Havana Historian Eusebio Leal, Two Years After His Death His ‘Oblivion’ is Decreed

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 2 August 2022 — The legacy of Eusebio Leal, after two years of his death, fits in a couple of showcases and some tearful speech. An exhibition at the Elvira Cape Provincial Library, in Santiago de Cuba, was the greatest tribute to which the historian of Havana could aspire, far from the city to which … Continue reading “Havana Historian Eusebio Leal, Two Years After His Death His ‘Oblivion’ is Decreed”

Havana’s Fears and Unrealistic Expectations

14ymedio, Frank Calzón, Miami, 29 June 2022 — Press reports indicate that the Cuban government is encouraging foreigners to invest in what it calls “private companies” as a means of dealing with the country’s food shortages, blackouts, dengue outbreaks and ongoing protests. It is not yet known when these measures will take effect or if … Continue reading “Havana’s Fears and Unrealistic Expectations”

A Harangue Against July 11 (11J) to Start the School Year in Havana

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 8 November 2021 — For more than half an hour, the students of the José Luis Arruñada school, in Havana, waited standing in the courtyard for the activity to begin to mark the restart of the 2020-2021 school year. Already at the parents’ meeting, held last week, the teachers had informed everyone that … Continue reading “A Harangue Against July 11 (11J) to Start the School Year in Havana”

What is Cuba Going to Celebrate This 26th of July?

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 22 July 2021 — For many years, Fidel Castro’s speeches at the events of July 26, the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks, became a source of speculation for the “fidelologists.” Everyone wanted to predict what would be the presumed tiller of the Commander-in-Chief, both in international politics and in … Continue reading “What is Cuba Going to Celebrate This 26th of July?”

Cuba: System Reform Won’t Do Much Good

14ymedio, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami, 19 December 2020 — The Cuban regime wants to make reforms. That’s very good. Cuban society is staggeringly unproductive. They will start with the currency. Good thinking! It is useless to make reforms if the essential element, money, is worth very little. Especially in the vicinity of the United States, … Continue reading “Cuba: System Reform Won’t Do Much Good”

To Many Cubans the Cheese King of Artemisa Is a Hero, Not a Criminal

14ymedio, Havana, August 31, 2020 ‚ The Cheese King, a cattle rancher from Artemisa province who was arrested and charged with illicit economic activity, has found solidarity on social networks after a Saturday news broadcast on Cuban Television in which a police raid on his factory was reported. The raid took place on the Santa … Continue reading “To Many Cubans the Cheese King of Artemisa Is a Hero, Not a Criminal”

Cuban Doctors Risk Their Lives To Escape The Shortages

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 1 April 2020 — The applause was felt everywhere. This Sunday at nine o’clock in the evening, an ovation crossed Cuba, in tribute to the health personnel who are on the front line of confrontation with Covid-19. As in other countries affected by the pandemic, people have wanted to acknowledge the … Continue reading “Cuban Doctors Risk Their Lives To Escape The Shortages”

Cuban Prosecutor Asks for Nine Years in Prison for Jose Daniel Ferrer, His Wife Denounces

14ymedio, Havana, 17 January 2010 — The Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Cuba has asked for nine years in jail for José Daniel Ferrer, general coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), for the alleged crime of injury, as reported by his wife, Dr. Nelva Ortega, in a video disseminated by … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutor Asks for Nine Years in Prison for Jose Daniel Ferrer, His Wife Denounces”

Do We Want to Be Like Che? / Somos+

Somos+, Susana Acosta Diaz, 12 March 2019  —  To be born and grow up in a country that is dreaming, a country that is asleep and seems not to want to wake up. A dream country that lives in a constant nightmare. An island that looks out to sea, to the infinite, because it does … Continue reading “Do We Want to Be Like Che? / Somos+”

Will There Be a New ‘Special Period’ in Cuba? / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, 20 December 2018 — Even in the best stage of Fidel Castro’s Revolution there was always something missing. In the 1980s, thanks to the blank check circulating from Moscow, the ration book distributed half a pound of beef per person, drinking a glass of milk was not a luxury and jams, juices and wines and … Continue reading “Will There Be a New ‘Special Period’ in Cuba? / Ivan Garcia”

Artemisa, The Clandestine Dairy of Cuba

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, 1 October 2018 — The train arrives in Havana from San Antonio de los Baños and dozens of passengers disembark with boxes, briefcases and plastic bags. Among them are sellers of cheese, yogurt and fresh milk for the capital city, foods that are tightly controlled by the government and that will … Continue reading “Artemisa, The Clandestine Dairy of Cuba”

Raul Castro’s Inconclusive Reforms / Ivan Garcia

Iván García, 10 May 2018 — It seems a lot of time has passed since the night of July 31, 2006 when Fidel Castro’s former secretary, Carlos Valenciaga, announced on the eight o’clock news that the bearded former guerrilla leader was retiring due to illness. Most Cubans remember what they were doing at that moment. … Continue reading “Raul Castro’s Inconclusive Reforms / Ivan Garcia”

May Day With a New President, Fewer Resources and Reggaeton

14ymedio, Havana, 1 May 2018 — Unlike previous years, the May Day parade in Havana’s Plaza of the Revolution was held without the crowds brought from the rest of the country. Only the capital city’s inhabitants participated while the heads of the other provinces organized their own events. The lack of resources and, perhaps, the premiere … Continue reading “May Day With a New President, Fewer Resources and Reggaeton”

Raúl Castro is Leaving Without Solving Anything

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 30 January 2018 — Last December 21st, when general-president Raúl Castro announced the extension of his term for 55 days longer than expected, few believed in the silly pretext for such a decision: the damages caused by the passage of Hurricane Irma and the calendar for nominating municipal delegates. One of … Continue reading “Raúl Castro is Leaving Without Solving Anything”

Another Raul Castro Promise Unfulfilled

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 22 December 2017 — With the accumulated experience of six decades in power, Raúl Castro knows the political cost of breaching the latest and most widely disseminated of his promises: to leave the country’s presidency on 24 February 2018. Each day he prolongs his presence in that position  goes against the … Continue reading “Another Raul Castro Promise Unfulfilled”