The Church Taken by Parishioners / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

The temple of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church, located at Infanta and Santa Marta in Central Havana, displays an unusual situation since a few days ago, in that more than 60 people, among them 19 minors and 4 pregnant women, have remained in the church for a lengthy period of time, found in withdrawal behind closed … Continue reading “The Church Taken by Parishioners / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

The Church Taken by Parishioners

The temple of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church, located at Infanta and Santa Marta in Central Havana, displays an unusual situation since a few days ago, in that more than 60 people, among them 19 minors and 4 pregnant women, have remained in the church for a lengthy period of time, found in withdrawal behind closed … Continue reading “The Church Taken by Parishioners”

Santiesteban, Padura, Milanes and the Repression of Intellectuals in Cuba / Angel Santiesteban

From Havana, Cuba, where he lives and is subjected to systematic police and legal abuse by the island’s military regime, because of his determination to be a free writer, especially in his blog “The Children Nobody Wanted,” Angel Santiesteban answered, bravely it must be said, the following interview questions from Armando de Armas for Marti … Continue reading “Santiesteban, Padura, Milanes and the Repression of Intellectuals in Cuba / Angel Santiesteban”

New Accusation of Assault / Angel Santiesteban

Photo of a fragment of a document from the file of Ángel Santiesteban-Prats where you can read at the end in a handwritten note: “Case of interest to the Minister.” Refers to General Colome Ibarra. Cuba’s totalitarian regime treats Defense Attorneys as unwelcome to those who have no choice but to endure them for sake … Continue reading “New Accusation of Assault / Angel Santiesteban”

The Narrow Width / Yoani Sánchez

I felt a shock on learning that Diana Nyad would make an attempt to swim across the Florida Straits. I recalled the days in 1994, when my neighborhood of San Leopoldo was swarming with people building improvised rafts on which to launch themselves into the sea. I especially remember one group that left, during that … Continue reading “The Narrow Width / Yoani Sánchez”

An Ingenous Question / Fernando Dámaso

Among the authorities and officials serving in the national mass media, the verb “to recover” is the most used in these times of guidelines and updating the economic model. It is practically applied to all areas and activities of the nation, whether of a material or spiritual nature: everything should be “recovered.” First things first: … Continue reading “An Ingenous Question / Fernando Dámaso”

Closed by Demolition / Francis Sánchez

[I have decided to publish, before this blog is closed down, some texts that I didn’t publish at the time because it was practically impossible to do it because of obvious difficulties or because as time passed I doubted that it would be the best idea. Due to recent events, I think it is best … Continue reading “Closed by Demolition / Francis Sánchez”

Ciro Diaz, Guitar Player for Porno Para Ricardo / Iván García

Ciro Diaz, 33, guitar player for the group Porno for Ricardo and musical producer, had all the ingredients to be a jet setter of the Revolution. He was born and raised in the heart of a family who listened to Fidel Castro’s long speeches and went to the Revolutionary celebrations cyclically generated by the olive … Continue reading “Ciro Diaz, Guitar Player for Porno Para Ricardo / Iván García”

The Good Fortune of Beggars / Miriam Celaya

One of the most common attacks from the official spaces against the alternative bloggers revolved around our supposed malicious interest in silencing the “achievements” of the Revolution. With regards to the issue of health, the scoldings bring up a point. The altruism of the so-called solidarity–referring primarily to the medical brigades serving in other countries–has … Continue reading “The Good Fortune of Beggars / Miriam Celaya”

A Friend of Mine Sent Me This Letter and Photo of Harol Brito / Luis Felipe Rojas

At the time of his death, Harol Brito was only 39 years old. He had spent 16 years of his life in prison because of ‘disrespect’ against the Commander in Chief, threat, resistance and disobedience against the authorities. State Security began to investigate him when he was 13 years old due to ‘ideological diversion’. While … Continue reading “A Friend of Mine Sent Me This Letter and Photo of Harol Brito / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Illegal Cubans in Havana / Iván García

Havana is a sort of forbidden city for people from deep inside Cuba. By Decree 217, effective April 22, 1997, residing in the country’s capital is a complicated pattern of bureaucratic procedures and hours of queues at central administration. You have to meet a lot of requirements to be approved to move to the city. … Continue reading “Illegal Cubans in Havana / Iván García”

Investors’ Incentives… Cuban Style / Ernesto Morales Licea

My mother just closed the business that fed the better part of my family in Cuba over the last decade. The reason: the country’s new plan of economic recovery. A little over ten years ago, someone who shares my blood and who had an immense business vision, became a pioneer in a particular business: Renting … Continue reading “Investors’ Incentives… Cuban Style / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Voices 3 About to be Released / Miguel Iturria Savón

Translator’s note: The translation of this post was delayed; Voices 7 is now out. Friday night, November 12, was one of magic and joy for the sponsors and witnesses of the journal Voices, developed since last August by Yoani Sanchez, Reinaldo Escobar, Luis Orlando and other creators from the Academy Blogger in Cuba, who distributed … Continue reading “Voices 3 About to be Released / Miguel Iturria Savón”

Bad Experience / Regina Coyula

I was recently asked about the time when I used to teach. My teaching experience was with General Integral Professors*, teachers known as Emerging or “Instantaneous.” In addition to help in preparing to teach classes, I visited and assessed them in the classroom. Those guys were very young and came mostly from the eastern provinces. … Continue reading “Bad Experience / Regina Coyula”