Cuba’s Foreign Ministry Says That ‘It Is Not Enough’ To Be Taken Off the List of Countries That Do Not Cooperate Against Terrorism

Cuba’s Foreign Ministry highlighted the contradiction of keeping Havana on one list and removing it from the other, as well as the “confusion” caused by the US announcement EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 16 May 2024 — The Cuban Foreign Ministry demanded this Wednesday that the United States remove it from the List of State Sponsors … Continue reading “Cuba’s Foreign Ministry Says That ‘It Is Not Enough’ To Be Taken Off the List of Countries That Do Not Cooperate Against Terrorism”

Washington Removes Cuba From the List of Countries That ’Do Not Cooperate’ With Its Efforts Against Terrorism

This is not the List of Countries Sponsoring Terrorism, but rather a smaller inventory that includes Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Syria. 14ymedio, Havana, 15 May 2024 — On Wednesday, the United States Department of State removed Cuba from the list of countries “that do not fully cooperate with Washington’s anti-terrorist efforts.” This is not … Continue reading “Washington Removes Cuba From the List of Countries That ’Do Not Cooperate’ With Its Efforts Against Terrorism”

US Keeps Cuba on the List of Sponsors of Terrorism for Another Year

EFE (via 14ymedio), Washington, November 30, 2023 — The United States decided to keep Cuba on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism for another year, as stated in the 2022 report on terrorism in the world published this Thursday by the Department of State. North Korea, Iran and Syria join Cuba on the list, which … Continue reading “US Keeps Cuba on the List of Sponsors of Terrorism for Another Year”

Russia and Latin American Countries Advocate Unity in the Face of the ‘Western Policy of Sanctions’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Moscow, 2 October 2023 — Russian and Latin American parliamentarians condemned, on Monday, the unilateral sanctions imposed by the West against 30 countries within the framework of the First Russia-Latin America international parliamentary conference. “We categorically oppose sanctions, any unilateral restriction of an illegitimate nature that violates international law and the rules … Continue reading “Russia and Latin American Countries Advocate Unity in the Face of the ‘Western Policy of Sanctions’”

Cuba Will Remain on the List of States That Do Not Cooperate in the Fight Against Terrorism With the United States

14ymedio, Madrid, 23 May 2023 — Joe Biden’s Administration has once again included Cuba in the list of countries that “do not fully cooperate” in the fight against terrorism, a decision that maintains the line of previous years. “I hereby determine and certify to Congress that the following countries are not fully cooperating with the … Continue reading “Cuba Will Remain on the List of States That Do Not Cooperate in the Fight Against Terrorism With the United States”

The Cuban Chancellor Says That It Is in the Interest of the United States To Have the Island on the Terrorism List

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 24 March 2023 — The Government of Cuba affirmed on Thursday that the United States never intended to remove the Island from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism because it “is convenient.” Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez declared on Twitter that the North American country has no plans to “correct Cuba’s unfair … Continue reading “The Cuban Chancellor Says That It Is in the Interest of the United States To Have the Island on the Terrorism List”

Omar Rafael García Lazo, Cuban Repressor and ‘Persona Non Grata’ in Colombia, Dies in Car Crash

The Central Committee official and former diplomat in Bogotá died in a car crash 14ymedio, July 4, 2024, Madrid — Omar Rafael García Lazo, an official of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, died this Wednesday in a car crash when he was returning to Havana from a “work mission.” The announcement … Continue reading “Omar Rafael García Lazo, Cuban Repressor and ‘Persona Non Grata’ in Colombia, Dies in Car Crash”

Cuban President Díaz-Canel Explains His Theory About the ‘Blockade’ in Another ‘Two-Voice Monologue’ With Ramonet

The journalist presented the interview in three “blocks,”,domestic policy, economy and foreign policy, but the three merged without remedy or distinction 14ymedio, Havana, 15 May 2024 — The word “blockade” was uttered a total of 62 times in the interview that Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel held with Franco-Spanish Ignacio Ramonet on May 11 at the … Continue reading “Cuban President Díaz-Canel Explains His Theory About the ‘Blockade’ in Another ‘Two-Voice Monologue’ With Ramonet”

Representatives of the United States and Cuba Meet in Washington to Discuss Security

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 8 February 2024 — Representatives of the United States and Cuba met this Wednesday in Washington to improve the channels of police and judicial coordination between the two countries, the U.S. Department of State reported. According to Washington, this dialogue increases the national security of the United States through “better coordination … Continue reading “Representatives of the United States and Cuba Meet in Washington to Discuss Security”

The Official Protestants Appreciate the ‘Facilities’ the Cuban Regime Gives Them in Cienfuegos

14ymedio, Havana, January 6, 2024 — An unusual article, which asks for God’s blessing “to the country and the province” during 2024, appeared this Friday in 5 de Septiembre, the Communist Party newspaper in Cienfuegos. The article describes a ceremony in which “numerous religious denominations”, such as the Church of the Foursquare Gospel and the Brethren in … Continue reading “The Official Protestants Appreciate the ‘Facilities’ the Cuban Regime Gives Them in Cienfuegos”

Cuban Regime Publishes its List of ‘Terrorists’ with Activists and Exile Organizations

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 7 December 2023 —  The politician Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, the journalist Ninoska Pérez, and the presenter Alex Otaola are some of the 61 names on the National Terrorist List published this Thursday by the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. The inventory also includes 19 organizations “that carry out actions against State security,” whose members, … Continue reading “Cuban Regime Publishes its List of ‘Terrorists’ with Activists and Exile Organizations”

The Cuban Army Exhibits its Underground Arsenal and its ‘Katiushas’ on Russian Television

14ymedio, Havana, December 2, 2023 — War tanks, missile launchers, Ural-4320 trucks, soldiers capable of walking on barbed wire and a labyrinth of secret tunnels. The disturbing images that the Cuban Army allowed a reporter from the Russian channel Zvezda to record have all the ingredients of a propaganda cocktail, but they offer a clear message: Cuba has … Continue reading “The Cuban Army Exhibits its Underground Arsenal and its ‘Katiushas’ on Russian Television”

The Cuban Foreign Minister Made the Wrong Speech at the Session on Human Rights in Geneva

14ymedio, Madrid, 15 November 2023 — A discussion of the United States took up half the time taken by the Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, in his  presentation of Cuba’s report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council this Wednesday in Geneva. The mechanism is designed for the United Nations to … Continue reading “The Cuban Foreign Minister Made the Wrong Speech at the Session on Human Rights in Geneva”

The Annual Condemnation of the U.S. Embargo Against Cuba Demonstrates the Ineffectiveness of the UN

14ymedio/EFE, Madrid, 2 November 2023 — One more year, and the UN General Assembly has again approved a resolution against the U.S. embargo on Cuba; the Cuban regime calls it a “new victory.” This time, there were 187 votes in favor and two against: those of the U.S. and Israel. In addition, there was one … Continue reading “The Annual Condemnation of the U.S. Embargo Against Cuba Demonstrates the Ineffectiveness of the UN”

Two American Businessmen Meet with ‘SMEs’ in Cuba to ‘Do Business’

14ymedio, Madrid, 7 June 2023 — Two American businessmen visited Havana on Tuesday to talk “about the possibilities of doing business, scientific exchanges, cooperation and instruction,” according to Prensa Latina, which presented the meeting as one with large attendance. At a press conference, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba, Antonio Carricarte, highlighted … Continue reading “Two American Businessmen Meet with ‘SMEs’ in Cuba to ‘Do Business’”