On Your Marks, Get Set… / Cuban Law Association, Yanelis Ramirez Cruz #Cuba

By Lic. Yanelis Ramírez Cruz

With this motto conscientious teachers prepared us in physical education classes for the stretching our tense muscles, somewhat stunted by the idleness in the classroom where another  classroom professional, this time in math or other subjects, tried to awaken our dormant adolescent neurons.

We had to run a section of the yard, to the finish, near a close neighbor.

I bring up this topic with regard to the publication in the Official Gazette of  Decree Law 302 amending Law 1312, the Emigration Act of September 20, 1976.

On October 16, we Cubans woke up listening to reports on all the news media about changing immigration policy. The Granma newspaper article read:

Updating Cuba’s Immigration Policy.

As expected, the queue to buy the paper that day took on significant proportions, and it was another big surprise that the Official Gazette mentioned was available along with the paper.

The news has become the talk of meetings around the table, in the parks and the corridors: now Cubans can travel where they want, without having to receive a letter of invitation from relatives, friends or acquaintances from other countries, after paying the high consular fees to the Cuban Embassy.

It seems a radical change but, looking sharp eye, not so much. It’s enough to look with an analytical spirit at Decree No.306 “With Regards to the Treatment of Cadres, Professionals and Athletes who require permission to travel abroad .

This is a complicated puzzle because the decree, with incredibly dark and convoluted language, inaccurately states who are those who can not leave the country with the supposed ease offered by the modifications.

It talks about those classified as cadres, managers of the central apparatus of the state, managers and executives who work in activities “vital” to developing the country’s ’strategic’ programs, research projects and health services, as well as technicians performing those same vital and strategic activities and high-performance athletes, coaches and trainers who are vital to the Cuban sports movement.

In a word, no doctors, no nurses, no health personnel, no athletes, no physical education teachers, no teachers of any kind. These are excluded from the amendment.

Does this mean there will be a new law increasing their miserable salaries. Could be. I doubt it.

They will continue to be asked for sacrifice, work and more work. Meanwhile, thousands of young people are crouched on one knee and look towards the finish line, waiting for the teacher’s signal with the old phrase: On your mark, get set, … out!

November 1 2012

Loyalty and Integrity / Cuban Law Association, Wilfredo Vallin Almeida #Cuba

By Wilfredo Vallín Almeida

We are at a difficult time in our history. So difficult that even nature seems to have conspired to bring us trouble. You have to be totally blind not to see the continuing and rapid deterioration of Cuba’s social health.

What happens around us is not new for history lovers. Similar situations have occurred in other places and other times. No wonder scholars say that “history repeats itself every so often.”

The deterioration of the environment should not lead, however, to loss of internal values. These values are the only ones that can save us amid the general disaster.

And it can’t happen, that between ourselves we have same situations that we criticize and fight. That is something that should be very clear to all of us in the Cuban Law Association.

Every day we see (and deal with) corruption, crime of all kinds, the little or no integrity of entities which should be paradigms for the country, constant violations of the law, ignorance or evil intention of their agents … all types of misconduct.

It is, moreover, what Cubans have called “to resolve,” that is, to get money by any means, without considering how in order to alleviate the shortages and general need we all suffer.

But beyond  all the hardships and vicissitudes, is the legacy left to us by the founding fathers of the Cuban nation and the sense of probity that we maintain at all costs. And that legacy reads verbatim:

When there are many men without decorum, there are always others who bear in themselves the honor of many men. Those are the ones who rebel with terrible strength against those who rob a people of their liberty which is to rob men of their decorum. In those men are thousands of men, a whole people, human dignity.

We will not and cannot renounce these paradigms . This would be to lose everything in this country and to sink the few handholds with which we can rescue the nation tomorrow.

The Cuban Law Association will always require absolute adherence of its members to the previous paradigms at any cost, even that of running out of members. And the lawyers who are not at the level that this time requires and who are carried away by human misery to which we may be exposed, because we are in Cuba, must abandon the Cuban Law Association, without distinction of person.

Because all we need now, greatly need, is LOYALTY AND INTEGRITY

November 5 2012

Christmas for a Poor Child / Fernando Damaso #Cuba

Since Thanksgiving was celebrated last Thursday, marking the beginning of the Christmas season, I offer these reminiscences.

