The famous black nectar that once categorized us as one the countries with the highest production and consumption levels has, bit by bit, been converted into other various inventions that have nothing to do with all those marvelous kinds of coffee that historically were produced here on my planet.
“Untenable”, that’s how the members of the Agrofood Commission referred to the descent of coffee production.
The current harvest only reached the level of 6,000 tons, very far off from the 60,000 tons produced in years past. (Granma Newspaper, Thursday July 29th 2010.)
The little bag (one per person monthly at the cost of 5.00 pesos), reads “Coffee 100%.” The population of my planet has still not been able to figure out what it’s made up of, for it doesn’t have a scent and it tastes like tree bark or medicine.
Then the words rescue, recuperation, and revert, come up again. It’d be very beneficial to see the documentary The Abandoned” made by the Serrana tv station, which clandestinely circulates on my planet.
People, we have spent more than half a century with the same system; which previous government are we going to blame now for this, and many other, failures?
Meanwhile, we survivors continue taking in this black nectar that is nothing like the previous one. It doesn’t even look like coffee, everyone calls it coffu.
Translated by Raul G.
August 5 2010