Je Suis Cuba / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo

Diario de Cuba, Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo, 15 November 2015 — Two years ago in Paris, at exactly this time, I had the satisfaction of meeting in person a renowned Cuban writer who lives there. I was there only a few days and travelled little around the city. They were days of work, meetings and … Continue reading “Je Suis Cuba / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo”


See below for translation OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA from Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo December 19, 2014, The Washington Post Rosa María Payá Acevedo is a member of the Cuban Christian Liberation Movement. Mr. Barack Obama President of the United States of America I am writing to you because I assume that goodwill inspired … Continue reading “OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA from Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo”

What I Wanted to Say Last Night / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo

It would have pleased me greatly to be able to join my friend Guillermo Gortazar in the presentation of his book, “Cuba: Freedom Road,” which I recommend you read. Sadly, I sent my apologies to all attendees, especially to Esperanza Aguirre, Berta Soler and to Mr. Gortazar. Our interview with Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, … Continue reading “What I Wanted to Say Last Night / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo”

Cuba Tries to Block UN Speech by Oswaldo Paya’s Daughter / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo

Thank you, Mr. President. My name is Rosa Maria Payá, member of the Christian Liberation Movement and daughter of its national coordinator, Oswaldo Payá, opposition leader and Sakharov Prize laureate of the European Parliament. My father dedicated his life to working for legal and nonviolent change for Cubans to enjoy all basic human rights. He … Continue reading “Cuba Tries to Block UN Speech by Oswaldo Paya’s Daughter / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo”

Declaration from the Christian Liberation Movement Regarding the European Union’s Common Position / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo #Cuba #MCL

The reasons behind the position held by the European Union (EU) concerning human rights in Cuba have not changed in the last 16 years. The Cuban Government has not recognized the fundamental rights of Cubans. With the imminent and necessary revision of the current Common Position and the possibility of future pacts with the Cuban … Continue reading “Declaration from the Christian Liberation Movement Regarding the European Union’s Common Position / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo #Cuba #MCL”

Response to Fernando Ravsberg / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo

Fernando Ravsberg, correspondent for the BBC in Cuba, has published an extension of the misrepresentations, manipulations and deceits with which the Cuban official media have sought to confuse the Cuban people and the rest of the world for over half a century. He has published it in his own blog, perhaps because the daily four … Continue reading “Response to Fernando Ravsberg / Rosa Maria Paya Acevedo”

News Conference by Rosa María Payá Acevedo Regarding Her Father’s Death / Rosa María Payá Acevedo

Today, I do not intend to give another version of what happened, we are not accusing anyone at this time. The facts I will communicate below were read by Captain Fulgencio Medina, a criminal investigator, in a room at Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital in Bayamo, the evening of Sunday 22 July. I will not … Continue reading “News Conference by Rosa María Payá Acevedo Regarding Her Father’s Death / Rosa María Payá Acevedo”

Cuban Activist Rosa Maria Paya Is Invited to Biden’s Annual State of the Union Speech to Congress

EFE (via 14ymedio), Washington, D.C., March 7, 2024 — Cuban activist Rosa María Payá has been invited by Congressman Carlos Giménez to witness the annual State of the Union speech that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will deliver this Thursday at the Capitol, the Republican legislator reported on Wednesday. The representative of … Continue reading “Cuban Activist Rosa Maria Paya Is Invited to Biden’s Annual State of the Union Speech to Congress”

The Cuban State Is Responsible for the Death of Oswaldo Paya, Concludes an OAS Commission

14ymedio, Madrid/Havana, 12 June 2023 — More than ten years after the death of the Cuban opponent Oswaldo Payá, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) published on Monday the results of its investigation into the case: “There are serious and sufficient indications to come to the conclusion that state agents had an involvement in … Continue reading “The Cuban State Is Responsible for the Death of Oswaldo Paya, Concludes an OAS Commission”

Oswaldo Paya Will Have a Street in Miami on the 10th Anniversary of his Death

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 14 July 2022 — Cuban opposition leader Oswaldo Payá, who died 10 years ago this month, will have a street with his name in Miami on the initiative of two commissioners (councilmen) from Miami Dade, as reported by the Payá family to different media. The inauguration of Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas Way, … Continue reading “Oswaldo Paya Will Have a Street in Miami on the 10th Anniversary of his Death”

After 9 Years, the Families of Paya and Cepera Await the IACHR’s Condemnation of Cuba

EFE (via 14ymedio), Ana Mengotti, Miami, 13 December 2021– Rosa María Payá, daughter of Cuban opposition figure Oswaldo Payá, will only say “mission accomplished” when justice is done for her father’s death, but she feels content because the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is close to ruling on whether he was the victim of … Continue reading “After 9 Years, the Families of Paya and Cepera Await the IACHR’s Condemnation of Cuba”

Paya Denouces the ‘Theater’ of Constitutional Reform on Sixth Anniversary of Her Father’s Death

EFE via 14ymedio, Miami, 23 July 2018 — Cuban Dissident Rosa María Payá stressed to EFE that the legacy of her father, Oswaldo Payá, is still alive six years since his death and the constitutional reform under way in Cuba is, in her opinion, both “theater” and a “trap.” “My father’s words are especially relevant today, … Continue reading “Paya Denouces the ‘Theater’ of Constitutional Reform on Sixth Anniversary of Her Father’s Death”

"The Night Will Not Be Eternal" by Oswaldo Paya is Published

EFE, via 14ymedio, Miami, 3 July 2018 — With the title “The Night Will Not Be Eternal,” an unpublished book by the late Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya, with proposals for Cubans to emerge from their situation, will go on sale on Amazon this July 5 before its presentation in Miami. Rosa Maria Paya, daughter of … Continue reading “"The Night Will Not Be Eternal" by Oswaldo Paya is Published”

Interview with Rosa Maria, Oswaldo Paya’s Daughter / Iván García

Ivan Garcia and Leonardo Santos, 15 March 2018 — It is difficult, for the macho mentality that prevails among Cubans, to relate to a woman with bold attitudes that require determination and bravery. Regarding Rosa María Payá Acevedo, freelance journalist José Hugo Fernández said that “she has a graceful, elegant appearance, a candid look.” This is the leader … Continue reading “Interview with Rosa Maria, Oswaldo Paya’s Daughter / Iván García”