Cuban President Díaz-Canel Analyzes the ‘Contingency’ of Garbage in the Cleanest Neighborhoods of Havana

Each municipality will be sponsored by a ministry so that garbage collection is carried out regularly 14ymedio, Havana, 4 October 2024 — That Cuban PresidentMiguel Díaz-Canel walks through the neighborhoods of Havana to admire the titanic garbage dumps populating the city seems more like a rumor than a reality. This Friday, the official press reports … Continue reading “Cuban President Díaz-Canel Analyzes the ‘Contingency’ of Garbage in the Cleanest Neighborhoods of Havana”

Former Cuban Prosecutor Who Sent 11J Protesters in Camagüey to Prison Enters the US

Rosabel Roca Sampedro has a hearing in the Houston Immigration Court on April 9 Former Cuban prosecutor Rosabel Roca Sampedro / Facebook 14ymedio, Madrid, 30 September 2024 — Despite the alert launched by various organizations and the express request to the Department of Homeland Security by three congressmen that her her request for asylum be … Continue reading “Former Cuban Prosecutor Who Sent 11J Protesters in Camagüey to Prison Enters the US”

Russia Promises New Credits to Cuba To Help It ‘Overcome the Serious Consequences of the Blockade’

Sergei Shoigu announces Moscow’s intention to increase cooperation in security, special services and police departments EFE (via 14ymedio), Moscow, 10 September 2024 — Russia plans to grant new lines of credit to Cuba to help Havana “overcome the serious consequences of the US blockade*,” said the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Sergei Shoigu, on … Continue reading “Russia Promises New Credits to Cuba To Help It ‘Overcome the Serious Consequences of the Blockade’”

‘The Only Thing Moving On Wheels in the Cienfuegos Terminal is the Inefficiency’

Those who did not manage to board during the day are condemned to sleep in the facility. 14ymedio, Julio César Contreras, Cienfuegos, 17 August 2024 – It’s after 8pm in the only bus terminal in Cienfuegos and despite the fact that dozens of people are gathered at the departure gates or are sleeping on the … Continue reading “‘The Only Thing Moving On Wheels in the Cienfuegos Terminal is the Inefficiency’”

The Fuel Crisis in Cuba Gets Worse and the Lines Lengthen at the Hard Currency Gas Stations

“When I got to the service center I had 300 cars ahead of me” 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 29 August 2024 — Havana seems to have returned to the worst days of the fuel crisis. Piled up and bored, since the beginning of the week the drivers wait daily for hours in line and … Continue reading “The Fuel Crisis in Cuba Gets Worse and the Lines Lengthen at the Hard Currency Gas Stations”

Titivillus In culpa Est (It Was All Titivilo’s Fault!)

Most people who dedicate themselves to being an editor do it to earn a living and not as a vocation, but how could paranoia be a vocation anyway? 14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 30 June 2024 – Burgos, the city where El Cid and Miguelón are buried, is two and a half hours by train from … Continue reading “Titivillus In culpa Est (It Was All Titivilo’s Fault!)”

A North Korean Defector Believes That ‘Establishing Relations With Cuba Is the Best Thing Seoul Did’

He says that the approach “was a model example of how the tides of history have changed and where a normal civilization of the international community is heading” 14ymedio, Havana, 1 August 2024 — “Establishing relations with Cuba was the best thing that South Korea did,” said the former North Korean diplomat Ri Il-gyu, who … Continue reading “A North Korean Defector Believes That ‘Establishing Relations With Cuba Is the Best Thing Seoul Did’”

The ‘Friends of the Cigar’ and the Cuban Regime Make Millions of Dollars With the Cigar Business

Five distributors, chosen by Fidel Castro himself, monopolize the world market. They organize auctions with the promise of sending the money to the dilapidated Public Health system of the Island. 14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 4 August 2024 — Escorted by two British red coats and surrounded by millionaires from all over the world, the managers … Continue reading “The ‘Friends of the Cigar’ and the Cuban Regime Make Millions of Dollars With the Cigar Business”

