Artists Supply is Short of Materials for Camaguey Salon / 14ymedio, Sol Garcia Basulto

14ymedio, Sol Garcia Basulto, Camaguey, 17 February 2017 – With a predominance of mixed techniques and recycled materials, Camaguey artists hide the shortage of raw materials in the City Salon show. The art show opened on 2 February and will run until the first days of March in the Provincial Fine Arts Center. The event began with … Continue reading “Artists Supply is Short of Materials for Camaguey Salon / 14ymedio, Sol Garcia Basulto”

Government Invites Doctors Who Fled To Return To Cuba / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Miami, 3 February 2017 — The Ministry of Public Health released a statement Thursday in the official newspaper Granma to reiterate the willingness of Cuban authorities to take back health professionals who have “defected” from medical missions abroad. The announcement comes three weeks after the outgoing U.S. president, Barack Obama, eliminated the Cuban Medical Professional Parole (CMPP) program. This initiative, … Continue reading “Government Invites Doctors Who Fled To Return To Cuba / 14ymedio”

Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique: Farewell to an Exemplary Dissident / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 5 November 2016 — When I began writing in 1996 as an independent journalist for Cuba Press, Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique was no longer working as an economist for Cuba’s Central Planning Agency (JUCEPLAN ) and had already become an opponent of the Castro regime. In 1991, together with another economist, friend and colleague, … Continue reading “Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique: Farewell to an Exemplary Dissident / Iván García”

Cuba’s Constitution of 1976: An Historic Setback / Dimas Castellano

Dimas Castellano, 1 March 2016 —  “Two Benchmarks of the Cuban Republic” — an article by Pedro Antonio Garcia which appeared in the journal Granma on February 24 — makes a comparison between the 1901 and 1976 constitutions that merits further discussion. Let us look further at three of the author’s main points. 1. It … Continue reading “Cuba’s Constitution of 1976: An Historic Setback / Dimas Castellano”

Cuban Dissidents in Western Democrats’ Selfies / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 7 March 2016 — Between repression by the regime and the disdain of democratic governments, peaceful opposition in Cuba is paying too high a price for its shortcomings and lack of popular support. But let us not forget that they are victims, not the ones responsible for our national disaster. The best screenwriters … Continue reading “Cuban Dissidents in Western Democrats’ Selfies / Iván García”

Cubans as Carrion from the Hunt / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

From September 19 to 22, the Catholic Pope will visit Cuba for the third time, and as is customary, the Castro regime has had a sudden merciful change of heart. This time, Cuban jails have released 3,522 prisoners. That’s 500 prisoners more than in March 2012, when Benedict XVI came to the island, and 3,000 more than … Continue reading “Cubans as Carrion from the Hunt / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

A Century Of Tumultuous Relations / 14ymedio

1898: the United States declares war on Spain after accusing it of the sinking of the battleship “Maine” in Havana harbor. The United States wins and Spain has to give up Cuba. 1901: On June 12, the United States imposes the Platt Amendment which will be incorporated into the first Constitution of Cuba and limits the sovereignty … Continue reading “A Century Of Tumultuous Relations / 14ymedio”

What will happen in Cuba? / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana 16 May 2015 – On the back of a copy of the I Ching were examples of questions about which one might consult this Chinese. Should I marry X? Is this the time to take a trip to Y? What will happen in Cuba? The readers of this copy from 43 … Continue reading “What will happen in Cuba? / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Leopoldo Lopez and Angel Santiesteban: Two Lives and One Destiny

If we paused to observe Leopoldo Lopez and Angel Santiesteban-Prats for one moment, we see two very different physical types. One is very slim, the other sturdy. One is a lawyer, the other a writer. One is Venezuelan, the other Cuban; both are the father of a girl and a boy. Both share the same … Continue reading “Leopoldo Lopez and Angel Santiesteban: Two Lives and One Destiny”

What Is Happening in Venezuela Worries Cuba / Ivan Garcia

“If the media stops talking, let the streets talk” In one way or another, Cuba is taking note of the street protests occurring these days in Venezuela. The most nervous are the olive-green autocrats. According to a low-level party official, since the death of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, the regime has had various … Continue reading “What Is Happening in Venezuela Worries Cuba / Ivan Garcia”

Today, in Venezuela, political control is maintained with violence / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

“The Party is immortal” was one of the first communist slogans. It was a declaration of the Party’s right to annihilate its “class enemies” and to keep hold of power by means of a “dictatorship of the proletariat” that would eradicate the “enemies of the people.” For decades, communists were murdered in every country they … Continue reading “Today, in Venezuela, political control is maintained with violence / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Civil Disobedience Cuban Style / Ivan Garcia

In Cuba people seldom go to extremes. Here you will not find a Mohamed Bouazizi ready to turn himself into a human bonfire in front of the Ministry of Housing to protest excessive taxes. There are, however, a lot of Bouazizis around. Their way of rebelling is different. Cubans do not take to the streets … Continue reading “Civil Disobedience Cuban Style / Ivan Garcia”

Prison Diary XII: The Birth of a Dissident / Angel Santiesteban

Just days before Angel was moved illegally and by force from La Lima prison, where he was incarcerated for crimes he did not commit, and when we are still without news of him except that he was locked in the 1580 Prison, or The Pitirre, in San Miguel del Padron, on a severe regime, well … Continue reading “Prison Diary XII: The Birth of a Dissident / Angel Santiesteban”

Sonia Garro and Ramon Munoz: A Year in Prison Without Trial / Ivan Garcia

Freedom gives light, color, harmony, life to a dark dead society. Freedom-Democracy for Cuba. A year ago, while preparing the official pomp to receive Pope Benedict XVI, elite troops from the Ministry of the Interior violently assaulted the house of the dissident Sonia Garro Alfonso, in the Los Quemados neighborhood of Marianao, in western Havana. … Continue reading “Sonia Garro and Ramon Munoz: A Year in Prison Without Trial / Ivan Garcia”

THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban

The situation of Cubans under the oppression of the Castro dictatorship does nothing but get worse day by day. The complicity of the world’s governments, whatever their political orientations may be, is unexplainable and unjustifable. In Cuba, Human Rights do NOT exist, liberty and justice do not exist. The oldest dynastic dictatorship in the world … Continue reading “THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban”