José Daniel Ferrer and Félix Navarro, Heroes of the Homeland in Cuba

Today, both symbolize the commitment to freedom. 14ymedio, Peter Corzo, Miami, 20 October 2024 — The prison systems of the Castro-Chavez regimes are particularly cruel and merciless. They establish such miserable conditions of survival that people subsist thanks to unbending moral values ​​and the unbreakable brotherhood generated by perpetually lurking death. Food is precarious, medical … Continue reading “José Daniel Ferrer and Félix Navarro, Heroes of the Homeland in Cuba”

The Cuban Regime Is Cruel to José Daniel Ferrer: 19 Months Without Family Visits

State Security threatens Luis Robles with taking “drastic measures” against him 14ymedio, Madrid, 7 October 2024 — Once again, the officials at the Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba, where José Daniel Ferrer is being held, prevented him from having the meeting he was supposed to have on Friday with his wife Nelva Ortega, … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Is Cruel to José Daniel Ferrer: 19 Months Without Family Visits”

The United States Joins the International Call for the Freedom of José Daniel Ferrer

The White House shows “increasing concern for the health” of the opponent 14ymedio, Havana, 20 September 2024 — The United States Government demanded this Friday that the Cuban authorities release the political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer, as well as the more than 1,000 Cubans “unjustly detained.” Through the Undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, … Continue reading “The United States Joins the International Call for the Freedom of José Daniel Ferrer”

Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Jailers Stop His Family From Visiting Him One More Time

His wife, Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo, denounced that the agents had limited themselves to accepting the “bag” of food and medicine she brought. 14ymedio, Havana, 10 May 2024 — The Mar Verde high-security prison authorities in Santiago de Cuba prevented political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer’s family from visiting him last Monday. In an audio sent … Continue reading “Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Jailers Stop His Family From Visiting Him One More Time”

Family Members of Cuban Opponent Jose Daniel Ferrer Are ‘Horrified’ by His State of Health

14ymedio, Havana, 23 June 2023 — After numerous demands to obtain a certificate of life from Cuban opponent José Daniel Ferrer, the authorities agreed to allow his family to visit him this Thursday, after three months without being able to see him. His wife, Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo, and their two children verified that the … Continue reading “Family Members of Cuban Opponent Jose Daniel Ferrer Are ‘Horrified’ by His State of Health”

The Family of José Daniel Ferrer Declares It Has Not Heard from the Political Prisoner in Two Months

14ymedio, Havana, 13 May 2023 The Cuban regime remains unyielding with the family of the political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), who for the last two months has been denied visits from his wife Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo. After a failed attempt to see him on May 11, … Continue reading “The Family of José Daniel Ferrer Declares It Has Not Heard from the Political Prisoner in Two Months”

Activist is Beaten in Santiago de Cuba for Visiting Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Wife

14ymedio, Havana, January 4, 2022 — On Monday morning, 57-year-old activist Rafael Puentes Cremé was beaten and arrested after visiting the wife of José Daniel Ferrer at Unpacu’s headquarters in the city of Santiago de Cuba. During the arrest, an officer attempted to photograph the opponent with a sign that read “Long live Fidel and Raúl,” … Continue reading “Activist is Beaten in Santiago de Cuba for Visiting Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Wife”

I Have a Friend Unjustly Imprisoned, His Name is Jose Daniel Ferrer

Note from Translating Cuba: Somehow this article from December of last year got ‘missed’ and so we are posting it now. 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Desde Aquí, Havana, 12 December 2022 — I could add more names to the title, mentioning, for example, Félix Navarro or Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, but Jose (here without an accent) … Continue reading “I Have a Friend Unjustly Imprisoned, His Name is Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Son Arrives in Miami After ‘Pressures’ from Cuban State Security

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 22 December 2022 — Daniel Ferrer Cantillo, son of Cuban political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer García, leader of the opposition organization Unión Patriótica de Cuba, arrived in Miami after suffering “various pressures” to try to convince his father to leave the Island, as he told América Tevé. “They wanted me to get … Continue reading “Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Son Arrives in Miami After ‘Pressures’ from Cuban State Security”

José Daniel Ferrer Beaten in Prison for Demanding Respect for his Personal Correspondence

14ymedio, Havana, 11 December 2022 — Opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), has been the victim of a beating at the Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba, the Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba charged in a statement. The activist protested against the violation of his correspondence, … Continue reading “José Daniel Ferrer Beaten in Prison for Demanding Respect for his Personal Correspondence”

Jose Daniel Ferrer Receives a Family Visit After Six Months of Waiting

14ymedio, Havana, 19 November 2022 — The family of political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), was able to visit him in the Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba, after six months of waiting. His wife, Nelva Ismarays Ortega-Tamayo, and their children, Daniel José and Fátima Victoria, spent … Continue reading “Jose Daniel Ferrer Receives a Family Visit After Six Months of Waiting”

Cuba: Major Physical and Psychological Tortures Against Jose Daniel Ferrer are Denounced

14ymedio, Havana, December 5, 2021 —  Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) coordinator, José Daniel Ferrer, is subjected to ever greater “torture, as much physical as psychological” in Mar Verde prison, Santiago de Cuba, where he is being held. As his sister Ana Belkis Ferrer, made known on Saturday. Meanwhile, Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD) accused the … Continue reading “Cuba: Major Physical and Psychological Tortures Against Jose Daniel Ferrer are Denounced”

Cuba: Jose Daniel Ferrer Denounces ‘a Constant Noise in His Head, like Crickets’

14ymedio, Madrid, November 8, 2021 — Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD) has requested that the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borell, intercede “immediately” in favor of dissident José Daniel Ferrer, leader of Unión Patriótica de Cuba (Patriotic Union of Cuba — Unpacu), imprisoned since July 11th. In a communication published … Continue reading “Cuba: Jose Daniel Ferrer Denounces ‘a Constant Noise in His Head, like Crickets’”

Cuban Dissident, Jose Daniel Ferrer, is Held in an Isolation Cell Despite Health Issues, his Family Denounces

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, October 9th, 2021–Dissident, José Daniel Ferrer is currently held in isolation and is suffering health issues, according to his son, the only family member who has been able to visit him since July 11th when he was arrested and subsequently transferred to Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba. José Daniel … Continue reading “Cuban Dissident, Jose Daniel Ferrer, is Held in an Isolation Cell Despite Health Issues, his Family Denounces”

“They Assaulted the Block with Almost 200 Agents, Trucks and Water Trucks,” Denounces Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, 28 February 2021 — José Daniel Ferrer, the leader of Unpacu, denounced this Saturday that his house in Santiago de Cuba, headquarters of the opposition organization, continues to be besieged by State Security, which prevents the residents from circulating in the area. “The communists, the henchmen, the instruments of tyranny remain here, from … Continue reading ““They Assaulted the Block with Almost 200 Agents, Trucks and Water Trucks,” Denounces Jose Daniel Ferrer”