The Risks and Insecurity of Being a Doctor in Cuba

14ymedio, Cynthia de la Cantera, Havana, June 23, 2020 — Ernesto is considered an “old dog” in his profession as a primary doctor. However, he still remembers how he and his colleagues were “tattooed with fire” after the authorities warned them during a training session about Covid-19 protocols. “Be careful about publishing a photo or information … Continue reading “The Risks and Insecurity of Being a Doctor in Cuba”

Canadian and American Diplomats Wiped Out by Secret Mosquito Fumigation Brigade

14ymedio, Conde Zika Dengue, Miami, September 22nd, 2019 — The media continue their fable about what have been called “sonic” or “acoustic” attacks. This time with the version of a group of Canadian scientists  who apparently have discovered an efficiently operating secret  team of exterminators working for the Cuban intelligence, employed in the area where … Continue reading “Canadian and American Diplomats Wiped Out by Secret Mosquito Fumigation Brigade”

After Papal Visit, Nothing in Cuba Will Change / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, 18 September 2015 — After enjoying a strong espresso, sixty-eight year old Samuel Quijano lights a hand-rolled cigarette and looks at the sky, hoping for a sign of rain. Quijano is the owner of a small parcel of land, located one and a half kilometers from the National Highway, where he grows vegetables, … Continue reading “After Papal Visit, Nothing in Cuba Will Change / Ivan Garcia”

Letter Sent to Pope Francisco About the Hospitalization of Angel Santiesteban / Angel Santiesteban

Fragment of a long letter faxed to Pope Francisco today, following the hospitalization of Angel Santiestaban, with a diagnosis of “supposed” dengue, and it will be delivered directly into the hands of His Holiness, on Monday, through the mediation of a supportive person. (…) Your Holiness, as I said at the beginning of this letter, … Continue reading “Letter Sent to Pope Francisco About the Hospitalization of Angel Santiesteban / Angel Santiesteban”

Classes Continue to be Canceled at Havana Medical University / Ignacio Estrada Cepero

By Ignacio Estrada Cepero, Independent Journalist Havana, Cuba – It has been more than three weeks since classes at Havana’s Medical universities and polytechnics have been affected. This is due to renewed efforts in conducting mass fever screenings in those areas around Havana most affected by dengue. All students are assigned to a specific health … Continue reading “Classes Continue to be Canceled at Havana Medical University / Ignacio Estrada Cepero”

A War They Don’t Talk About / Regina Coyula

Not having been in the Fajardo Hospital since its repairs, I was told that the Emergency Room was the most significant of the improvements. The Latin American students cared for Rafael Tuesday night, he’d had a fever since the previous day. They ordered urgent blood and urine tests. It didn’t occur to any of them … Continue reading “A War They Don’t Talk About / Regina Coyula”

Havana Without Water, Another Headache for the Regime / Iván García

“Not even by paying 10 CUC (12 dollars) can a family get a pipa (water truck) in order to fill buckets, tanks and containers,” says Liudmila, a resident of El Calvario, a desolate hamlet south of Havana. Although there have been deliveries of water lately, shortages continue. In the first week of January, in El … Continue reading “Havana Without Water, Another Headache for the Regime / Iván García”

H1N1 Attacks

The new influenza is gaining ground in Cuba. With the change in the weather, according to epidemiologists, it’s expected that the H1N1 virus will reap its harvest among the population of the island. As of October 1, the Ministry of Public Health reported the detection of 457 cases. Now the Hubert de Blanck High School, … Continue reading “H1N1 Attacks”