ministers, including two from the Department of Energy, are appearing with Díaz-Canel on the television program, answering questions from a group of journalists from state media.

Both attributed the blackouts — one of the causes that led to the start of the protests on Sunday — to breakdowns in the island’s main thermoelectric plants, as well as increase in energy demand, and gave assurances that regular service will be restored by this Tuesday.

Thousands of Cubans took to the streets yesterday to protest against the Government, shouting for freedom on a historic day, to which Díaz-Canel reacted by a televised call for people to go out to confront the protesters and defend the Revolution.

When these citizens had left, in the late afternoon, the alternative demonstration of support for the Government went through the streets of Havana shouting “I am Fidel!”, “Cuba yes, Yankees no” and “Down with the blockade.”

The United States “has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars for subversion in our country and imposes a genocidal blockade, principally responsible for economic deficiencies,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez wrote on Twitter this Monday.

“The White House National Security Advisor lacks the political and moral authority to speak about Cuba,” he added, referring to Washington’s request that the rights and integrity of the protesters be respected.

*Translator’s note: Banging on pots and pans is a common form of protest in many countries, including Cuba.

Translated by Tomás A.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

‘Something is Wrong in the Laboratories’ of Cuba, Says Russian Consul in Defense of Her Compatriots

“Freedom! We are prisoners in Cuba of Iberostar [tourist company]”, cry the Russian tourists in quarantine. (Katerina Tyuleneva / Instagram)
14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, July 5, 2021 — Daily reports of the pandemic continue to pile up records in Cuba – 21 deaths*, the highest number since the start of the health crisis in March 2020 – and include a growing number of Russian tourists, who express their outrage on social media over alleged grievances.

Cuba is experiencing a phase of community-wide transmission of the disease, with 3,075 new cases this Monday, after the record of daily infections (3,519) was broken on Sunday for the third consecutive day. The Island has accumulated 207,322 sick and 1,372 dead so far.

Of the total infections this Monday, diagnosed by processing 38,828 PCR tests, 2,999 were native cases and 79 had a foreign source of infection.

In the most recent days, imported cases have risen. More than 150 Russian tourists who arrived in Varadero in the last week are isolated in their hotels after testing positive for COVID-19. continue reading

Russia’s Consul General in Havana, Nana Mgeladze, explained to Sputnik that on one of the flights that arrived on June 30, 33 people tested positive, including crew members. In addition, another 130 Russian nationals who entered before June 29 remain in quarantine, including a man who experienced health complications and was transferred to a hospital in Havana.

Many of the travelers have expressed their displeasure on social networks, claiming that they had been vaccinated and flew to the island with negative PCR results from tests they took the day before flying. “Imagine the degree of outrage of our tourists, who have been rushed through, with no explanation why. The Cubans don’t comment on those results. One could come to the conclusion that something is wrong in the laboratories,” said Mgeladze.

On her Instagram account, the Russian Katerina Tyuleneva published a video in which you can see more than a dozen tourists, including children, who have been confined in a hotel. The woman warns other potential travelers to “think it over a hundred times” before arranging a vacation on the island. She also laments the little support received from consular officials of her country.

“Does the Russian Embassy in Cuba have no authority nor capacity to help the Russians?” asks a commenter in the Tyuleneva post. “Intervene in the situation! This is arbitrariness!” Another person warns that “officials freeze” and recommends that tourists take their complaint “to the media.”

“All that money, those lost vacation days, and frayed nerves, but in the end everything goes down the drain,” responds another commentator who hopes that “all the misunderstanding will be resolved shortly and they can enjoy at least a few days of vacation.”

The tourists will have to stay in their rooms and they are undergoing second and third tests “depending on the day of their arrival,” added Mgeladze.

Last week, local employees of tourist facilities in Varadero complained to this newspaper about the attitude of the Russians, who don’t wear masks or comply with safety measures.

Despite this, the resort tourist who has been restricted is not the foreigner but the Cuban national, and those affected denounce a new apartheid.

Currently the worst health situation in the country is in Matanzas, which in the last week has reported 5,831 sick. The provincial capital, and Cárdenas, Colón, Limonar, Los Arabos and Jagüey Grande, are the six municipalities with the highest rate of infections, with an incidence of 569 per 100,000 inhabitants, and the most positive cases.

