14ymedio, Havana, 2 October 2022 — After the cancellations, on Saturday, of most of the flights between the United States and the Island, the situation has normalized, and all the airports in the national territory are operating, according to the Cuban Company of Airports and Airport Services S.A. (ECASA). “Recovery actions are being carried out in the facilities after the passage of Hurricane Ian,” reported the official newspaper Granma.
The same publication assures that an “effect on the technological systems that support the check-in service for passengers,” caused delays the previous day; although, it adds, “most of the planned flights were carried out.” The operations canceled were due to “the decisions of the airlines,” which provided information to passengers.
These cancellations generated discomfort among travelers and their relatives, who expressed their dissatisfaction through social networks and didn’t seem convinced by ECASA’s explanations. For his part, one of the regime’s spokespersons on Cuban Television, Humberto López, denounced an alleged “fake news campaign from Miami, that airports in Cuba were closed, when in reality all operations were working — slowly but working.”
Arturo Mesa, a friend of one of those affected by these cancellations, for which Havana is responsible, commented that the airlines didn’t provide any support to travelers who arrived at Miami and Fort Lauderdale airports to travel to Cuba. On Facebook he detailed that his acquaintance, who “came with 140 pounds of gifts, animal medicines and some donations for Viñales,” had to return home with all his luggage. The companies “didn’t pay him for a hotel or transportation” even though he lives far from Miami.
Mesa told Humberto López: “The lack of information is forgiven. The lie is despicable and has very short legs.”
Many users of Cuban airports pointed out that the power generation plants in the terminals were insufficient: “They give power for 20 or 30 minutes and then it goes away.”
According to Granma, this Sunday “the check-in system has already been restored, providing totally normal service. There has been no impact on the rest of the systems,” the official report concludes.
Translated by Regina Anavy
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