Every year during the month of November funds were collected by every student through the sale of raffle tickets. The proceeds were used to assure Christmas for a Poor Child, which is what the campaign was called. Its only objective was to hand out boxes of food before Christmas Eve and toys on Day of the Three Kings to poor children and their families who lived near the school, which was located in the neighborhood of La Víbora. The meaning of poor referred more specifically to those in need, since there was no discrimination against anyone nor any prior investigation to determine who was or was not poor. Whoever considered himself to be so, or who so desired, simply had to show up to collect a box and a toy. In those years the prevailing ethical concept was that no family which did not consider itself to be needy would show up to collect anything, nor would it allow its children to do so, since this would have been understood to be both immoral and degrading. This guaranteed that acts of charity were organized, calm and fair, leaving everyone pleased and grateful for the gifts they received.

For students like ourselves the sale of raffle tickets was an arduous task, since we had to sell them to our family members, friends and neighbors — the ones most affected. After the aunts, uncles and godparents, there were the shopkeepers, the butcher and all the other tradesmen with whom our parents did business. They almost always obliged. There was competition among the different grades to see who could raise the most money. The figures were displayed in thermometer graphs, which were drawn on one side of the blackboard and where the progress of the collection efforts was updated weekly. There was a classroom set aside to hold the various grades’ thermometers and the amount they had collected was recorded on the blackboard in colored chalk.

In the euphoria of the competition we sold more and more raffle tickets, requesting new booklets once we had liquidated the old ones in the hopes of making the thermometers explode at the top, which was considered a triumph. The price of each ticket was twenty centavos and normally the total take was between three and five thousand pesos. This money was put to good use buying food and toys at favorable prices, which allowed many people’s needs to be satisfied. This practice was routine in most religious schools and brought additional happiness to the Christmas holidays in those places where the custom was established.

Everyone took on this task, not as a burden, but as a just and necessary cause. It took place in an atmosphere of happiness, which gradually grew as we, along with the city and the country, were taken over by the Christmas spirit. I do not remember that anyone who received presents — the truly needy — felt either offended or looked down upon as a person for having to accept them. I did know of cases where people accepted them one year, but the following year did not — an indication that they no longer needed help because their economic situations had improved. Cubans were honest and felt a sense of solidarity with others.

In La Víbora, which was not a poor neighborhood, families living there were proud of the Christmas activities which the religious schools sponsored. In those very different times these activities were another reason for happiness, along with the well-known but now forgotten custom of the Christmas bonus — as much as a month’s salary — which was given to employees at their places of work, making the celebrations of the season more feasible.

In spite of its name Christmas for a Poor Child was really a humanitarian effort to make the holiday happier, more joyous and more comprehensive every year. We all felt good, those of us who gave as much as those who received.

Archive photos.

Author’s note: In my previous post, dated 11/22/12, I cited ITT when I should have written Electric Bonds & Share. I apologize for the error. [Translator’s note: The error has been corrected in both Spanish and English versions of the post.]

November 25 2012

Uncertain Benefit / Cuban Law Association, Miguel Iturria Medina #Cuba

By Lic. Miguel Medina Iturria

Embezzlement appears as an offense in many jurisdictions. In our case it is governed by Article 336 of the Penal Code and embodies when an individual consents to take for themselves or with the consent of another, goods they have access to relating to the management, availability or custody because of their job.

This offense falls within the so-called frauds and despite being included under the heading of crimes against property, because of the magnitude of its impact it is considered as an offense that lacerates the national economy and has most negative influence on it.

In Article 336, different criminal penalties are applied according to the amount defrauded. Three to eight years in prison, if the economic impact is between $1,000 and $10,000; from eight to twenty when more than $10,000; and six months to two years or a fine, when it is below $1,000. The related amounts are provided in the Instruction 165 of the Governing Council of the People’s Supreme Court. This responds more severely the bigger the fraud to state assets. Personally I share this idea.

In the 6th paragraph of this provision provides a benefit to the accused which I quote:

“If the offender returns, before the conclusion of the trial, the appropriate goods or through his management this refund is achieved, the court may reduce by up to two thirds the minimum sanction as noted in each case.”