The country, with the average registered in the last week, is ranked 15th by nations worldwide with the most daily confirmed cases and is fifth in Latin America. “Its average is higher than that reported for South America, the most difficult region in the world at the moment,” Amilcar Perez Rivero, a Cuban scientist living in Brazil,  posted on his Twitter account. “The situation is serious.”

*Translator’s note: Between the time of this article and its translation, the numbers have continued to rise.

Translated by Tomás A.


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The Eyes of the World Are on Cuba

A protester in Havana is arrested by a police officer and an undercover State Security agent during protests on July 11.

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 12, 2021 — Injuries, threats and arbitrary arrests were the culmination of massive and unprecedented protests that took place across Cuba on Sunday, a story that made the front pages of the world’s newspapers today.

Among those arrested or attacked was Associated Press photographer Ramon Espinosa, an action that was condemned by Amnesty International on Sunday.

“It’s 9:30 to 11:30 and protests in Cuba are continuing,” wrote Erika Guevara Rosas, Amnesty’s Mexico-based director for the Americas on Twitter. “There have been reports of several people being injured by police gunfire, arbitrary arrests, threats, attacks on journalists, including an AP photographer, a strong military presence on the streets and an intolerant government.”

Several images posted on social media show Espinosa injured in the face. continue reading

In a previous message Guevara Rosas said, “In an unprecedent move thousands of people went out to peacefully protest at several locations in Cuba,” adding that President Diaz-Canel “is blaming imperialist mercenaries and sell-outs, calling upon supporters to violently oppose them.”

She added that, with these actions, the Cuban president “makes it clear that his government is a human rights violator and a oppressor.”

Other organizations, governments and world leaders also condemned Diaz-Canel’s speech on state televsion in which he called on government sympathizers to attack peaceful protesters.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) denounced the use of force and aggression by the country’s security forces  and demanded that the Cuban government respect the right to protest and allow democratic expression in the country.

In several Twitter posts the IACHR expressed disappointment over “stigmatizing reactions by high-level officials against people who demonstrate.”

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, was forceful in expressing his condemnation of Cuba’s “dictatorial regime” for “calling on civilians to repress” and for promoting confrontation against those leading the protests against the government. “The order has been given. Revolutionaries, take to the streets,” the Cuban president exhorted in his address.

“We recognize the legitimate claim by Cuban society for medicine, food and fundamental freedoms. We condemn Cuba’s dictatorial regime for calling on civilians to repress and confront those who exercise their right to protest,” Almagro tweeted.

The U.S. response was measured. In a message on Twitter Julie Chung, acting undersecretary of state at the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs,” wrote, “We are deeply concerned about ’calls to combat’ in Cuba,” underscoring the American administration’s support for the right of Cubans to demonstrate peacefully.

Chung also called for calm and condemned violence.

Shortly afterwards, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized that “the United States supports freedom of expression and assembly in Cuba” as “universal rights.”

Asked about the situation in Cuba when he arrived at the White House tonight after spending the weekend at his residence in Wilmington, Delaware, President Joe Biden avoided journalists’ questions.

At a press conference in Miami’s City Hall, Mayor Francis Suarez said that “the eyes of the world are on Cuba,” adding that the Cuban regime will show its “true face” if it represses the peaceful protesters who have taken to the streets to demand “freedom” and to shout “down with the dictatorship.”

As the press conference was taking place, the Versailles restaurant — a gathering place for the Cuban community in Miami during important events in Cuba — was filled with supporters of the those who were protesting in various cities and towns on the island.

Traffic on Calle Ocho in Miami’s Little Havana had to be blocked off due to the number of people gathered there.

Exile community leaders from the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance stressed that the departure of the Castro regime “is not negotiable.” They asked the Cuban people not to return to their homes tonight, to remain in the streets, arguing that this is the only way to achieve their aims.

Protesters chanted,”It’s over,” a phrase from the chorus of “Patria y Vida,” an anti-communist anthem, along with “They are not alone.”

They demanded that the police and the military stand on the “right side,” referring to the people clamoring for freedom. They added that the future of Cuba lies in the hands of the armed forces and how they act in the face of the popular uprising.

Former Miami mayor Joe Carollo went further, demanding that the Biden administration invoke the Monroe doctrine to prevent interventions by other countries in support of the Cuban regime.

A Republican congresswoman from Florida, Maria Elvira Salazar, compared the demonstrations on Sunday with the so-called Maleconazo uprising on August 5, 1994 and believed that this could be “the beginning of the end” of the communist regime, which has been in power since 1959.

