Charcoal, the Expensive and Only Cooking Fuel After Irma

14ymedio, Luz Escobar and Zunilda Mata, Havana, 18 September 2017 — Black smoke from charcoal rises from an improvised fire in Dinora’s yard, which is close to the area most affected by Hurricane Irma in Caibarién, in the province of Villa Clara. In addition to half her house being on the ground, her new problem now … Continue reading “Charcoal, the Expensive and Only Cooking Fuel After Irma”

Cuban Government Extends Land Lease Period to 20 Years

14ymedio, Havana, 30 June 2017 — The latest Council of Ministers, chaired by Raul Castro, has extended the term of the country’s land leases under the usufruct system to 20 years, but the leases can be cancelled if the beneficiaries use illicit funds, according to an announcement today in the official press. The meeting analyzed … Continue reading “Cuban Government Extends Land Lease Period to 20 Years”

The Lethargy Of A Coastal Town In Camagüey

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Florida, Cuba, 26 June 2017 — “The sea water cleans everything,” Agustin reflects as he calls out his merchandise. This 74-year-old forensic assistant now works renting inflatable boats for the fishermen of Playa Florida, in Camagüey, a coastal strip where tourists rarely come and the economic crisis is strongly felt. “I came here … Continue reading “The Lethargy Of A Coastal Town In Camagüey”

Residents Thank The Rain That Put Out The Year’s Biggest Fire

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 19 April 2017 – When the wind blows, the odor of burning overwhelms the town of El Guay, in the municipality of Mella (Santiago de Cuba). It is an odor that sticks to clothes, hair and food. Last Sunday a downpour put out the forest fire that burned 5,000 hectares in … Continue reading “Residents Thank The Rain That Put Out The Year’s Biggest Fire”

It Is Forbidden To Sell Cheese In The Cuban Countryside

14ymedio, Bertha Guillen, Candelaria, 11 April 2017 — The milk boils on the rustic stove while on the table the cream is churned to make butter. The whole family revolves around the modest production of artisan cheese, a product targeted by the police and appealing to customers. Roberto leaves the house every day very early and … Continue reading “It Is Forbidden To Sell Cheese In The Cuban Countryside”

Requiem For My Havana / Somos+, Grettha Yedra

Island, what happened to you? Who changed the spring? Who shut the door? What ship left you alone? Island, they have changed your clothes They have distorted decency They have trafficked your innocence They have shit on your equality and mine. Island, by Lien Y Rey Somos+, Gretther Yedra Rodriguez, 29 March 2017 — A few … Continue reading “Requiem For My Havana / Somos+, Grettha Yedra”

The Day Castro Buried Capitalism / Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro

Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro, 13 March 2017 – This 13 March is the 49th anniversary of the Great Revolutionary Offensive, that economic project that emerged from the little brain of the “Enlightened Undefeated One,” to ruin the Cuban economy even further. Although each year the so-called Castro Revolution was a real disgrace for all Cubans, … Continue reading “The Day Castro Buried Capitalism / Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro”

More Than 50% Of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Belong To UNPACU, According To Human Rights Group / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 6 February 2017 – A report released this Monday by the National Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) counts 478 arbitrary arrests against dissidents throughout the island during the month of January. The text states that during the past month, there were 20 arrests more than in December 2016. The independent body … Continue reading “More Than 50% Of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Belong To UNPACU, According To Human Rights Group / 14ymedio”

In Cuba Everyone Expects Favors From Trump / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 28 January 2017 — Betting political capital or relying on such an erratic guy as Donald Trump is not good business. Only the desperate, shameless and amoral could argue that the New York magnate is a convinced altruist or humanist. Expecting the enraged Trump to negotiate strategies that address the inefficient Cuban economy, or … Continue reading “In Cuba Everyone Expects Favors From Trump / Iván García”

Cuba Makes Its First Export To The US In Half A Century / EFE, 14ymedio

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 20 January 2017 — Cuba sent two containers with 40 tons of charcoal to the United States in the first export of a product of the Caribbean island to the US in more than half a century. This is the first shipment of charcoal made under the purchase agreement signed earlier … Continue reading “Cuba Makes Its First Export To The US In Half A Century / EFE, 14ymedio”

The Socioeconomic Legacy Of Fidel Castro / Miriam Leiva

ABC International, Miriam Leiva, 26 November 2016 — Fidel Castro left Cuba in disastrous economic conditions after exerting absolute power for more than 47 years. His brother received a country “on the precipice” on 31 July 2006. Raul Castro has had to eliminate the “genial” initiatives of the comandante en jefe, without repudiating them, presenting … Continue reading “The Socioeconomic Legacy Of Fidel Castro / Miriam Leiva”

Clean Sweep and Old Promises / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 22 November 2016 – In the next 40 days, before the end of the year, the Cuban Communist Party must hold its second Central Committee Plenum and approve the final version of the documents issued by their most recent congress. It is expected that there will also be a meeting of … Continue reading “Clean Sweep and Old Promises / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Five Nights in Cuba’s Tourist Apartheid / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 19 August 2016 — On a cloudy afternoon in early July, I went with my daughter to the reservation office in the basement of the Habana Libre hotel, to reserve for mid-August five nights in a hotel in Cayo Coco, in the north of Ciego Avila province, some 360 miles from the capital. … Continue reading “Five Nights in Cuba’s Tourist Apartheid / Iván García”

The Land Belongs To The State … But The Work Does Not / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

Mr. Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met with a group of farmers leasing land under the concept of usufruct in the province of Artemisa, showing first his political skills, and, seeing that his exhortations and appeals were insufficient, moving straight to threats. “The land belongs to the state,” he said, referring to those who do not satisfy … Continue reading “The Land Belongs To The State … But The Work Does Not / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Cuban TV Highlights National Assembly Attacks on the Self-employed / 14ymedio, Pedro Campos

14ymedio, Pedro Campos, Havana, 1 January 2015 – December 29 was the National Assembly of People’s Power last day of work in its final session of 2015. Cuban State television highlighted two moments: the speech of a delegate, supported by president Raul Castro, blaming intermediaries for the high prices of farm products, and another from … Continue reading “Cuban TV Highlights National Assembly Attacks on the Self-employed / 14ymedio, Pedro Campos”