Cuba on the UN Human Rights Council: No One Should be Surprised / Juan Juan Almeida

When I was a lad, it seemed a crazy thing to see the instant when the results of the elections for members of the National Assembly, the Council of State, Council of Ministers and the Executive Committee were announced. It was, or is, for the high leaders of the eccentric Cuban Revolution, a moment of … Continue reading “Cuba on the UN Human Rights Council: No One Should be Surprised / Juan Juan Almeida”

A Teacher Rapist in a System of Ostriches / Juan Juan Almeida

This past October 21st, Dario Alejandro Escobar, a cuban resident on the island and graduate student in journalism recently published an article on his blog “Un Guajiro Ilustrado“, controversial rebuttal post titled “Metafora del modo subjuntivo.” (Metaphor in the Subjunctive tense). In the post, the author, in addition to captivating the audience with his interesting … Continue reading “A Teacher Rapist in a System of Ostriches / Juan Juan Almeida”

Ana Luisa has been beaten: I call intellectuals and artists for the honorable stance that this people need / Angel Santiesteban

I cannot get used, and I will not stop denouncing and demanding, whenever I know about a savage act consented to by the government, which does not condemn the punishable, and the complicit silence of social institutions, particularly CENESEX*, which advocates respect for the law, and especially UNEAC**, the victim being on this occasion Luisa … Continue reading “Ana Luisa has been beaten: I call intellectuals and artists for the honorable stance that this people need / Angel Santiesteban”

Taken Out of the Closet, But No One Asks Forgiveness / Reinaldo Cosano

By Reinaldo Cosano. Havana, Cuba Posted in the blog of Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada The veil covering violent homophobic repression is slowly being drawn back, but the gulity aren’t asking for public pardon. It is hard to specify just how the virus of homophobic repression was incubated, sharp-eyed with the machismo of the days … Continue reading “Taken Out of the Closet, But No One Asks Forgiveness / Reinaldo Cosano”

Independent March in Front of the Capitol Demands Gay Marriage / Lilianne Ruiz

Independent LGBT activists marched before the Capitol this weekend — photo by  Lilianne Ruiz HAVANA, Cuba, July 2nd 2013, Lilianne Ruiz / — In concurrence with Gay Pride Day, celebrated worldwide every 28th of June, a dozen activists marched past the Capitol last Saturday, led by Leannes Imbert Acosta, director of the LGBT community’s … Continue reading “Independent March in Front of the Capitol Demands Gay Marriage / Lilianne Ruiz”

Gay Pride Day in Cuba / Ignacio Estrada

By Ignacio Estrada Havana, Cuba – For the third consecutive year the community of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual in the island will join the initiative to hold a new Gay Pride Day 2013. The celebration extends throughout June and close with renowned Gay Pride Walk taking place on Saturday June 29. During the entire … Continue reading “Gay Pride Day in Cuba / Ignacio Estrada”

Some Gays Boast About Spies / Yaremis Flores

During this month the island is celebrating the sixth edition of the Cuban Day Against Homophobia. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community on the island, in their eternal struggle against rejection and exclusion, joins in an apparent cultural celebration organized by the government. The smiling faces of several LGBT people, marking the day, … Continue reading “Some Gays Boast About Spies / Yaremis Flores”

Mariela Castro’s Day and Conga Line Not Reported in Any Press / Ignacio Estrada

Havana, Cuba – Once again, the conga line led by Mariela Castro Espín swept through one of the city’s main thoroughfares, this past Saturday, May the eleventh, under heavy security and control measures. The conga line against homophobia, pretends to reproduce the many marches held around the world in support of the rights of the … Continue reading “Mariela Castro’s Day and Conga Line Not Reported in Any Press / Ignacio Estrada”

La Massiel Performs in Havana / Ignacio Estrada

By Ignacio Estrada Havana, Cuba — As announced by the official website of the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX) the next gala against Homophobia will feature a special performance by the renowned singer La Massiel. The artistic gala will take place at the government Karl Mark Theater, a place that in the last three … Continue reading “La Massiel Performs in Havana / Ignacio Estrada”

Mariela Castro Deputy of Vulgarity / Ignacio Estrada

By Ignacio Estrada, Independent Journalist Havana, Cuba. This coming February 3 will be the right time for another Castro family member to ascend to the Cuban parliament. This time turn it is the turn of the sexologist Mariela Castro, current director of the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX). An institute that has tried to … Continue reading “Mariela Castro Deputy of Vulgarity / Ignacio Estrada”

Two Who Are The Same Also Make A Couple / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada #Cuba

Havana, Cuba – The reaction on the part of the parliament to the modification of the Cuban family code lays bare the institutionalized homophobia of the government structures led by Raul Castro Ruz. The discussion of the new family code was again dismissed by the National Assembly of People’s Power. The family code was drafted … Continue reading “Two Who Are The Same Also Make A Couple / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada #Cuba”

What Rights Are Those Mariela* Proclaims? / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

The 2012 Population and Housing Census has already cataloged many, but is not ended. Like a homophobic and discriminatory action. Once again we see the bad actions of the Cuban authorities, who on this occasion forgot to erase the traces they left which today are used against them. This time we’re not talking about a … Continue reading “What Rights Are Those Mariela* Proclaims? / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

We’ve Reached Our First Wedding Anniversary / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Only a few supposedly deluded people imagined that our marriage would last longer than a snowball in hell. Exactly one year has elapsed since August 13, 2011. Today marks our first anniversary. The date that we celebrate today is a day to share with all those who, from the very beginning, trusted us. They did … Continue reading “We’ve Reached Our First Wedding Anniversary / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

Gay Shame / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Gay Pride Day in Cuba should be celebrated as the Gay Murmur Day. Among thousands and thousands of magnificent queers and dazzling lesbians, among thousands and thousands of plurisexual people, very free in private, not even three manage to come out in the streets. Not even to kiss in the sad backyard of MININT, surrounded … Continue reading “Gay Shame / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Laura Pollán Is With Me / Lilianne Ruíz

The sun is still rising in Cuba. The natural cycle of birth and death never fails to mock ideology and power. It is the rag that will wipe away all the actors of this diabolic drama. Recently I got to know through a friend who is a veteran of  the Ladies in White, that a few … Continue reading “Laura Pollán Is With Me / Lilianne Ruíz”