The Sword of Raul Castro / Luis Felipe Rojas

All said and done, more than half of a list of 53 political prisoners that nobody knows are already free, completely secret and that nobody we ask clarifies for us. Of the fifty who were out, I have the list of 36 prisoners who were surprised to be free again, without formal charges and under … Continue reading “The Sword of Raul Castro / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The Cuban opposition calls for “strengthening unity in diversity” / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 23 December 2014 – Cuban Civil Society Open Forum, a new organization in Cuba which has come to be a forum of debate for the opposition, met this Monday in Havana to review its own development as well as its common position, faced with the new scenario that has opened with the reestablishment … Continue reading “The Cuban opposition calls for “strengthening unity in diversity” / 14ymedio”

UNPACU Denounces A Plan For “Liquidating the Most Active Opposition” / 14ymedio

14YMEDIO, November 28, 2014 — UNPACU issued a statement Thursday night in which it accuses President Raul Castro of having ordered the “liquidation” of the opposition. The organization cites sources from the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) according to which the elimination of the most diligent activists should be carried out in the next three … Continue reading “UNPACU Denounces A Plan For “Liquidating the Most Active Opposition” / 14ymedio”

Letter to Obama Sparks Controversy / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana | May 23, 2014 A letter published this week, signed by more than forty American personalities, asked Barack Obama to ease measures toward Cuba. In an unusual gesture of consensus, former senior U.S. politicians, military, analysts and businessmen advocate relaxing the embargo on the Island. Among the signatories are Republicans and Democrats who … Continue reading “Letter to Obama Sparks Controversy / 14ymedio”

Declaration from Cuban Democratic Alliance on the Successful End of the Hunger Strike / ALDECU

We, the undersigned members of the plural group ALDECU (Cuban Democratic Alliance),  issue this document in order to express our deep satisfaction with the success achieved by the scores of hunger strikers belonging to the valiant Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), headed by José Daniel Ferrer García, a member of our group. On Tuesday night ended … Continue reading “Declaration from Cuban Democratic Alliance on the Successful End of the Hunger Strike / ALDECU”

Declaration of Saratoga / Jorge Luis Garcia – Antunez

People of Cuba, people from Camaguey, and all compatriots: We are a group of peaceful human rights activists and pro-democracy opponents who today have met in the already emblematic Saratoga neighborhood in the city of Camaguey, where after fruitful exchange and work meeting, we are launching to the world this historic declaration in which we … Continue reading “Declaration of Saratoga / Jorge Luis Garcia – Antunez”

“I am not afraid to die for my father’s freedom”: Youngest hunger striker speaks / UNPACU – Patriotic Union of Cuba

In a video recorded by the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), Enrique Lozada speaks during his third week on hunger strike, a protest started to demand the release of his father, activist Luis Enrique Lozada Igarza, violently arrested by the political police last April 9th in Maffo, Contramaestre.  Luis Enrique is also on hunger strike … Continue reading ““I am not afraid to die for my father’s freedom”: Youngest hunger striker speaks / UNPACU – Patriotic Union of Cuba”

The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS

Five years after Cuba’s representative signed the United Nations Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the situation with regards to fundamental rights in Cuba remains precarious. The violation of fundamental rights is not only a part of the repressive apparatus of the State, but our national legislation itself … Continue reading “The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS”

THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban

The situation of Cubans under the oppression of the Castro dictatorship does nothing but get worse day by day. The complicity of the world’s governments, whatever their political orientations may be, is unexplainable and unjustifable. In Cuba, Human Rights do NOT exist, liberty and justice do not exist. The oldest dynastic dictatorship in the world … Continue reading “THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban”

Angel Santiesteban, Amigo #YoTambienEscriboInclinado / Angel Santiesteban

From Estado de Sats The Cuban writer Angel Santiesteban, friend and good father, arbitrarily sentenced to 5 years in prison for a fabricated crime. WE CAN’T ALLOW IT!! Friend Angel, thank you for your companionship and your unconditional presence. Angel and his son Eduardito next to Antonio G. Rodiles in the hospital during the illness … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban, Amigo #YoTambienEscriboInclinado / Angel Santiesteban”

Violence increases against dissidents in Cuba (Part 1) / Pieces of the Island #Cuba

From site manager: Add this blog — Pieces of the Island — to your reading list. As always “Pieces of the Island” brings up-to-the minute news directly from Cuba — and in particular from places other than Havana — from a broad range of activists who don’t all run their own blogs. Without this … Continue reading “Violence increases against dissidents in Cuba (Part 1) / Pieces of the Island #Cuba”

This is Already a Path of No Return / Antonio Rodiles , Estado de SATS #Cuba

Interview with Antonio G. Rodiles, Estado de SATS Project Coordinator, by Ernesto Santana Zaldívar (from July 2012) HAVANA, Cuba, Introductory Note: On July 24, 2012, during the funeral of the opposition leader Oswaldo Payá, there were violent arrests of several activists and dissidents, among them Antonio Rodiles, who was held for 24 hours at … Continue reading “This is Already a Path of No Return / Antonio Rodiles , Estado de SATS #Cuba”

Declaration No. 1 of Thursday November 8, 2012, About the Arbitrary Arrests Happening in the Last Hours / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Since yesterday, November 7, 2012, there have been numerous arbitrary arrests, which continue to today. The number arrested at this time is impossible to determine because, as on previous occasions, the mobile and fixed phones of those involved have been interrupted and cut off. Among the arrested are Antonio Rodiles and Yoani Sanchez. The trigger … Continue reading “Declaration No. 1 of Thursday November 8, 2012, About the Arbitrary Arrests Happening in the Last Hours / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Cuban Government’s Repression Against UNPACU / Estado de Sats, Felix Navarro, Librado Linares, Antonio G. Rodiles

A few days ago a document signed by the coordinators of the Campaign For Another Cuba warned of the growing repression by the Cuban government against Civil Society and the possible consequences of these actions for our country. At this time in Eastern Cuba, the activists of the Cuban Patriotic Union (UNPACU) are repressed and … Continue reading “Cuban Government’s Repression Against UNPACU / Estado de Sats, Felix Navarro, Librado Linares, Antonio G. Rodiles”

Where the Dictatorship Nests / Lilianne Ruiz

When in Cuba we say “the system” we are referring to a circumstance which, even though we recognize it as abnormal, arbitrary and unnatural — the condition of being on an Island and being subjected to a “political-ideological education” experiment, as well as the terror — can be, for many, unbearable. There are many families … Continue reading “Where the Dictatorship Nests / Lilianne Ruiz”