A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage

People must deposit solid waste in designated areas starting at 6:00 p.m. 14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2024 — Havana’s municipality of Cerro has turned to a private company to collect the mountains of garbage that have accumulated for months in the streets. In the area, one of the most densely populated in the Cuban capital, … Continue reading “A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage”

Surveillance, Reluctance and the Omnipresent Garbage Overshadow the Celebration of July 26 in Cuba

“They put a policeman every ten meters around the block where the Party’s hotel is located” 14ymedio, Mercedes García/Juan Diego Rodríguez, Sancti Spíritus, 26 July 2024 — This Friday there is no rebellion but much reluctance and indifference to the most important anniversary of the regime. Cubans will not feel like celebrating, but the Police … Continue reading “Surveillance, Reluctance and the Omnipresent Garbage Overshadow the Celebration of July 26 in Cuba”

With a House Full of Garbage in the Heart of the Capital, Havana Breaks Records for Unhealthiness

In Old Havana, on the corner of Aponte and Gloria, a building in ruins was the living image of the pestilence 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 10 June 2024 — The stench was persistent throughout the capital this Monday. The day dawned cool and threatened rain from early on, but the air, instead of cleaning … Continue reading “With a House Full of Garbage in the Heart of the Capital, Havana Breaks Records for Unhealthiness”

The Garbage Crisis in Las Tunas Forces the Authorities To Deliver More Fuel to Communal Services

So far, the company has received only 528 gallons of fuel per month, 50% of what it needs 14ymedio, Havana, 7 May 2024 — The government of Las Tunas developed a “strategy” to mitigate the crisis of garbage dumps that have been out of control for months in the city. The plan is to deliver … Continue reading “The Garbage Crisis in Las Tunas Forces the Authorities To Deliver More Fuel to Communal Services”

Overwhelmed By the Excess of Garbage, Las Tunas Trash Collectors Stop Working for the Cuban State

Many employees have been “frightened” by the situation of landfills in the province, and the increase in wages is not enough to avoid the stampede 14ymedio, Havana, 25 April 2024 — The garbage collectors hired by Communal Services in Las Tunas to pick up the trash with a horse and cart have protested again because … Continue reading “Overwhelmed By the Excess of Garbage, Las Tunas Trash Collectors Stop Working for the Cuban State”

Cuba: The Head of Comunales de Santa Clara Was Arrested for Reselling Garbage Containers

The trash collection containers were resold for up to 15,000 pesos, reported the official Fuerza del Pueblo website. 14ymedio, Havana, April 15, 2024 — The head of Comunales de Santa Clara, in Villa Clara, has been arrested for diverting garbage collection cans for resale in the informal market. According to the state Fuerza del Pueblo … Continue reading “Cuba: The Head of Comunales de Santa Clara Was Arrested for Reselling Garbage Containers”

The Mountains of Garbage Cause Distress Over the The State’s Inefficiency

In the neighborhood of Luyanó, residents scattered the garbage until it blocked the street; in other areas of Havana they have set fire to the mountains of trash 14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 9 April 2024 — A narrow path for motorcycles and bicycles was all that was left this Monday on Reforma Street, at … Continue reading “The Mountains of Garbage Cause Distress Over the The State’s Inefficiency”

The Sea Returns Havana’s Garbage and More to the Malecon

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 30 March 2024 — “What comes from the sea, returns to the sea,” is a maxim that the residents of San Leopoldo, a Havana neighborhood bordering the Malecón, know very well. It’s a low zone in this area of the Cuban capital where there are frequent coastal floods. The sewers, … Continue reading “The Sea Returns Havana’s Garbage and More to the Malecon”

Not Even the ‘Integrated’ Neighborhoods in Cuba Are Saved From Garbage Piles Everywhere

14ymedio, Miguel García, Havana, 15 January 2024 — Not even the Cuban military are saved from the mountains of garbage that are seen everywhere on the Island. The neighborhoods of Villanueva 2 and Villanueva 3, in the city of Holguín, where hundreds of workers of the Ministry of the Interior reside, is about to be … Continue reading “Not Even the ‘Integrated’ Neighborhoods in Cuba Are Saved From Garbage Piles Everywhere”

Cubans in Manzanillo Try to Collect the Garbage Themselves Due to the Apathy of the Authorities

14ymedio, Juan Matos, Manzanillo (Granma Province), 31 December 2023 — It has been so many days since no one has collected the garbage on the streets of Manzanillo that the mountains of waste already have a uniform, ocher color. Due to the effect of the salt air and the indifference of the Community Services, the … Continue reading “Cubans in Manzanillo Try to Collect the Garbage Themselves Due to the Apathy of the Authorities”

Leptospirosis Skyrockets in Cuba, the Country of Rats and Mountains of Garbage

14ymedio, Havana, December 26, 2023 — Cases of leptospirosis are increasing, the health authorities of Guantánamo announced on Monday, after informing the official press that this year 44 people are suspected of having contracted the disease, 12 more than those counted in 2022. So far, they acknowledged, two deaths have been reported in the municipalities … Continue reading “Leptospirosis Skyrockets in Cuba, the Country of Rats and Mountains of Garbage”

Luyano, Turned into Cuba’s Most Famous Garbage Dump, Screams for Help

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 25 November 2023 — In Luyanó the word has spread. If the mountains of garbage are reported in the independent media, it is very likely that Community Services will arrive shortly afterwards to collect them. The equation is clear: call a reporter to take photos and testimonies and, within 24 … Continue reading “Luyano, Turned into Cuba’s Most Famous Garbage Dump, Screams for Help”

For a Few Hours, Luyano Was No Longer Cuba’s Garbage Capital

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, November 24, 2023 —  The residents of Luyanó could not believe their eyes this Friday morning: the mammoth garbage dumps that had been accumulating for weeks in various corners of the Havana – and that only a day ago has been reported by 14ymedio reported – had disappeared as if by magic. … Continue reading “For a Few Hours, Luyano Was No Longer Cuba’s Garbage Capital”

Luyano, Cuba’s Garbage Capital, ‘Is Going to Become a Giant Bonfire’

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, November 23, 2023 —  “Luyanó is going to become a giant bonfire.” The warning, recently published on a Facebook group of residents in the Havana neighborhood, was accompanied by a photo of Rodríguez Este Street, between Manuel Pruna and Juan Alonso: a formidable garbage dump, which neighbors had been denouncing for weeks, in flames. … Continue reading “Luyano, Cuba’s Garbage Capital, ‘Is Going to Become a Giant Bonfire’”

William Aguero, the Cuban Artist Who Transforms Garbage Into Art

14ymedio, Nelson García/Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 26 October 2023 — William Agüero is sitting in the center of his workshop, which is also his world. The mess is noticeable. Masks, fans, a typewriter, tubes of oil paint, paint brushes, an old Philco refrigerator, skeletons of Soviet radios, and objects impossible to classify. If they call him … Continue reading “William Aguero, the Cuban Artist Who Transforms Garbage Into Art”