Mexico Has Paid Havana About 10 Million Dollars for 718 Cuban Medical Specialists

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 15 July 2023 — The Mexican Government paid Cuba $9,667,115 between July 2022 and May of this year for a contingent of 718 doctors, according to a source from the Ministry of Health who requested anonymity. Of the specialists, 128 are still receiving training or processing the necessary documentation to practice, … Continue reading “Mexico Has Paid Havana About 10 Million Dollars for 718 Cuban Medical Specialists”

More Than 200,000 Doses of the Cuban Vaccine Abdala Will Expire This Summer in Mexico

14ymedio, Mexico City, 11 July 2023 — About 227,449 doses of the Cuban vaccine Abdala, which the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador bought in 2022 from the Island as a booster drug against COVID-19 for the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco and Puebla, will expire between July and August of this year. “The … Continue reading “More Than 200,000 Doses of the Cuban Vaccine Abdala Will Expire This Summer in Mexico”

Portuguese Government Wants To Reinforce Public Health With 300 Doctors From Cuba

EFE/14ymedio, Havana, July 5, 2023 — The Portuguese government plans to strengthen the country’s public health system by hiring 300 Cuban doctors, who have already started the necessary procedures, the Portuguese newspaper Jornal de Notícias reported on Wednesday . According to this medium, the Ministry of Health intends to remedy the shortcomings of the National Health Service … Continue reading “Portuguese Government Wants To Reinforce Public Health With 300 Doctors From Cuba”

Another Mexican State Wants To Remove a Group of Cuban Doctors Because of Their Poor Skills

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 9 June 9, 2023 — In the states of Tlaxcala and Morelos, Mexican doctors have expressed their dissatisfaction with the low level of preparation and the high salaries of health workers hired by the Government of Mexico from Cuba. Blanca Águila Lima, the head of a national workers’ union of the … Continue reading “Another Mexican State Wants To Remove a Group of Cuban Doctors Because of Their Poor Skills”

At the Summit Against Inflation, Diaz-Canel Offers Barter and a Thousand Cuban Doctors

14ymedio, Madrid, 6 April 2023 — Eleven countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, including Cuba, agreed on Wednesday to create an alliance to jointly confront inflation. In that virtual meeting convened by the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, made several proposals, which he described as … Continue reading “At the Summit Against Inflation, Diaz-Canel Offers Barter and a Thousand Cuban Doctors”

Mexico Buys Medicines From Cuba for More Than $84 Million

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 13 February 2022 — The Government of Mexico announced the purchase in Cuba of medicines for anesthesiology, pulmonology, ophthalmology and cancer treatment. According to the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela, for the “already consolidated” acquisition, the Island will receive 84,425 dollars as part of the new health agreement that was … Continue reading “Mexico Buys Medicines From Cuba for More Than $84 Million”

Outrage Grows in Mexico Over the Award of the Order of the Aztec Eagle to Cuban President Diaz-Canel

14ymedio, Mexico, 11 February 2023 — Mexicans did not welcome the reception of Miguel Díaz-Canel by his counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador this Saturday in Campeche, in the southeast of the country. The rejection increased when it became known that the Cuban president will be decorated with the degree of the prestigious Mexican Order of … Continue reading “Outrage Grows in Mexico Over the Award of the Order of the Aztec Eagle to Cuban President Diaz-Canel”

‘Here We Do Not Receive a Salary, Only a Stipend’, Admits a Cuban Doctor in Mexico

14ymedio, Mexico, February 2, 2023 — The 620 Cuban doctors who have been in Mexico since January 27 receive from the Government of Cuba “a stipend for their needs.” With those words spoken in an improvised interview, uploaded to YouTube by the newspaper Reforma, the Cuban geriatrician Juan Andrés Echemendía, stressed: “We do not receive … Continue reading “‘Here We Do Not Receive a Salary, Only a Stipend’, Admits a Cuban Doctor in Mexico”

Fifty of the 500 Cuban Doctors Hired in August Arrive in Italy

14ymedio, Havana, 29 December 2022 — A first group of 50 Cuban doctors hired by Calabria last August has arrived at their destination three months late. In an announcement through his social networks, the president of that Italian region, Roberto Occhiuto, took the opportunity to defend the controversial decision to import health workers from the Island. … Continue reading “Fifty of the 500 Cuban Doctors Hired in August Arrive in Italy”

Mexico Tries to Convince its Medical Students to Stay in Cuba with 1,500 Euros

14ymedio, Havana, 20 September 2022 — The National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) will award 1,500 euros as “additional one-time support” to Mexican medical students who accept controversial scholarships to study a specialty in Cuba. According to the report, which doesn’t specify the number of beneficiaries, the support is to encourage “permanence in their … Continue reading “Mexico Tries to Convince its Medical Students to Stay in Cuba with 1,500 Euros”

Report Reveals ‘The Military Truth Behind the Cuban Medical Missions in Mexico

14ymedio, Madrid, August 26, 2022 — The characteristics of the last Cuban medical brigade imported by Mexico, which began to arrive in the last week of July, offer no doubt about the spurious interests behind the facade of humanitarian collaboration with which they have been sold to public opinion. “They are all military” and “none … Continue reading “Report Reveals ‘The Military Truth Behind the Cuban Medical Missions in Mexico”

Mexico Will Pay Cuba More than a Million Dollars a Month for 641 Healthcare Workers

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 9 August 2022 — Finally, 641 Cuban doctors will be hired by the Mexican government to fill vacancies in precarious areas. The director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, indicated that these healthcare workers will be integrated into the Health Plan for Well-being and that “115 are … Continue reading “Mexico Will Pay Cuba More than a Million Dollars a Month for 641 Healthcare Workers”

The Mexican Government Will Pay $2,000 a Month for Cuban Doctors

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Havana, 27 July 2022 — The 500 Cuban doctors who were hired by the Government of Mexico to provide services in marginal areas of the country will receive a salary similar to that of Mexican health workers. “They will receive between 41,784 ($2,042) and 35,237 pesos ($1,722) per month,” an employee of … Continue reading “The Mexican Government Will Pay $2,000 a Month for Cuban Doctors”

Mexican Court Agrees to Consider Injunction Against Hiring of Cuban Doctors

14ymedio, Madrid, 27 May 2022 — A Mexican judge has agreed to consider a preliminary injunction against plans announced by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to hire 500 Cuban doctors, according to the Associated Press. According to the Mexican press, the second district judge in matters of Civil, Administrative and Labor Protection of Puebla, … Continue reading “Mexican Court Agrees to Consider Injunction Against Hiring of Cuban Doctors”

Doctors Leave Cuba and it Affects the Infant Mortality Rate

14ymedio, Madrid, 8 April 2022 — The infant mortality figures in Ciego de Ávila were very bad news last year, when the province closed 2021 with a rate of 13.8 dead babies per thousand births. For the first quarter of 2022 up to March 24, according to the authorities, six newborns died and there were … Continue reading “Doctors Leave Cuba and it Affects the Infant Mortality Rate”