Diaz-Canel Congratulates Cuban Women on Mother’s Day and Gets Burned

14ymedio, Havana, 10 May 2021– Cuba’s head of state dedicated a tweet this Sunday to congratulate Cuban mothers on their day and was mocked by hundreds on the social networks. Miguel Díaz-Canel’s message was disturbing not so much because of its words as because of the image that accompanied it. “Congratulations to all Cuban Mothers, whose love for … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Congratulates Cuban Women on Mother’s Day and Gets Burned”

Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba Visits the Hunger Strikers

14ymedio, Havana, 8 April 2021 — The Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Dionisio García, visited the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) on Thursday to inquire about activists on hunger strike for 20 days, as confirmed by opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer through Twitter. “We are grateful for the visit that Archbishop Dionisio García … Continue reading “Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba Visits the Hunger Strikers”

State Violence and the Sin of Complicity

Miriam Celaya, Havana Cuba, 31 March 2021 ─ The case of young Karla Pérez González, who had to complete her studies as a journalist in Costa Rica after being expelled from a Cuban university for political reasons is the most recent example of selective exile applied by the Cuban dictatorial regime against one of our … Continue reading “State Violence and the Sin of Complicity”

Electronic Commerce in Cuba, Another Gordian Knot

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 24 March 2021 ─ On March 22nd, the official Cubadebate website has published an analysis on electronic commerce in Cuba one year after the implementation of the TuEnvío platform. Despite the forced omissions imposed by the dictatorship’s orders to its spokespersons, the article recognizes some of the numerous problems that weigh … Continue reading “Electronic Commerce in Cuba, Another Gordian Knot”

There Are Some 112,000 Hidden Rich People in Cuba, 1% of the Population

14ymedio, Madrid, 10 March 2021 — Beyond the fury unleashed on social networks, the appearance of Fidel Castro’s grandson, Sandro, showing off while driving a Mercedes Benz has exposed an issue about which little is known in Cuba: the figures relating to inequality. The data, impossible for the public to find, would reveal a gap difficult to justify … Continue reading “There Are Some 112,000 Hidden Rich People in Cuba, 1% of the Population”

Russia’s Reflexive Control in Cuba and Venezuela

14ymedio, José Azel, Miami, March 9, 2021 — Reflexive control is a disinformation strategy developed in Russia, in which “specifically prepared information is transmitted to opponents to encourage them to voluntarily make a decision desired by the initiator of the action.” All of the available original literature on reflexive control is written in Russian, a … Continue reading “Russia’s Reflexive Control in Cuba and Venezuela”

‘Cuba Compulsively Trains Mediocre Doctors’

14ymedio, Rodolfo Santacruz Castillo, Camagüey, 20 February 2021 — A few days ago, I attended one of those useless union meetings that, as a dogma, we have converted into a common practice in the workplace, where supposedly we have to discuss non-conformities and talk about something as sacred and at the same time as outrageous … Continue reading “‘Cuba Compulsively Trains Mediocre Doctors’”

For Washington, Cuba is Not a Priority / Ivan Garcia

Iván García, 15 February 2021 — As he drives a ramshackle Soviet-era Moskvitch down a central avenue west of Havana, Samuel, a retired athlete, explains why doing business in Cuba is very difficult. Eleven years ago, when Raúl Castro kicked off the expansion of private work, Samuel used the money he saved plus a loan … Continue reading “For Washington, Cuba is Not a Priority / Ivan Garcia”

Las Tunas Charcoal Workers Denounce the Theft of Their Wages by State Company and the Union

14ymedio, Havana, 20 January 2021 — A few months ago, the Empresa Integral Agropecuaria de Las Tunas was distinguished with two awards, one last October and the other in December. Judging by recent statements from the charcoal workers, the authorities do not seem disposed to let the awards be joined by an improvement in the workers’ income. … Continue reading “Las Tunas Charcoal Workers Denounce the Theft of Their Wages by State Company and the Union”

“This Year the Three Kings Cannot Satisfy the Requests of the Children” in Cuba

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 6 January 2021 — After a week of lining up for oil, chicken, detergent and shampoo, Idania Herrera has very little desire to stand in another line. But Three Kings Day is more important than any fatigue and the little ones await their gift. “I am tormented, I can’t find anything for … Continue reading ““This Year the Three Kings Cannot Satisfy the Requests of the Children” in Cuba”

Cuban Police Committed to Supporting Acts of Repudiation Against Artists

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 15 December 2020 — State Security continues its harassment against activists and artists who were housed at the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement. One day after Carlos Manuel Álvarez was arrested when he left his family’s house in Cárdenas, Matanzas, and was interrogated for six hours, Katherine Bisquet denounced the organization … Continue reading “Cuban Police Committed to Supporting Acts of Repudiation Against Artists”

‘I Can Destroy Your Life With One Stroke of the Pen,’ the Cuban State Security Official Told Me

14ymedio, Clive Rudd Fernández, Miami, 10 December 2020 — I just got back to Florida after a five-day trip to Cuba. It had been about five years since I went, but a series of factors came together that led me to opt for Havana, and not the Bahamas or Cancun. The most important of all … Continue reading “‘I Can Destroy Your Life With One Stroke of the Pen,’ the Cuban State Security Official Told Me”

Wanted by Everyone, Caught by Few, Cuban Rice is Now for Sale in Dollars

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 8 December 2020 — Until recently, coffee shops advertised “rice with steak”, “congrí (black beans and rice) and yucca,” “yellow rice with sausage,” and other combinations where the grain reigned, as it does in every Cuban table. But the product, missing from the unrationed market, is now only found on the black market … Continue reading “Wanted by Everyone, Caught by Few, Cuban Rice is Now for Sale in Dollars”

“You Should Be the Ones Talking to Us, Not State Security”

14ymedio, Havana, 3 December 2020 — The following document is the result of comparing the notes taken by various people who were present and what was remembered by the participants. Published on the Facebook Page 27N (for ‘November 27’) , it is reproduced with their permission. They point out that “there were more statements in … Continue reading ““You Should Be the Ones Talking to Us, Not State Security””

“Every Time There’s More of Us and They Will Not Be Able to Get Us Out of Here”

14ymedio, Serafín Martínez, Havana, 18 November 2020 — “My husband and I built my little wooden house with dirt floors and inspectors immediately arrived. I paid two fines of 500 pesos and another of 2,000 pesos, doubled, for illegal occupation of the land. But I did not leave.” This is how Kirenia Alganza Torres recounts … Continue reading ““Every Time There’s More of Us and They Will Not Be Able to Get Us Out of Here””