Cienfuegos Protects its Borders to Avoid Letting in Covid-19

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 10 September 2020 — The Cienfuegos authorities have closed the provincial borders due to the fear that the coronavirus will sneak in from neighboring Villa Clara, Matanzas and Sancti Spíritus, which are, along with Havana and Ciego de Ávila (at a greater distance) are the provinces with the most cases … Continue reading “Cienfuegos Protects its Borders to Avoid Letting in Covid-19”

Cuba: The “Strategy” of Desperation

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 19 July 2020 — If I had to briefly describe the general impression that emerges from the new Economic and Social Strategy of the Cuba’s upper echelons of power, I would choose three preliminary adjectives: wrong, late and incomplete. It is wrong because it continues to estimate in a foreign currency … Continue reading “Cuba: The “Strategy” of Desperation”

Independent Journalism: A Risky Profession in Cuba

Iván García, July 6, 2020 – To do objective journalism in Cuba is an abstraction. You cannot obtain data or statistics from official institutions, as there is no public information office. What is normal in any other country in the world – knowing the president’s agenda or itinerary, accrediting yourself at a minister’s press conference, … Continue reading “Independent Journalism: A Risky Profession in Cuba”

What The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Taught Me

14ymedio, José Conrado Rodríguez Alegre, Trinidad, Cuba, 24 May 2020 — When the Covid-19 pandemic was declared in Cuba, it was precisely in the city of Trinidad, where I lived and worked as a Catholic priest for just over seven years, where the epidemic began: three Italian tourists and one North American were the first … Continue reading “What The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Taught Me”

From the Gulag to the UMAP: Official History and the Control of Memory

Abel Sierra Madero, Hypermedia Magazine, 15 May  2020 — Yuri Brokhin, a Soviet filmmaker who defected in 1972 and settled in the United States, described his experience trying to purchase a Volga automobile in the late 1960s. In all of Voroshilovgrad, Ukraine, there were only twelve of these cars available for sale to the public, … Continue reading “From the Gulag to the UMAP: Official History and the Control of Memory”

Cuba: Economic Purges and Collateral Damages

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 24 April 2020 — In the course of the last few weeks, Cubans have been witnessing an unusual government offensive against economic crime. With such an onslaught, which is inserted in the midst of the “battle” against COVID-19, the authorities are trying to put into practice the promise of punishment to … Continue reading “Cuba: Economic Purges and Collateral Damages”

Havana Dawns Without Transport

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana | 14 April 2020 — It is nine o’clock in the morning and the nurse, in her impeccable white uniform, has been waiting since half-past six for transport to take her to work at the hospital. “This is awful today. I’m at this stop trying to get to the hospital, but … Continue reading “Havana Dawns Without Transport”

Concerts, Movies and Museums Without Leaving Home

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 18 March 2020 — The coronavirus is arriving in Cuba behind Europe and the US, but with ten people now infected the concern begins to grow. The cultural sector is one of the areas most suffering worldwide, with the suspension of collective events. Concerts, premieres, theatrical performances, museums… all the pieces … Continue reading “Concerts, Movies and Museums Without Leaving Home”

Chronicle of a Shuttered “Interview”

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 11 March 2020 — They were an hour late. The two young men went to the bench where I was sitting in wait at the Police Station (PNR) on Calle Zanja, in Central Havana, and apologized for the delay: “There was a lack of coordination,” said the one who had obviously … Continue reading “Chronicle of a Shuttered “Interview””

The Cuban Regime Has Benefited From Its Agreement With The EU

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 10 March 2020 – Three years have passed since December 2016, when Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla shook hands exultantly with a smiling Federica Mogherini, high representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The head of Castro’s diplomacy had every reason to celebrate. After more … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Has Benefited From Its Agreement With The EU”

The Exile Community Makes Fun of the "Revelations" on Cuban Television About The Clandestinos

14ymedio, Havana, January 23, 2020 — After being pointed out by the Cuban State’s television monopoly as the main person responsible for the activities of the Clandestinos, Ana Olema Hernández responded this Wednesday on the program El Espejo of AmericaTeve. “The system has no credibility. It’s a total defamation,” said the activist. Hernández, who lives … Continue reading “The Exile Community Makes Fun of the "Revelations" on Cuban Television About The Clandestinos”

Cuban Authorities Block Reinaldo Escobar, Editor-in-Chief of 14ymedio, From Traveling

14ymedio, Havana, 27 January 2020 — The journalist Reinaldo Escobar was not able to travel to Bogotá to participate in the event Where is the region going? Democratic perspectives in Latin America, being hosted by Sergio Arboleda University. The editor-in-chief of 14ymedio was informed that he was “regulated” early this Monday, while trying to pass the immigration window at José … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Block Reinaldo Escobar, Editor-in-Chief of 14ymedio, From Traveling”

14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: The "Regulated"

14ymedio, Havana, 26 December 2019 — One of Cuban government’s most used repressive strategies in recent times is to prevent activists, independent journalists and opponents from traveling abroad, and letting them know just before they boarded a plane, that they are regulated. This policy is proving very effective in blocking all participation in international events and workshops … Continue reading “14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: The "Regulated"”

Diaz-Canel Appoints Colonel Manuel Marrero as Prime Minister

14ymedio, Havana, December 21 2019 — The appointment of the Cuban Prime Minister this Saturday was a surprise. Neither female nor mestizo, the man appointed to the new post is a 56-year-old colonel with a beard that recalls the times of the guerrillas who came down from the Sierra Maestra. Manuel Marrero Cruz, the Minister … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Appoints Colonel Manuel Marrero as Prime Minister”

Cuba’s New Ministers: Obey Blindly or Dare to Innovate

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 22 December 2019 — Along with the appointment of Manuel Marrero Cruz as prime minister, the deputy prime ministers were also appointed this Saturday and the holders of six government portfolios were renewed. In total, 19 ministers were ratified in their posts, including the most important, such as the Interior and … Continue reading “Cuba’s New Ministers: Obey Blindly or Dare to Innovate”