An Ingenous Question / Fernando Dámaso

Among the authorities and officials serving in the national mass media, the verb “to recover” is the most used in these times of guidelines and updating the economic model. It is practically applied to all areas and activities of the nation, whether of a material or spiritual nature: everything should be “recovered.” First things first: … Continue reading “An Ingenous Question / Fernando Dámaso”

Family Members of Teenager Killed by Ex-Police Official Demand Justice / Laritza Diversent

Raiza Medina claims justice for the death of her son Ángel Izquierdo Medina, a black teenager of 14, who died this last July 15, after having been shot by a retired police official. According to Ismael Suarez Herc, 17, eyewitness of the events and he victim’s cousin, who was climbing a mamoncillo tree when Amado … Continue reading “Family Members of Teenager Killed by Ex-Police Official Demand Justice / Laritza Diversent”

Watching Yesterday’s Event / Regina Coyula

I decided not to write about the celebration of the event for the 26th of July. Last year’s post would be perfect to narrate the essence of what happened yesterday in Ciego de Avila. These celebrations and the supposed competition of the provinces to be the site of them, have been converted into mere formalities. … Continue reading “Watching Yesterday’s Event / Regina Coyula”

Instructions for an Escape / Ernesto Morales Licea

Chapter 3: Dissident Muralist* The procedure was simple. Very simple. You looked for a piece of cardboard and painted it with a phrase against the Government. You hung it around your neck and went out into the street. Like in the reality shows where a naked man comes out into the light of day starkers, … Continue reading “Instructions for an Escape / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Fatigue / Yoani Sánchez

It was very early, the circles under the speaker’s eyes could be seen like two dark wounds, and the sun was not yet too punishing in Maximo Gomez Plaza. On soft seats, a small group witnessed live the 26th of July event in Ciego de Avila province. Meanwhile, the rest of those in the Plaza … Continue reading “Fatigue / Yoani Sánchez”

REV IN PEACE… / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

FOR WHOM THE IBERIA TOLLS…? Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo History repeats itself. Once as comedy and another time as a black hole, abyss of pre-capitalist post-modernity that is inhabited in Cuba. Its name isn’t even known. Barely Adonis, a word that maybe even he ignored in his ancestral echoes of splendid or ruinous marble. His … Continue reading “REV IN PEACE… / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Work Table of Madrid Now…! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Work Table of Madrid now….!,originally uploaded by orlandoluispardolazo. Saturday July 9th, the second Work Table will be celebrated in Madrid. On the topic The Emerging Civil Society, we will have a participatory debate with Miguel Angel Garcia, president of the ONGD CENINFEC (Center of Information and Documentation of Cuban Studies), which will contribute interesting facts … Continue reading “Work Table of Madrid Now…! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Where is this Havana Wonder…? / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Where is this Havana Wonder…?, originally uploaded by orlandoluispardolazo. POST REVOLUTION MONDAYS asks in what part of our Havana who art in mud we can find, still today, this wonder of an image. Who made it? When? Why? If you answer me in a comment, there’s a prize. I will give you my blog! I … Continue reading “Where is this Havana Wonder…? / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

“Heavyweight” Words / Fernando Dámaso

Autocrats throughout history have always liked to use, in trying to express their ideas, big words, lofty, bulky, heavyweight. So common ones have been: irreversible, unchangeable, untouchable, forever, eternal, unshakable, indestructible, solid, impenetrable, unyielding, and so on. They don’t look for them in dictionaries, but they fall like rain, part of their vision of society. … Continue reading ““Heavyweight” Words / Fernando Dámaso”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – III / Angel Santiesteban

It terrified me to know that I could return to the cells for another sixty days, or maybe more. But it caused me more terror to imagine myself “cooperating” with those I didn’t believe, with those who I considered were abusing my country, to know myself complicit disgusts me. I also knew that to be … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – III / Angel Santiesteban”

Years with a “Tagline” / Fernando Dámaso

The French Revolution, among its many changes, tried renaming the months and, during its short existence, appeared Rainy, Floral, Windy, Thermidor etc. Luckily for the French, after a whirlwind of severed heads came the calm, and months returned to their traditional names. The Cuban Revolution could not be left behind and although it didn’t dare … Continue reading “Years with a “Tagline” / Fernando Dámaso”

Your Nostalgia / Ernesto Morales Licea

You discover it by chance. Looking, without much encouragement, through some photos, let’s say: images of a past that you know will never return. (It is one of the hallmarks of the past: it never returns.) You look at the photos with pleasure, sometimes strangely, because in the past your hair was longer, or you … Continue reading “Your Nostalgia / Ernesto Morales Licea”

GET ON IT, DAMN IT…! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

TO MORE BLOCKADE, MORE SOCIALISM Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo Let yumas [Americans] do and undo in Yuma [America] as they democratically please. It would be too much already if from Cuba, we Cubans pretended to dictate norms in American politics. It is their Congress, their Committee, their Foreign Affairs, their House of Representatives or of … Continue reading “GET ON IT, DAMN IT…! / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

AMEN TO AMY… / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

AMEN TO AMY…, originally uploaded by orlandoluispardolazo. Goodbye, Dear Amy. We had seen coming for a while that there would be no rehab for you. Only the good die young. The gods’ favorites. They didn’t see you. Not even Cuba saw you, did you see us? Will miss you forever… Translated by: Claudia D. July … Continue reading “AMEN TO AMY… / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Gilipolladas* of Etiquette / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

The realities imposed on us during the time of the “Special Period”*[2] and the foreign investments, brought with them new forms of expression that involved part of the Cuban society. Those nationals linked to the tourism, to the diplomatic community and those working with foreigners and their currency or the exchange market, integrated into their … Continue reading “Gilipolladas* of Etiquette / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”