In her opinion, Cuba is experiencing a “perfect storm” after 62 years of dictatorship and the worsening of a bad economic situation due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Carollo also said that freedom in Cuba could also lead to freedom in Nicaragua and Venezuela, referring to the Cuban regime as “the serpent’s head” of Latin America.

In Venezuela, Juan Guaido also expressed support for the demonstrations. “We reiterate our support for the entire pro-democracy movement in Cuba,” he tweeted this Sunday. “We are united in the struggle to see ourselves free and democratic.”

In the same social media post, he wrote, “The desire for change, freedom and the demand for fundamental rights are unstoppable forces,” adding at the end one of the protesters’ slogans: “Homeland and Life!”

The European Union, which did not issue a statement on Sunday, scheduled a foreign ministers’ meeting on Monday to discuss matter. “We know that important demonstrations are taking place in Cuba and other parts of the world as a result of cuts in communication systems. We will undoubtedly comment on this issue,” said the representative for EU foreign policy, Josep Borrell, in statements to the press upon his arrival in Brussels for face-to-face meetings.

In a tweet one day earlier, EU deputy Jose Ramon Bauza lashed out against Brussels’ common policy towards the island. “People in Cuba have taken to the streets against the regime. Cubans have had enough and the European Union bears direct responsibility for the extreme situation to which the Diaz-Canel dictatorship has led them,” he wrote. He noted that the EU’s 2016 agreement on political dialogue and cooperation with Cuba “is an economic lifeline, but above all a political one for the regime, despite the fact that Havana systematically violates its human rights clause.”

Politicians and international media outlets have compared Sunday’s protests to the so-called Maleconazo uprising in Havana on August 5, 1994. Though there have not been other such outbreaks on the island since then, the number of people demonstrating on Sunday appears to be unprecedented.

This time protests are not limited to the capital. They have broken out in several places, large and small: San Antonio de los Baños in Artemisa province, Santiago de Cuba, San Jose de las Lajas in Mayabeque province, and Cienfuegos and Cardenas in Matanzas province, the current epicenter of Covid outbreaks on the island.

Another difference from the protests of twenty-seven years ago, whose goals were very poorly articulated, is the use of the slogans. Sunday’s demonstrations resounded with shouts of “Down with Díaz-Canel,” “Libertad” and “Patria y Vida.”

Technology that did not exist in 1994 played a key role on Sunday in spite of internet services being disrupted throughout the country. Videos shared on social media were not only a source of information, they also served as an incentive, having generated enormous public sympathy from the beginning.

The number of citizens participating in the protests far exceeds anything seen in more than 60 years. The protests do not appear to have been organized by the opposition but rather seem to be driven by frustration over shortages, homelessness and hopelessness exacerbated by the the latest wave of the pandemic.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

In Guantanamo There is ‘Only One Ambulance’ for Covid Patients

Days ago, Cuban health authorities reported that the Alpha, Beta and Gamma variants of the coronavirus are circulating in the province, which had increased serious and critical cases. (Screen capture)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 8 July 2021 — After one of the most dramatic videos about the Cuban health crisis was broadcast on social networks on Tuesday, showing the death of a man in Guantánamo, the health authorities of that province recognized that they lack the resources to face the increase in positive cases of Covid-19.

In the recording, medical personnel are seen trying to revive a patient on a stretcher placed to the the side of the stairs of a field hospital set up at the University of Guantánamo. In addition, other patients are shouting that the health workers were not paying attention to the sick man. “There are no ethics or morals here,” they rebuked them.

“Today we have one ambulance for the treatment of almost the entire province,” acknowledged an official in a report on Wednesday from Cuban Television, detailing several cases that required emergency transfers and saying she had no way to assist them. continue reading

The latest deaths in the province, says the official media report, is a result of the “insufficient organization of the processes of” healthcare and “lack of emergency resources to respond to the complex situation that may arise in institutions for suspected and confirmed cases.”

“We do not have, for example, defibrillators, in the event that a patient’s heart stops, which is what has happened,” added the official without making direct reference to the death of the patient in the field hospital. However, the televised material illustrated his words with images of the case.

However, another official, when speaking of the deceased, said that the doctors tried to revive him “with all the resources” after he suffered “an arrest” and “the SIUM (Integrated System of Medical Emergencies) was called quickly.” The patient 77-year-old “did not suffer from anything, he only had Covid.”

“The ambulance didn’t take even 15 minutes to arrive, that is, the transfer of the patient was very fast,” added the woman, who says that the patient died “near the hospital.”

