Cuban Freemasons Had To Hand Over Their Cell Phones Before Entering the Meeting With the Communist Party

Gustavo Pardo regrets the “inability of the brotherhood to solve its internal problems” 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 2 August 2024 — The Communist Party refrained from making decisions this Thursday during the meeting that the head of Religious Affairs of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP), Caridad Diego, held with a group of Freemasons from the … Continue reading “Cuban Freemasons Had To Hand Over Their Cell Phones Before Entering the Meeting With the Communist Party”

Cuban Communist Party Summons Masons to a Meeting Seeking to Increase Its Control

The regime takes advantage of the mistake made by the fraternity in its attempt to dismiss the Grand Master 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, August 1, 2024 — The eyes of the Cuban Freemasons are on the meeting that the members of the fraternity in Havana, including several senior officials, will hold this Thursday with Caridad … Continue reading “Cuban Communist Party Summons Masons to a Meeting Seeking to Increase Its Control”

The Government Launches an Offensive on Several Fronts Against the Cuban Freemasons Who Protested

A program by the anonymous spokesman Cuban Warrior and the arrest of the writer Ángel Santiesteban form part of the measures against those who oppose the current Grand Master 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 26 July 2024 — The Cuban regime has demonstrated in the last 48 hours that the protest of Freemasons on July 23 … Continue reading “The Government Launches an Offensive on Several Fronts Against the Cuban Freemasons Who Protested”

The Grand Master Is Expelled From Cuban Freemasonry to the Cry of ‘Out With the Thief!’

14ymedio, Havana, 25 March 2024 — The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, Mario Alberto Urquía Carreño, has been expelled by the representatives of more than 300 lodges on the Island to the cry of “Out with the thief, usurper, scoundrel, traitor!” The event took place on Sunday, when Urquía, who continues to … Continue reading “The Grand Master Is Expelled From Cuban Freemasonry to the Cry of ‘Out With the Thief!’”

“Cuban State Security Has Always Opted To Weaken Cuban Freemasonry”

14ymedio, Havana, 17 January 2024 — After the theft of some $19,000 from his office, Grand Master Mario Alberto Urquía, leader of the Cuban Freemasons, has entrenched himself against those demanding his resignation. Measures to reinforce his authority have been drastic: he dismissed senior Masonic officials who questioned him and issued an urgent “call to order.” … Continue reading ““Cuban State Security Has Always Opted To Weaken Cuban Freemasonry””

“The Silences and Scandals of Cuban Freemasonry” is Presented at the Miami Book Fair

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 18 November 2022 — The book, Del templo al temple. Silencios y escándalos de la masonería cubana [From Temple to Temple. Silences and Scandals of Cuban Freemasonry] (Editorial Primigenios, 2022), by journalist Camila Acosta, will be presented from November 18 to 20 at the Miami Book Fair. It’s a history of … Continue reading ““The Silences and Scandals of Cuban Freemasonry” is Presented at the Miami Book Fair”

Cuban Masons Reject President Diaz-Canel’s Invitation to Meet

14ymedio, Havana, 24 August 2021 — “We have decided not to attend the meeting called by the country’s presidency (…), in order to preserve Masonic unity,” stated a letter signed by Grand Master Ernesto Zamora Fernández on Monday and disseminated by various Masons on their social networks. That community had been summoned this Tuesday to a meeting … Continue reading “Cuban Masons Reject President Diaz-Canel’s Invitation to Meet”

Cuban Masons Stand ‘On the Side of the People’ and Condemn Diaz-Canel

14ymedio, Havana, July 16, 2021 — This Friday the Cuban Masons of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree condemned the performance of Miguel Díaz-Canel at the head of the country “for calling, inciting, and ordering a violent confrontation against the Cuban people” after the protests in recent days. In a letter addressed to the … Continue reading “Cuban Masons Stand ‘On the Side of the People’ and Condemn Diaz-Canel”

Angel Santiesteban’s Personal War

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana | 7 February  2021 — Ángel Santiesteban Prats (1966, Havana) is perhaps the living Cuban writer, residing in Cuba, who has had the most problems with the political police. He is also one of those who has garnered the most recognition for his literary work. He writes film scripts, practices journalism … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban’s Personal War”

How to Lose Friends / Angel Santiesteban

Angel Santiesteban, Havana, 23 December 2015 — These days I’m immersed in the culmination of my next novel, which I should deliver in February for its possible publication; for this reason, I have dedicated the last two months, in a tireless way, to improving the prose, born from the heat and emotion of the most … Continue reading “How to Lose Friends / Angel Santiesteban”

Angel Santiesteban: Most of our people pretend

Disoriented in time like all ex-prisoners, Ángel Santiesteban brings with him a thousand prison demons. Interview with Ángel Santiesteban after his conditional release – Cuba 2015. Havana, Cuba, Augusto César San Martín —  The writer Ángel Santiesteban Prats suffers with every word he writes. “I classify my work as social,” he declares in an interview … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban: Most of our people pretend”

Evo Morales, The Dissident Who Was Abused / Angel Santiesteban

Angel Santiesteban, 12 May 2015 — At the Summit of the Americas, the Bolivian president told journalists about the arrests, humiliations and violations of human rights he suffered when he opposed the officialdom of his country, from the beginning of his union movement activism back in 1988. So it’s outrageous that this same human being, statesman and politician, … Continue reading “Evo Morales, The Dissident Who Was Abused / Angel Santiesteban”

Sensitive Issues / Angel Santiesteban

Moment at which the Government’s TV show “Cuba’s Reasons” declared Angel Santiesteban Prats “guilty” In the days when they arrested me, between last July 21 and August 13, among other questions, the State Security officials questioned me about my economic support. In this regard, I’d never imagined that others would be interested in this aspect, … Continue reading “Sensitive Issues / Angel Santiesteban”

“I Am a Prisoner Because of a Tantrum by Raul Castro” / Juan Carlos Linares, Angel Santiesteban

Havana, Cuba, October, — Without any doubt, the prosecutor at the oral hearing clung to the least of the supposed crimes, “Housebreaking and Injuries,” being proved by the very “witness” who lied.  The farce of a trial was a settling of scores for Santiesteban because of his opposition to totalitarianism, and so he was … Continue reading ““I Am a Prisoner Because of a Tantrum by Raul Castro” / Juan Carlos Linares, Angel Santiesteban”

Last Letter from Angel Santiesteban from Prison 1580 Shortly Before Being Transferred From the Prison to Whereabouts Unknown

I want to share a letter that my brother Angel wrote to me, just today when I don’t know where he is or how he is doing, and they have changed his prison, and right now he is still missing. I request immediate release for him, the writer Ángel Santiesteban-Prats, innocent of all charges for … Continue reading “Last Letter from Angel Santiesteban from Prison 1580 Shortly Before Being Transferred From the Prison to Whereabouts Unknown”