Change and Continuity in Cuba

14ymedio, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Pittsburgh, April 9, 2019 — The 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution is an opportune time to examine how things have changed and how things remain the same in the intervening years. The country’s market economy lasted until 1958 but, by 1961, had been transformed into a centrally planned economy overwhelmingly dominated … Continue reading “Change and Continuity in Cuba”

Cuban Government Raises the Minimum Pension for the First Time in Ten Years

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón / Luz Escobar, Havana/Miami | 31 October 2018 — Beginning in December, Cuban pensioners who receive the minimum monthly pension of 200 Cuban pesos (equivalent to $7.50 USD) will receive 242 CUP ($9.00 USD). The increase, announced Tuesday by Belkis Delgado, Director of Prevention, Assistance and Social Work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, is … Continue reading “Cuban Government Raises the Minimum Pension for the First Time in Ten Years”

Cuban Schools Have a Shortage of 10,000 Teachers

14ymedio, Miami, 21 August 2018 — The Minister of Education, Ena Elsa Velázquez, acknowledged on Tuesday in statements to the official press that, despite the “attention” and “stimulation” accorded to teachers by the Cuban government to “avoid the exodus,” there will be a deficit of about 10,000 teachers at the start of the coming school year … Continue reading “Cuban Schools Have a Shortage of 10,000 Teachers”

Cuban Economy’s 1.1% Growth is Not Felt on Cubans’ Dinner Tables

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami | 25 July 2018 – Cuba’s 1.1% economic growth the first semester of 2018, announced by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, will not reach the kitchens of the Cuban people, nor will it be felt in the already reduced purchasing power of their wallets, according to various economists consulted by 14ymedio. The island, crippled by … Continue reading “Cuban Economy’s 1.1% Growth is Not Felt on Cubans’ Dinner Tables”

Recipes to Reconstruct a Country in Ruins

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami, 20 April 2018 — The almost unanimous support received in Parliament by Miguel Diaz-Canel, who assumed his duties as head of state on Wednesday, has not been accompanied by a concrete commitment to rebuild the country left in ruins by almost six decades of state control of the economy under the … Continue reading “Recipes to Reconstruct a Country in Ruins”

“We Don’t Accept Payment In CUC Here”

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, 17 February 2018 — “I do not accept CUC,” the driver of the shared taxi warns passengers at Havana’s Fraternity Park. It is the third time that day that Lídice, 40, has heard the same phrase. The first time was from a peanut seller and then from a barber. Both refused … Continue reading ““We Don’t Accept Payment In CUC Here””

Living in Cuba Without a Ration Book

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez, Havana, 9 January 2018 — “Did you buy the bread?” The shout comes from a balcony and is directed at a woman walking along a street in Havana. “The bread,” “the rice” or “the coffee,” with the article in front, always refers to the products that are sold through the ration book, an … Continue reading “Living in Cuba Without a Ration Book”

Official Data Confirm Degradation Of Cuba’s Health System

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 23 November 2017 — Under a parasol printed with a reproduction of the Tropical Gypsy, María Elena has left behind her profession as a doctor to dedicate herself to selling handicraft products that she makes for tourists in Matanzas. She graduated in 1993 but has not practiced for more than 10 years. “They … Continue reading “Official Data Confirm Degradation Of Cuba’s Health System”

Venezuela Finances Russian Oil Coming To Cuba

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 12 October 2017 — Russia is again aiding Cuba and, as with the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s, the aid comes in the form of oil. Moscow is trying to compensate for the collapse of Venezuelan shipments, but part of the bill comes from Caracas, says Jorge Piñón, director of … Continue reading “Venezuela Finances Russian Oil Coming To Cuba”

Cuban Families Try to Equip Their Children for the School Year Without Ruining Themselves

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 30 August 2017 — These are frantic days. The uniform has to be ready, and a supply of pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners collected. The school year begins on Monday, and each year the cost of equipping a student for the classroom increases. Cuban families spend nearly an entire month’s average salary … Continue reading “Cuban Families Try to Equip Their Children for the School Year Without Ruining Themselves”

Cuba Spends Less on Healthcare Despite the Aging of the Population

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 10 August 2017 – The Cuban population is aging at an inverse ratio to the investment required to support this share of the citizenry. Almost 20% of Cubans are over 60, and a recent government study sees aging as “the nation’s biggest demographic challenge.” Health spending fell from 11% of GDP … Continue reading “Cuba Spends Less on Healthcare Despite the Aging of the Population”

Average Wages Rise but Nobody in Cuba Lives on Their Salary

14ymedio, Mario Penton and Luz Escobar, Miami and Havana, 14 July 2017 — Ileana Sánchez is anxiously rummaging through her tattered wallet, looking for some bills to buy a toy slate for her seven-year-old granddaughter who dreams of becoming a teacher. She has had to save for months to get the 20 CUC (Cuban convertible pesos, … Continue reading “Average Wages Rise but Nobody in Cuba Lives on Their Salary”

“Being A Teacher Is Not Profitable In Cuba But It Teaches You To Love”

14ymedio, Caridad Cruz/Mario Penton, Cienfuegos/Miami, 17 April 2017 – teaching children cursive writing and educating them is much more than a job for Adrian, an elementary school teacher in Ciego de Avila. His threadbare pants stained with chalk dust make clear that he is not one of those most favored by the economic changes on the … Continue reading ““Being A Teacher Is Not Profitable In Cuba But It Teaches You To Love””

Statistics Reflect The Serious Crisis Of The Cuban Education System / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 1 February 2017 – The rapid aging of the population, joined with the reduction in available resources and the decline in the quality of teaching, are three of the features with which the economist Carmelo Mesa-Lago has characterized the situation of Cuba’s educational system. “In 2007, the government of Raul Castro … Continue reading “Statistics Reflect The Serious Crisis Of The Cuban Education System / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Coexistence Profiles Future Proposals For Cuban Education And Culture / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 30 January 2017 — A pluralistic education, deeply democratic, with a privileged use of technology and communications together with a vision of culture open to universality: these were some of the proposals of the third meeting of the Center for Coexistence Studies (CEC) for the future of Cuba held this weekend … Continue reading “Coexistence Profiles Future Proposals For Cuban Education And Culture / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”