Statement of Human Rights Organizations on the Situation of Cuban Political Prisoners / Cubalex

Cubalex, 20 February 2023 — The recent release of 222 political prisoners in Nicaragua and their immediate deportation to the United States, has raised the alarm among Cuban civil society regarding a similar “solution” to the current context on the Island. The protests of 2021 and 2022 resulted 768 protesters behind bars, a five-fold increase … Continue reading “Statement of Human Rights Organizations on the Situation of Cuban Political Prisoners / Cubalex”

Cuban Feminists Promote a Campaign for a Comprehensive Gender Law on the Island

  EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 14 November 2022 — A campaign promoted by activists of the Cuban Feminists’ Network platform will start this Monday on social networks in order to raise awareness of the “urgency” of having a Comprehensive Gender Law on the Island. “We do not want more gender violence,” they said this Sunday … Continue reading “Cuban Feminists Promote a Campaign for a Comprehensive Gender Law on the Island”

Human Rights Group Registered 398 Repressive Actions in Cuba in October

14ymedio, Havana, 4 November 2022 — Police summons, expulsions from the workplaces, fines and arbitrary arrests are some of the 398 repressive actions taken by the Cuban regime against the Island’s civilian population during the month of October. The estimate was taken from a report by the Cuban Human Rights Observatory (OCDH), published on Thursday. … Continue reading “Human Rights Group Registered 398 Repressive Actions in Cuba in October”

Cubalex Condemns the Wave of Threats, Coercion, and Psychological Torture Against Independent Journalists in Cuba

Cubalex, 9 September 2022 — We at Cubalex condemn and view with concern the threats and coercions against young journalists who work for independent media outlets in Cuba. We remind the Cuban state that it should abstain from any act which constitutes torture and mistreatment through is institutions and agents, which are absolutely prohibited in the … Continue reading “Cubalex Condemns the Wave of Threats, Coercion, and Psychological Torture Against Independent Journalists in Cuba”

Cuban Reporter Nelson Julio Alvarez Resigns from Journalism Due to Pressure From the Regime

14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2022 — The systematic harassment of the Cuban regime, acts of intimidation and threats by State Security, including a summons to his mother, forced reporter Nelson Julio Álvarez Mairata to “resign from his profession” and his position as a collaborator in the digital media Cubanet. An agent of the political police, … Continue reading “Cuban Reporter Nelson Julio Alvarez Resigns from Journalism Due to Pressure From the Regime”

Cuba July 11th (11J), Amnesty for Liberty

14ymedio, Manuel Cuesta Morúa, Havana, July 13, 2022 — The protests of July 11th and 12th, 2021, or the ’July Days’, defined some “firsts” in Cuba. It doesn’t matter how far back in history we search, we will not find protests of such magnitude. For the first time, strictly spontaneous demands were made, but with … Continue reading “Cuba July 11th (11J), Amnesty for Liberty”

Cuban Doctors Arrive in Mexico Without Waiting for a Court’s Decision on Their Hiring

14ymedio, Madrid, 1 June 2022 — Health workers from Cuba arrived in Mexico on May 31, a few hours before a judge in Puebla was to decide if Mexico could hire 500 Cuban doctors under the conditions agreed upon by the governments of both countries. “They have already arrived and are in Mexico in three … Continue reading “Cuban Doctors Arrive in Mexico Without Waiting for a Court’s Decision on Their Hiring”

Cuban journalist Camila Acosta is fined 1,000 pesos for reporting about 11J

14ymedio, Havana, May 27, 2022 — Camila Acosta has avoided  trial for an alleged crime of public disorder after paying a fine of 1,000 pesos imposed by State Security. The independent journalist, who was arrested for reporting on the protests of July 11 (11J) and had been under house arrest for 10 months, reported on … Continue reading “Cuban journalist Camila Acosta is fined 1,000 pesos for reporting about 11J”

Stabbed and Mutilated, the Latest Femicide in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 17 May 2022 — The latest confirmed femicide on the Island, the eleventh so far in 2022, shows unusual cruelty. As denounced on Monday by the Red Femenina de Cuba [Cuban Women’s Network] the young Yusleidy Aguilera Fernández, 21 years old and with two small children, was viciously stabbed to death and had her … Continue reading “Stabbed and Mutilated, the Latest Femicide in Cuba”

Three Garbage Dumps in Havana ‘Collapsed’ After Exceeding ‘Authorized Height Levels’

Tires, batteries and spare parts are lacking for the 28 garbage trucks donated by Japan Due to the shortage of personnel, prisoners have been ordered to perform these tasks The La Güinera market is closed for a month due to the poor sanitary conditions 14ymedio, Madrid, 7 October 2024 — After rebuffing the insistent reports … Continue reading “Three Garbage Dumps in Havana ‘Collapsed’ After Exceeding ‘Authorized Height Levels’”

‘Cubanet’ Denounces a ‘Wave of Harassment’ Against Its Collaborators by the Cuban Regime

The online news source did not reveal the identity of any of those affected “to avoid further reprisals” 14ymedio, Havana, 4 October 2024 — A group of journalists and Cubanet collaborators has suffered “threats, intimidation, arrests and confiscation of work assets and money in recent days.” This was announced by the online news source in … Continue reading “‘Cubanet’ Denounces a ‘Wave of Harassment’ Against Its Collaborators by the Cuban Regime”

Cuba’s Official Press Warns Leaders About Legal Consequences if They Dodge Responsibility

The Law of Social Communication, which has just entered into force, targets officials who refuse to “give answers” to the regime’s journalists 14ymedio, Havana, 3 October 2024 — The Cuban press wakes up this Thursday celebrating the entry into force of the Law of Communication, approved by Parliament last June. For Escambray – the newspaper … Continue reading “Cuba’s Official Press Warns Leaders About Legal Consequences if They Dodge Responsibility”

The Cuban Regime Brags About its ‘Exemplary’ Trials in Santiago de Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2024 — No official media published details about the four trials that were held this week in the municipal court of Songo-La Maya against two people accused of theft, slaughter and trafficking of livestock, and two others for attacking law enforcement officers. The important thing – and the Communist Party newspaper … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Brags About its ‘Exemplary’ Trials in Santiago de Cuba”

Venezuela: Revolution Without People

The evidence of Maduro’s defeat is there, coming from the very technological womb of the “best electoral system in the world” 14ymedio, Gregorio Salazar, Caracas, 6 August 2024 — At 61 years of age, after more than 25 years as a member of the political cast that came to power with Hugo Chávez and 12 … Continue reading “Venezuela: Revolution Without People”

Counter-Insurgency Tactics Are Applied in Santiago De Cuba To Investigate Farmers

The Police and State Security detected 1,644 undeclared calves and 4,463 “disappeared” animals 14ymedio, Havana, 10 August 2024 — The official press spared no detail this Saturday to describe, with the tone of a detective novel and warnings from the Ministry of the Interior, the situation of theft and slaughter of livestock in Santiago de … Continue reading “Counter-Insurgency Tactics Are Applied in Santiago De Cuba To Investigate Farmers”