Big Brother Legalizes Electronic Surveillance Of Cubans

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 22 November 2019 — A decade ago, Cuban official television broadcast a series of programs to try to discredit opponents, independent journalists, activists and bloggers. In several episodes of that series private emails, telephone recordings and intelligence footage were aired that “showed” the alleged crimes committed by these citizens. Few viewers were … Continue reading “Big Brother Legalizes Electronic Surveillance Of Cubans”

Ecuador Ends its Medical Agreements with Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 12 November 2019 — The Ecuadorian government of Lenín Moreno has put an end to medical agreements with Cuba, in which about 400 doctors were hired from the Island. The Minister of Government, María Paula Romo, argued that at least 250 people with an official Cuban passport entered the country during the violent … Continue reading “Ecuador Ends its Medical Agreements with Cuba”

The 701 Cuban Healthcare Workers In Bolivia Are "Safe" According to the Head of the Brigade

14ymedio, Havana, November 12, 2019 — The 701 Cuban healthcare workers in Bolivia are safe, as the person in charge of that medical brigade, Yoandra Muro, informed Cuban television. The workers, who are spread out in different areas all over the country, receive food and have their living situations secured, added the chief of the … Continue reading “The 701 Cuban Healthcare Workers In Bolivia Are "Safe" According to the Head of the Brigade”

Animal Rights Advocates and Officials Take First Step to a Better Collaboration

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, November 13 2019 — Moderately satisfied, a dozen animal rights advocates met Tuesday with the health authorities to demand an Animal Protection Law in Cuba. The meeting, which took place at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Havana, was agreed after a protest was held on Monday in front of the … Continue reading “Animal Rights Advocates and Officials Take First Step to a Better Collaboration”

Cuban Government Gives Way and Modifies License for Private Carriers

14ymedio, Havana, 10 November 2019 — A little more than a year has been enough for the authorities to have back down on several measures adopted at the end of 2018 that restricted the work of private carriers in the Cuban capital, a sector that responded to these limitations with complaints and several strikes. After … Continue reading “Cuban Government Gives Way and Modifies License for Private Carriers”

The Official Cuban Press Discovers “Freedom of Expression” Thanks to Twitter

14ymedio, Havana, 12 September 2019 — The Union of Journalists of Cuba (Upec) called on Wednesday against “the limits to the freedom of expression of Cuban institutions and citizens.” The complaint responded to Twitter’s blocking of several official media and other institutional accounts which is limiting those who, in Upec’s opinion, and trying to “silence the … Continue reading “The Official Cuban Press Discovers “Freedom of Expression” Thanks to Twitter”

Cuban State Security Threatens Several SNet Users and Administrators with Prison

14ymedio, Havana, 15 August 2019 —  A few weeks ago he was a young man obsessed with playing video games, finding company and chatting through the night, but now he watches his back, seems nervous and has not touched a computer keyboard for days. Chen is his nick, the mask behind which he hides to talk … Continue reading “Cuban State Security Threatens Several SNet Users and Administrators with Prison”

The Wireless Network that Puts the Cuban Government in Check

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y, Havana, 14 August 2019 — Its users cannot talk about politics or religion, but even so, the Street Network (SNet), which connects tens of thousands of Cubans through the Wi-Fi signal, has become a place of citizen freedom and convergence. This virtual web, where people play, chat and exchange content, … Continue reading “The Wireless Network that Puts the Cuban Government in Check”

Businesses Comply With "Capped" Prices Out of Fear of Complaints

14ymedio, Havana, August 1, 2019 — Notice boards of missing products or those corrected in a hurry are part of the scene this Thursday as capped prices of drinks go into effect in private cafes and bakeries in Havana, a governmental measure that intends to contain inflation after the salary increase in the state sector. … Continue reading “Businesses Comply With "Capped" Prices Out of Fear of Complaints”

Repressive Escalation in Cuba: Pulse or Attack? / Miriam Celaya

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, West Palm Beach, Florida, 29 July 2019 — The repressive escalation against civil society activists and independent journalists continues to increase in Cuba. Everything confirms, without room for doubt, that the dictatorial will is to completely suffocate any manifestation contrary or even moderately critical of the political power. Unreasonable arbitrary short time … Continue reading “Repressive Escalation in Cuba: Pulse or Attack? / Miriam Celaya”

Panama Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez

Rafael León Rodríguez, (El candil de Rafa), Panama City/Cuba, 10 June 2019.The members of the Coalition for Democratic Unity (Muad), who met in Panama City 3rd and 4th of June, 2019 in the 2019 Strategy Workshop, along with our colleagues from the island of Cuba, who were hindered from going there by the government, agreed the … Continue reading “Panama Declaration / Rafael León Rodríguez”

Government Strengthens Its Control Over Content on the Web

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón/ Yoani Sánchez, Miami/Havana, 5 July 2019 — The control that the Government has had over the media for years has a mirror for the virtual world. So far, online publications have been able to escape the legal censorship that weighs on analogue media, but the days are numbered for that status. … Continue reading “Government Strengthens Its Control Over Content on the Web”

The Right to Nationalize vs. the Right to Confiscate

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 7 May 2019 — In a recent article Lázaro Barredo rails against “camajanes” or colonialists. I cannot think of a more embarrassing epithet to use in discussing Fidel Castro’s nationalizations. From my own personal point of view, I cannot disagree more. Many lies have been written about the confiscations, which were neither … Continue reading “The Right to Nationalize vs. the Right to Confiscate”

Trumpa’s “Pressure Cooker” Policy

14ymedio, Ariel Hidalgo, Miami, May 4, 2019 — The comings and goings of Trump officials in Florida lately to meet with exiled Cubans and Venezuelans, and the measures taken against the Maduro dictatorship and Castroism, clearly have an electoral interest, which is very common. All politicians, Republicans and Democrats, have always done the same thing. … Continue reading “Trumpa’s “Pressure Cooker” Policy”

Cuban Police Raid the Home of Journalist Augusto Cesar San Martin

14ymedio, Havana, 9 April 2019 — Tuesday, the police raided the home of journalist Augusto César San Martín in Havana, as confirmed 14ymedio by his wife Yanela Duran. After the search the reporter was taken to the Zanja Street Police Station, where he was released after being detained for five hours. At seven o’clock today nine people … Continue reading “Cuban Police Raid the Home of Journalist Augusto Cesar San Martin”