Days ago, the health authorities had reported that the Alpha, Beta and Gamma variants of the coronavirus are circulating in the province, which had increased serious and critical cases. They also explained that patients “progress to gravity in a short time.” For their part, doctors who work in intensive care units mention that the greatest complication of COVID patients is “respiratory distress.”

In the press report of this Wednesday it is reported that the Provincial Defense Council assigned another 12 beds to the Intensive Therapy room of the Dr. Agusthino Neto General Teaching Hospital.

On the other hand, in the face of “the Covid-19 catastrophe on the Island” which “has exposed pre-existing national problems and precipitated the country into an extreme humanitarian crisis,” the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) advocated for international solidarity and the support of Cubans living abroad.

In a statement published this Wednesday, the NGO calls on the island’s authorities “to enable and support the solidarity flow of material and human resources” of Cuban emigrants and to help implement a “civic and solidarity chain” that includes humanitarian flights and ocean transport.

It also affirms that “the Cuban Government has an ethical obligation to accept this emergency aid,” as well as to authorize the arrival of “additional Cuban health personnel,” as they support the initiatives of emigrated doctors and their organizations abroad which have offered to assist their colleagues on the island.

The FHRC clarifies that “this tragedy can be an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate, in practice, their love for their country above all differences. To block shipments would be a crime against humanity.”

The organization also reiterated the request it made two weeks ago to the US State Department to “offer a donation of medicine and food worth up to 10 million dollars, apart from the fact that the embargo does not prohibit the sale of these supplies” to Cuba.

On Thursday, July 8, Cuba registered two new absolute daily records* since the beginning of the pandemic: that of cases of Covid-19 with 3,819 and that of deaths with 26, including a two-month-old baby, as reported by the Ministry of Public Health.

The previous maximum of infections reported in a day had occurred yesterday with 3,664, and the number of deaths on Monday, with 21.

*Translator’s note: as of July 12 these numbers are continuing to climb and set new records daily.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Henry Reeve Medical Contingent Sent to Azerbaijan a Year Ago Returns to Cuba

The contingent arrives in Cuba at a critical moment, when Covid infections continue to rise. (Ministry of Health)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 9 July 2021 —  With the habitual pomp and publicity from the Cuban Government, the contingent of medical workers from the Henry Reeve Brigade that had been sent to Azerbaijan last year to help fight the Covid pandemic landed at the José Martí airport in Havana on Thursday.

The official press mentioned that the group, which worked at the Baku General Hospital, is made up of 113 people: 53 doctors, 49 nurses, two graduates in Electromedicine, two in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, two in Hygiene and Epidemiology, two in Imaging, one in Virology, a language teacher and a “Health Administrator.” However, in the news of his departure, on July 12, 2020, it was reported that he was made up of 115 people.

At the time, the island’s foreign minister, Bruno Rodríguez, wrote on his Twitter account that the mission in the Eurasian country “will be to share Cuba’s experience against the pandemic and will reinforce the cooperation that these times demand.” continue reading

 With regards to the care for the coronavirus, the state newspaper Granma highlighted on Friday that “they gave the courses of Action Protocol for patients with Covid-19: Mechanical Ventilation and Gasometry and Hydromineral Balance.” The official note states that the contingent carried out “77,390 medical appointments” and “saved 1,960 lives.” Among the tasks carried out, Granma also highlights the assistance to 287 pregnant women and 31 “major operations” (without specifying whether or not they have to do with the pandemic).

It was the first time that the Island sent its doctors to Azerbaijan, where the coronavirus has claimed 4,980 lives and has left a total of 336,788 confirmed cases so far, according to an independent count from John Hopkins University in the United States.

This contingent arrives in Cuba at a critical time, when infections in the country are continuing to rise. The Brigade was mobilized this week to help in the hospitals in Matanzas province, which are completely overwhelmed by the situation.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Cuban Citizens Mobilize to Help the Province of Matanzas

A part of the medicines and medical supplies collected through these campaigns has reached Matanzas this week. (Facebook)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 10 July 2021 — Cuban citizens have mobilized to help Matanzas, the province with the most serious situation due to COVID-19. Cuban emigrants, opponents, activists and international organizations are compiling donations and also advocating for the creation of a humanitarian corridor to Cuba in the face of the acute health crisis that the country is experiencing.

