Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 28 March 2023 — The NGO Amnesty International (AI) denounced on Monday in its annual report the “hundreds of people” in prison in Cuba for “the peaceful exercise of their human rights” — including “three prisoners of conscience” — and the “repression” of “dissidence” and protests. In its document, which summarizes … Continue reading “Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’”

Images of Empty Voting Centers in Cuba Belie the Official Participation of More Than 70 Percent

14ymedio, Havana, 27 March 2023 — A lack of enthusiasm marked Cuba’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, March 26, which even with the official data available so far already point to the lowest turnout since 1959. The 14ymedio team was able to verify in different polling stations in Havana that not many Cubans came to vote. … Continue reading “Images of Empty Voting Centers in Cuba Belie the Official Participation of More Than 70 Percent”

Cuba’s Elections for Parliament Start With Low Attendance and Less Enthusiasm

14ymedio, Havana, 26 March 2023 — The low attendance at the polling stations is marking Sunday in Cuba, where this March 26th the polls have opened early to ratify the 470 candidates who will occupy, for five years, the 470 seats in the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP). Although more than 8.1 million people … Continue reading “Cuba’s Elections for Parliament Start With Low Attendance and Less Enthusiasm”

Between the Ballot and the Ticket To Leave the Island, Cubans Prefer To Emigrate

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 23 March 2023 — To vote or not to vote in the elections for Cuba’s Parliament, on March 26, is a dilemma in the face of which many Cubans have already taken sides. The economic crisis, lack of hope and little confidence in state institutions favor abstention in a country … Continue reading “Between the Ballot and the Ticket To Leave the Island, Cubans Prefer To Emigrate”

To Vote or Abstain on March 26? For Once Cubans Are on the Same Page

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, March 13, 2023 — It can be said that, for the first time in more than sixty years, Cubans opposed to the regime have (almost) unanimously agreed that abstention is an appropriate response to the Communist Party’s call for a “united vote” on March 26 in favor of the list of … Continue reading “To Vote or Abstain on March 26? For Once Cubans Are on the Same Page”

D Frente Urges Cubans to Advocate on Social Media for Abstaining From the Elections on March 26

14ymedio, Madrid, 14 February 2023 — D Frente [D Front], an opposition group, born from an agreement among distinct organizations, is urging Cubans to abstain from the next elections for delegates to the National Assembly of the People’s Power on March 26th. In a statement issued on Tuesday, they invite citizens to participate in a … Continue reading “D Frente Urges Cubans to Advocate on Social Media for Abstaining From the Elections on March 26”

The Cuban Electoral Council Describes Local Voting as a ‘Victory’, Despite the Record Abstentions

14ymedio, Juan Carlos Espinosa, Havana, 8 December 2022 — The Cuban provinces most punished by Hurricane Ian — which hit the western end of the Island at the end of September — recorded the highest rates of abstention and blank votes in the municipal elections of November 27, according to official data released this Wednesday. … Continue reading “The Cuban Electoral Council Describes Local Voting as a ‘Victory’, Despite the Record Abstentions”

Political Prisoners Take Advantage of ‘Passes’ to Escape Cuba as Rafters

14ymedio, Havana, 9 December 2022 — With 24 new arrests this November, the Cuban government keeps a total of 1,034 political prisoners incarcerated, according to what Prisoners Defenders (PD) denounced this Friday. In its latest monthly report, the Madrid-based organization exposed the “inhuman repression” that “dominates Cuba since 11 July 2021 (11J).” PD clarified that … Continue reading “Political Prisoners Take Advantage of ‘Passes’ to Escape Cuba as Rafters”

Record-High Abstentions in Cuba’s Elections, 36 Percent According to the Latest National Data

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 28 November 2022–Sunday’s municipal elections in Cuba are on track to surpass the highest ever abstention rates in local elections since these were first held on the Island in 1976. Closing at 5 pm local time, according to the last information shared two hours prior to the closing of the polling … Continue reading “Record-High Abstentions in Cuba’s Elections, 36 Percent According to the Latest National Data”

Religious Dissidents Form an Alliance in Cuba for ‘Freedom of Worship’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 22 November 2022 — About thirty community leaders have formed the Alliance of Christians of Cuba with the aim of “working for freedom of association and worship” and “demanding the immediate release of all political prisoners.” According to a statement released on Monday by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH), … Continue reading “Religious Dissidents Form an Alliance in Cuba for ‘Freedom of Worship’”

Abstaining in Cuban Elections Means Disagreeing Politically

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, November 21, 2022 — Once again, abstention appears as an option to demonstrate political disagreement in Cuba. It already happened in 2019 when the Constitution of the Republic was put to the vote, 15.6% abstained, more recently in the referendum where the Family Code was approved, 25.88% abstained, and it now … Continue reading “Abstaining in Cuban Elections Means Disagreeing Politically”

Barefoot and Dirty, Cuba’s Beggar Children of Central Havana Do Not Officially Exist

14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo/Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 9 November 9, 2022 –Ragged, with hollow eyes and a slightly hoarse voice, two children ask for money in Central Havana. The older may be fourteen or fifteen years old, the younger not more than eight. One is barefoot, with curly hair and a face stained by dirt. The … Continue reading “Barefoot and Dirty, Cuba’s Beggar Children of Central Havana Do Not Officially Exist”

Wombs for Rent or Surrogacy: Cuba Signs Up

14ymedio, Yaiza Santos, Madrid, 22 October 2022 — One of the main doubts raised by the so-called “solidarity gestation” included in the Family Code, approved in a referendum on Sunday, September 25, is whether it will become another tool of the Cuban government to attract medical tourism. There are very few countries in the world that … Continue reading “Wombs for Rent or Surrogacy: Cuba Signs Up”

Cuba: A UMAP for ‘Social Transformation’ of People Who Do Not Study or Work?

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 27 October 2022 — A brief note in Cuba’s officials state newspaper Granma has set off the alarm. It’s getting ugly. During the council of ministers, which met yesterday, October 25th, they presented general directives for preventing and confronting crime, corruption, illegalities and lack of discipline. It was about time, … Continue reading “Cuba: A UMAP for ‘Social Transformation’ of People Who Do Not Study or Work?”

Cuba’s Foreign Minister Overwhelms the Press with Complaints and Dubious Figures About the ‘Blockade’

14ymedio, Madrid, 20 October 2022 — Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, accused the Biden administration on Wednesday of having reached a record for damage to the Cuban economy with the embargo. The minister met with the international press to make the traditional assessment by the authorities before the resolution condemning the US economic policy … Continue reading “Cuba’s Foreign Minister Overwhelms the Press with Complaints and Dubious Figures About the ‘Blockade’”