Washing Machines, from Havana’s Plaza de Carlos III Directly to the On-Line Shopping Site Revolico

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, November 20, 2023 — The longest line of the day in the Plaza de Carlos III had a reason this Monday: the store brought out automatic washing machines for 384 MLC (freely convertible currency, effectively $384 US). Several dozen people crowded the store, located in the part of the Centro … Continue reading “Washing Machines, from Havana’s Plaza de Carlos III Directly to the On-Line Shopping Site Revolico”

Cuban Government Lifts Censorship Against Revolico / 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata

14ymedio,Zunilda Mata, Havana, 12 August 2016 — With the same discretion that eight years ago led the government to censor a popular Cuban version of Craigslist, it has now lifted its electronic blocking, without any announcement or public statements. The news of the unlocking the Revolico, a site filled with classified ads, has revolutionized the … Continue reading “Cuban Government Lifts Censorship Against Revolico / 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata”

Cuba Punishes Doctors for Using Revolico / Cubanet, Orlando Gonzalez

The government has cancelled your INFOMED email account due to its having been used on a classified ad website. Cubanet, Orlando González, Mayabeque, Cuba, 12 March 2015 — Since February 23, the government has been cancelling some doctors’ and dentists’ internet and email accounts on the nation’s INFOMED network, which the state designates for health … Continue reading “Cuba Punishes Doctors for Using Revolico / Cubanet, Orlando Gonzalez”

Curiosities in Revolico.com / Regina Coyula

Exchanging Marriage for a House. Read this please!!! Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013, 3:43 PM Sir: For people like you who make fraudulent marriages or use Canadian citizens to come to this country and then let them ship out, the image of Cubans in this country is falling so low. More and more Cubans are … Continue reading “Curiosities in Revolico.com / Regina Coyula”

Revolico.com, a Cuban virtual store / Iván García

The creators of Revolico define it as “a small and functional team of programmers who one day felt the urge of a more simple way, organized and efficient to advertise and review what other people were already advertising”. It was born in 2007 and nobody knows for sure who manages a web in which you … Continue reading “Revolico.com, a Cuban virtual store / Iván García”

La Cuevita, Where Capitalism Works in Cuba

The sale of medicines and the purchase of foreign currency, all informal, happens in full view of the police and despite the operatives 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 14 April 2024 – The market known as La Cuevita, in San Miguel del Padrón, on the outskirts of Havana, is not larger than the one that … Continue reading “La Cuevita, Where Capitalism Works in Cuba”

Home Delivery Now a High Risk Job for Cuban Drivers

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 14 February 2024 — A company logo, a restaurant’s refrigerated packaging or the typical colors of a home delivery service are enough to catch the eye of a thief. In a country ravaged by economic crisis, couriers transporting goods to customers’ homes are being targeted. Easy to spot, with some … Continue reading “Home Delivery Now a High Risk Job for Cuban Drivers”

Leptospirosis Skyrockets in Cuba, the Country of Rats and Mountains of Garbage

14ymedio, Havana, December 26, 2023 — Cases of leptospirosis are increasing, the health authorities of Guantánamo announced on Monday, after informing the official press that this year 44 people are suspected of having contracted the disease, 12 more than those counted in 2022. So far, they acknowledged, two deaths have been reported in the municipalities … Continue reading “Leptospirosis Skyrockets in Cuba, the Country of Rats and Mountains of Garbage”

With Sad Faces, the Rice Growers of Villa Clara Give Up Their Share of the Basic Basket

14ymedio, Havana, 7 November 2023 — The image of the rice growers of Villa Clara voting unanimously to give up the quota that corresponds to each of their families for the basic basket is not exactly that of happiness, but no one will be able to take away from them the praise they have earned … Continue reading “With Sad Faces, the Rice Growers of Villa Clara Give Up Their Share of the Basic Basket”

Two Hundred Cubans in Sancti Spiritus Lose Their Fixed Telephone Lines for Non-Payment

14ymedio, Havana, 2 August 2023 — The numbers of disconnected users of the Cuban Telecommunications Company (Etecsa) in the province of Sancti Spíritus are revealing both of the economic crisis that the island is going through, and the emigration that does not stop. Up to 200 customers have lost their landline, Escambray reported this Wednesday, due … Continue reading “Two Hundred Cubans in Sancti Spiritus Lose Their Fixed Telephone Lines for Non-Payment”

Disguised as a Doctor, a Cuban Woman From Sancti Spiritus Exchanged False $100 Bills

14ymedio, Havana, March 14, 2023 — Three people were arrested in Sancti Spíritus for selling counterfeit dollars, but the report published on Tuesday in the official press suggests that there may be more involved in the scheme. According to Escambray, the detainees earned about 160,000 pesos [$1,000]* for each operation, using counterfeit $100 bills. The … Continue reading “Disguised as a Doctor, a Cuban Woman From Sancti Spiritus Exchanged False $100 Bills”

Cuba Bought More and Cheaper Chicken From the United States, But the Price for the Consumer Hasn’t Gone Down

14ymedio, Madrid, 9 March 2023 — In January, 29,412 tons of chicken arrived in Cuba from the United States, 11% more than in December, and yet the consumer must go look for it in foreign exchange stores or in the informal market. The same goes for the price: the Cuban state took advantage of a … Continue reading “Cuba Bought More and Cheaper Chicken From the United States, But the Price for the Consumer Hasn’t Gone Down”

With the Blackouts, Charcoal Making Starts Up Again in Cuba

14ymedio, Yankiel Gutiérrez Faife, Camajuaní, 21 February 2023 — The hands of Emilio, a 66-year-old farmer, say everything about his trade: rough, firm, and smeared with soot. For decades he has gotten up at dawn, along with his brother Daniel, and they go to work in the fields of Vueltas, a town a few kilometers from Camajuaní, in … Continue reading “With the Blackouts, Charcoal Making Starts Up Again in Cuba”

Patients Can Bring Resin but not Anesthesia, Clarifies a Cuban Dentist

14ymedio, Havana | 8 February 2023 — Sancti Spíritus hospitals refuse to use the medical supplies provided by the patients themselves if they are not previously approved by the Center for State Control of Quality of Medications (CECMED). Daniel Álvarez Rojas, head of the Stomatology (Oral Medicine) section in the province, admitted that they do not … Continue reading “Patients Can Bring Resin but not Anesthesia, Clarifies a Cuban Dentist”

Shortage of Condoms in Cuba Causes Rebound in Sexual Infections and in Abortions

14ymedio, Havana, 14 January 2023 — The shortage of condoms in pharmacies and health centers is taking a heavy toll on Cuban families with a rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as unwanted pregnancies and abortions, said Dr. Deglis Luciano, head of the Program of STIs in the province of Guantanamo. The official … Continue reading “Shortage of Condoms in Cuba Causes Rebound in Sexual Infections and in Abortions”