Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison”

He did not reveal which country he is in and explained that the authorities took him directly to the plane 14ymedio, Madrid, September 12, 2024 — The Cuban regime forced Cuban activist and former member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), Jorge Cervantes García, into exile last Tuesday. As the opponent himself revealed on … Continue reading “Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison””

Cuba Archive Asks Embassies in Cuba to Mediate in the Case of a Political Prisoner

14ymedio, Havana, 14 October 2022 – On Thursday the Cuba Archive organisation requested the international community to mediate in the case of the political prisoner Carlos Manuel Pupo Rodríguez, national coordinator of the Union for a Free Cuba Party. In their petition: Why does it ’not matter’ that Cubans are dying of hunger?, the organisation urges … Continue reading “Cuba Archive Asks Embassies in Cuba to Mediate in the Case of a Political Prisoner”

Laritza Diversent Petitions Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Behalf of Cubans Detained on July 11 / Cubalex

Dear Commission Members: My name is Laritza Diversent. I am the director of Cubalex. Working in collaboration with the group Justicia 11J [11 July], we have recorded the detentions of 1,130 people since July 11, 572 of whom remain incarcerated. Several people who have been released report incidents of torture and mistreatment including beatings, verbal … Continue reading “Laritza Diversent Petitions Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Behalf of Cubans Detained on July 11 / Cubalex”

Cuban Prosecutor’s Office Asks for Sentences of 6 to 12 Years for the San Antonio Protestors

14ymedio, Havana, 7 October 2021 — A total of 17 people are being tried this week for their participation in the peaceful demonstration on July 11 in San Antonio de los Baños, Artemisa, which lit the fuse for the rest of the protests in the country that Sunday. The Prosecutor’s Office is asking for between … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutor’s Office Asks for Sentences of 6 to 12 Years for the San Antonio Protestors”

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting”

For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba”

The Faces of the 45 Victims of the Gas Explosion in Havana’s Saratoga Hotel

14ymedio, Havana, 12 May 2022 — On Thursday the rescue services found the body of the last person listed as missing since the explosion, last Friday, in the Saratoga Hotel, bringing the death toll to 45. The fatalities are more than a number. However, little is known of their personal histories. With the support of social … Continue reading “The Faces of the 45 Victims of the Gas Explosion in Havana’s Saratoga Hotel”

Sentenced to 14 Years For the 11 July Protests in Cuba and on Hunger strike, He is the Father of Two Babies

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 24 February 2022 — Gerardo Díaz Alonso, one of the protesters on July 11 in Cárdenas, Matanzas, has been on a hunger strike since Friday, protesting that he was sentenced to 14 years for the crimes of sabotage and public disorder. His wife, Mercedes Sánchez, with whom he has two children … Continue reading “Sentenced to 14 Years For the 11 July Protests in Cuba and on Hunger strike, He is the Father of Two Babies”

Five Cuban Political Prisoners from July 11th are on a Hunger Strike

14ymedio, Havana, January 21, 2022–Five political prisoners, of those detained for the popular protests on July 11th (11J), are on a hunger strike. Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, William Manuel Leyva Pupo, Yosnavy Rosell García, Cruz García Domínguez, and Chadrían Vila Sequin are refusing to ingest food, demanding their immediate release, reported Justicia 11J on Friday. … Continue reading “Five Cuban Political Prisoners from July 11th are on a Hunger Strike”

Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)

Announcements made by United States President Barack Obama and his administration have sparked an intense controversy about the Cuban conflict. Many opponents and civil society activists, within the island and in exile, have lamented, especially, the lack of transparency and the unilateral and unconditional nature of the new measures. It is indisputable and indispensable that … Continue reading “Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)”