The Prosecutor’s Office Investigates Machado for “Instigating Insurrection” With Her Letter to the Venezuelan Military

The United States does not yet recognize González Urrutia as president of Venezuela, but it does recognize him as the winner of the elections 14ymedio/EFE, Madrid/Caracas, 6 August 2024 — The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office announced on Monday that it will open a criminal investigation against María Corina Machado and the opposition presidential candidate, Edmundo González … Continue reading “The Prosecutor’s Office Investigates Machado for “Instigating Insurrection” With Her Letter to the Venezuelan Military”

‘Acute Fever Syndrome’ Is What Dengue Is Now Called In Cuba So As Not To Raise Alarm

Two medical sources confirm to 14ymedio that they have received this instruction for their diagnoses 14ymedio, Miguel García, Holguín, 2 August 2024 — After two weeks of barely being able to get out of bed and an early morning receiving hydration serum in the Vladimir Ilich Lenin General University Hospital in Holguín, Isabel, 64, seems … Continue reading “‘Acute Fever Syndrome’ Is What Dengue Is Now Called In Cuba So As Not To Raise Alarm”

In Cienfuegos, Motor Scooter and Tricycle Owners Take Advantage Of The Lack Of Public Transport

14ymedio, Julio César Contreras, Cienfuegos, 3 August 2024 – Climbing with difficulty onto a horsedrawn cart, cramming inside an electric tricycle or paying more than 100 pesos for a motor scooter are the transport options that Lidia has to shuffle every morning when she sets out for work in Cienfuegos. For a bus to actually … Continue reading “In Cienfuegos, Motor Scooter and Tricycle Owners Take Advantage Of The Lack Of Public Transport”

Caution in Cuba’s Official Press Regarding the Elections in Venezuela

The silence of the regime suggests that Havana considers that in the process in which Nicolás Maduro sought reelection he lost 14ymedio, Havana, 28 July 2024 — Judging by the official Cuban press, Nicolás Maduro is going to lose the presidential elections in Venezuela. A sober headline dedicated to the 70th birthday of Hugo Chávez, … Continue reading “Caution in Cuba’s Official Press Regarding the Elections in Venezuela”

Cuba’s General Controller Is Dismissed, and a Hard Hand Is Requested Against ‘The Scoundrels and the Bums’

President Díaz-Canel says that private businesses in Cuba “do not have” the Government’s confidence 14ymedio, Havana, July 20, 2024 — The General Controller of Cuba, Gladys Bejerano, in office for 14 years, was removed from her position, as confirmed by Miguel Díaz-Canel this Friday. The president, defending a policy of “severity,” unexpectedly announced the dismissal … Continue reading “Cuba’s General Controller Is Dismissed, and a Hard Hand Is Requested Against ‘The Scoundrels and the Bums’”

ATMs in Cienfuegos “Die” at Any Time of the Day

The lines to withdraw cash begin to form from dawn, with the arrival of the first ‘coleros’ who charge 1,000 pesos to wait in line for others 14ymedio, Cienfuegos, 19 July 2024 — The ATMs located at the Banco Popular de Ahorro branch on Cienfuegos Boulevard seem to be working this Friday. Customers are encouraged … Continue reading “ATMs in Cienfuegos “Die” at Any Time of the Day”

The Cuban Government Recognizes That Pharmacies Lack 70 Percent of Basic Medicines

The shortage is concentrated almost entirely in the products that are dispatched with the control card. 14ymedio, Havana, July 16, 2024 — Officials with Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health recognized on Monday that 70% of the basic medicines that Cuban patients need are missing. Of the 651 products that should be sold in pharmacies, only … Continue reading “The Cuban Government Recognizes That Pharmacies Lack 70 Percent of Basic Medicines”