Four People Hospitalized After the Collapse of Part of a Building Under Repair in Cardenas, Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 21 February 2022 — 14ymedio, Havana, 21 February 2022 — At least 21 workers were injured, four of them seriously, in the city of Cárdenas (Matanzas) when a cement slab under construction collapsed. The accident occurred around one o’clock in the afternoon on Sunday at Genes 562 between Calzada and Coronel Verdugo, according to Yumurí public TV. … Continue reading “Four People Hospitalized After the Collapse of Part of a Building Under Repair in Cardenas, Cuba”

What Remains of the Cuban Revolution

14ymedio, Photo of the Day, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 22 November 2021 — A crumbling building, eaten by moisture, with plants growing wild from the cornices. On the columns, several slogans against the dirty white that seem recent: “Long live the CDRs” (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution), “Long live the 9th [sic] Congress” (of … Continue reading “What Remains of the Cuban Revolution”

With the Death of an Assailant of the Moncada Barracks, the End of Cuba’s ‘Historical Generation’ is Accelerated

14ymedio, Havana, 24 October 2021 — Multiple organ failure ended the life of of Alejandro Ferrás Pellicer last Friday, at the age of 99. He was one of the last living assailants at the Moncada barracks, according to the official press. His body will be cremated and his ashes will be exhibited on October 27 … Continue reading “With the Death of an Assailant of the Moncada Barracks, the End of Cuba’s ‘Historical Generation’ is Accelerated”

Cuba Hid the Death of an Engineer and Now Uses His Name in a ‘Revolutionary’ Act

14ymedio, Havana, 22 October 2021 — Almost a month after the death of the engineer Miguel Díaz Sistachs in a work accident, the Central Equipment Company, known as Cubiza, has mentioned his name for the first time in public. It was in an act of “revolutionary reaffirmation” in Havana, with the presence of former spy … Continue reading “Cuba Hid the Death of an Engineer and Now Uses His Name in a ‘Revolutionary’ Act”

Act of Repudiation Against a Family in Havana for Painting ‘Patria y Vida’ on the Wall of Their House

14ymedio, Havana, 22 February 2021 — The activist Anyell Valdés Cruz and her family were victims this Monday of an act of repudiation in which Kirenia Pomares, the mayor of Havana’s Arroyo Naranjo municipality, State Security agents and other people participated. The rally included slogans, posters and graffiti on the facade of the house to erase … Continue reading “Act of Repudiation Against a Family in Havana for Painting ‘Patria y Vida’ on the Wall of Their House”

In Cuba, If You Trade a Bottle of Shampoo for a Packet of Coffee, You Go to Jail

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 6 November 2020 — “I will trade a bottle of shampoo for a packet of coffee,” Mileidy Martínez, a resident of the city of Sancti Spíritus, wrote on her Facebook account. Three hours later, the police searched her house and took her into custody, according to a report to this … Continue reading “In Cuba, If You Trade a Bottle of Shampoo for a Packet of Coffee, You Go to Jail”

The Castro Regime Declares War on the ‘Coleros’

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, August 4, 2020 — The Regime designed by Fidel Castro has been based historically on informing, pitting Cubans against each other. The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs) were created to accomplish this mission. Denouncing deviant, non-revolutionary behavior was the slogan, so that then the authorities could take punitive … Continue reading “The Castro Regime Declares War on the ‘Coleros’”

Cuban Army, Police and Block Watch Committees Lead More than 3,000 Groups to Persecute ‘Coleros’ and ‘Hoarders’

14ymedio, Havana, 5 August 2020 — The front opened by Cuban authorities against the “scoundrels,” advanced in recent days by a media campaign, is already on the ground. According to Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, 3,054 groups have been created with 22,281 people to pursue coleros (people who stand in line for others), hoarders and illegal … Continue reading “Cuban Army, Police and Block Watch Committees Lead More than 3,000 Groups to Persecute ‘Coleros’ and ‘Hoarders’”

Without Water There Won’t be Squash in Urban Gardens

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernández, Havana, July 14, 2020 – Boris grows cucumbers, some varieties of garlic and aromatic herbs on the patio of his house in La Lisa, Havana. He says he’s preparing “for what’s coming, which will be hard,” so he’s filled about 20 plastic containers, which used to hold paint, with a little earth … Continue reading “Without Water There Won’t be Squash in Urban Gardens”

‘Scientific’ Meetings Don’t Put Food on Cuban Tables

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 11 July 2020 — A brief note in the state-owned newspaper Granma, reports on a meeting between Cuban president Díaz-Canel and scientists and experts from prestigious Cuban institutions, held to discuss issues of food and nutritional sovereignty. The article offers an analysis of the problem that has always affected the Cuban … Continue reading “‘Scientific’ Meetings Don’t Put Food on Cuban Tables”

Cuba Offers Canada Doctors to Care for Indigenous Populations

14ymedio, Havana, 5 March 2020 — A Cuban doctor arrived last Monday in the Canadian province of Manitoba as an advance guard for a project for the hiring of Cuban health personnel to serve the native populations of that country. To compensate for the forced withdrawal of its medical missions in several Latin American countries, … Continue reading “Cuba Offers Canada Doctors to Care for Indigenous Populations”

Proceedings to Draft New Constitution Lack Transparency

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, July 10, 2018 — We now know that at its seventh plenary session the Communist Party Central Committee reviewed the draft of the new Cuban constitution. It was reported that the text of the document is now a fait accompli. In the coming days deputies to the National Assembly will approve … Continue reading “Proceedings to Draft New Constitution Lack Transparency”

The Euphemism that Looks After Me / Alejandro González Acosta

Alejandro González Acosta, 1 December 2017, Mexico City — Lichi[1] told me that the last time he was in Cuba[2], he went to visit a G-2 colonel at home, the brother of a famous Cuban historian who was Lichi’s good friend in Mexico. Between drinks and confidences, Lichi asked him: “Come on, man, just between us: … Continue reading “The Euphemism that Looks After Me / Alejandro González Acosta”

Regime Strengthens Efforts to Avoid Surprises in Legislative Elections / Juan Juan Almeida

Juan Juan Almeida, 3 August 2017 — The Cuban government is again relying on a proven strategy in an attempt to avoid surprises on October 22 when voters go to the polls to elect delegates to the various local and national legislative bodies, which will in turn be responsible for electing the president of the … Continue reading “Regime Strengthens Efforts to Avoid Surprises in Legislative Elections / Juan Juan Almeida”

The Dark Side of Voter Registration in Cuba

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 27 July 2017 — The starting point for the Cuban electoral process is undoubtedly the disclosure of the voter register, the list of all those who have the right to mark a ballot at the polls. The preparation, public character and possible omissions of these lists decisively influence the course of the … Continue reading “The Dark Side of Voter Registration in Cuba”