Dozens of complaints in different provinces, mainly Matanzas, have shown the collapse of hospitals, deaths of covid patients in homes, lack of medicines and medical supplies and insufficient attention from the Cuban health system. With the hashtag #SOSCuba, social networks have made dozens of these cases visible.

For its part, the Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba, recently created in Cuba, issued a Declaration of Humanitarian Crisis this Saturday in which it states that “the chaotic health situation in Matanzas” reflects “a triple crisis” in Cuba: of leadership, of model and of human rights.” continue reading

“It is cruel nonsense that many of our countrymen don’t have the necessary and basic resources to successfully face the COVID-19 pandemic and that the Government prevents others from helping, and even persecutes those who try to help the ones who need it most,” denounced the Council, made up of opponents, activists and independent journalists.

In addition, they expressed their support for the position of the Free Cuban Medical Association that requests “an urgent humanitarian intervention” in Cuba, and for the campaign promoted by Cuban emigrants who “ask the Government of Cuba, solely responsible for this crisis, to create a humanitarian aid corridor to alleviate the consequences of a self-inflicted disaster situation.”

“It is cruel nonsense that many of our countrymen don’t have the necessary and basic resources to successfully face the COVID-19 pandemic”

Contrary to accepting aid from Cubans outside the island, from international organizations or from other countries, “the government continues to be stuck in a mixture of arrogance and immature petulance, believing that only it can face a complex situation.” The result of this refusal, continues the Council, is “the combination of a potential famine with a health crisis on automatic pilot”, denounces the Council.

From Spain, with the tags #SOSCuba, #SOSMatanzas and #CorredorHumanitarioYa, several activists have created, on digital platforms such as, appeals to request logistical support and diplomatic mediation in the creation of a humanitarian corridor to Cuba. This is the case of the initiative managed by Massiel Rubio to send medicines and medical supplies from Madrid.

According to Rubio, the donations “are used to buy and pay for supplies and shipments that go directly to the neediest people.” He also assures that the aid is reaching Cuba thanks to people who “have donated their kilograms(i.e. luggage weight allowance)” when flying to the country.

Since last April, Rubio, along with other activists and artists, had demanded this corridor from the Government of Miguel Díaz-Canel. They demanded the opening of “humanitarian flights” in view of “the serious health crisis, shortages of medicine, food and cleaning products” that Cuba is undergoing.

In midweek, the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) advocated for international solidarity and the support of Cubans living abroad, in the face of “the COVID-19 catastrophe in Cuba” that “has exposed the nation’s pre-existing problems and plunged the country into an extreme humanitarian crisis.”

The NGO (Non-Government Organization) calls on Cuban authorities “to enable and support the cohesive flow of material and human resources” of Cuban emigrants and to help implement a “civic and solidarity chain” that includes humanitarian naval flights and transportation. It also affirms that “this tragedy can be an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate in practice their love for the country above their mutual differences. To block shipments would be a crime against humanity.”

The regime’s response has not been long in coming. The official press and voices related to the Government have described these campaigns as “opportunistic,” and consider them an instrument for “discrediting” the Cuban health system.

“The COVID-19 catastrophe in Cuba has exposed pre-existing national problems and precipitated the country into an extreme humanitarian crisis”

Official journalist Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, one of the directors of the Roundtable, insisted that the “#SOSMatanzas” initiative is “a campaign that looks very well organized” and that it tries to “raise alleged humanitarian motives to carry out humanitarian aggressions” and then “military interventions.” Rodríguez made her statements on her program Chapeando Bajito, which is broadcast on Radio Rebelde station.

Johana Tablada, Cuba’s Deputy Director General for the United States in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also posted on Twitter that “the real objective of some who today promote” such campaigns as the humanitarian corridor for Cuba is “to divert attention from the main responsibility of the US blockade that threatens the well-being, integrity, life and health of our population every day.”

This Saturday, at a press conference, Dr. Francisco Durán, National Director of Epidemiology, considered it an “important” measure to extend, from seven to fourteen days, the isolation of travelers arriving through the Varadero and Cayo Coco airports. The provision, which will begin to be implemented on July 15th, was also confirmed by the Civil Defense, which clarified that these travelers are limited to entering the country with only one piece of luggage “to reduce handling.”

Durán also specified that 6,750 positive cases of covid and 31 deaths were confirmed this Friday, figures that represent two new records in these daily reports. Of the total number of cases, 2,657 were registered in Matanzas, the province with the highest number of infections at this time.

Translated by Norma Whiting


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