The purpose of this course is clear, through this expectation the person who commits this type of crime is motivated to reimburse the defrauded in hopes of improving his legal situation, but this paragraph has interesting practical drawbacks in the use of the term “may” which makes it an optional standard; in the case of return of the assets the Court is not obliged to grant the benefit described. In our judicial practice the latter variant is happening frequently.

In my view it constitutes an act of disloyalty to urge someone to give you what they have stolen with the expectation of improving their status in the process and then not to grant them the expected benefit. This legal standard should be mandatory or binding on the forums of justice, since the judgments not only have an impact on those involved, but on society and future offenders.

For example, if those involved in such matters know that returning the money will not bring a definite advantage, certainly they will not choose this option, but if complying with it provides certainty, every defendant would cooperate and would, without doubt, return the result of their corruption to its place of origin.

October 5 2012

The Harassment of Cotorro / Cuban Law Association, Esperanza Rodriguez Bernal #Cuba

By Lic. Esperanza Rodríguez Bernal

On more than one occasion the citizen William Alexis Cacer Diaz has requested assistance from the Cuban Law Association for having been the victim of unlawful conduct by police officers.

First, he was robbed of a camera, a mobile phone and a mini tape recorder he used in his work as a self-employed photographer).

At that time he was oriented with regards to what he needed to do in accordance with the provisions of Article 66, paragraph 1) in relation to Article 401 and following of the Law of Civil Administrative, Labor and Economic Procedure, to lodge a Demand for Process of Protection of Possession, against the Relevant Acts of the Authorities before the corresponding court.

Now William returns to us for advice as he continues to suffer arrests.

On none of the occasions on which he has been detained have they showed him an arrest warrant: he has been taken in a police car to the Cotorro Police Station and kept in a cell there for several hours.

When he asks about the reason for this the answer has been: “it’s a CI (counterintelligence) matter.”

Now William refers also to the threat that, for going to Estado de Sats, they have warned him he will be arrested every time there is an event announced at the home of Antonio Rodiles.

It is legal to do what the law does not prohibit and therefore if the agents arrest William again for attention Estado de Sats it will confirm their illegal conduct and they can be accused before the Military Prosecutor for this act that contravenes Article 58 of the Constitution of the Republic:
Freedom and inviolability of persons is assured to all who reside in the country.

No one may be arrested except in the cases, in the manner and with the guarantees prescribed by the laws…

What is happening with William reminds me of that famous work of Victor Hugo, in which a police displayed a visceral satisfaction in a lifelong pursuit of a former convict who, in the end, ended up saving the life of his pursuer.

Who can refute that life, with its avatars someday repeats an episode similar to Les Miserables? … Only with new characters and and a new location, and so it seemed to me a good idea to call this the Harassment of Cotorro.

October 3 2012

The Dilemma of Economic Contracting (2) / Cuban Law Association, Rodrigo Chavez #Cuba

Lic. Rodrigo Chávez

The underutilization of the attorney and the little or poor participation accorded to him in the contracting process, ultimately leads to problems with regards to the intentions or expected outcomes of the established relations.

In any state agency, it is not difficult to see that the activity of the lawyer, or the legal counsel, the attorney, or whatever you call him, is limited or tied to the development of disciplinary action, claims that could have been avoided, had he worked on the economics of the case, or even in some instances as secretary to the Board of Directors. In the latter role, discrepancies exist because some people advocate for him and others do not, but in the end, whenever one is in a subordinate role, the decision of the boss prevails without exception. A rational use of human capital makes sense, but in the same vein is the irrational use of the attorney.

There are lines which lead to imperfections in contracts, their normal development, and given that in the end a contract is a voluntary agreement, these must be true, solid, achievable objectively true and not fictitious, things that in our day constitute justification, failures to meet production or distribution or provide services, the inadequate or improper use of the contract; it would not be improper to speak in these terms same terms with regards to planning.

The labyrinth through which contracting passes, affects the stipulations for agricultural production, as well as those for supplies, and even the execution of the work; in these three alone the incidence rate is so negative, it deserves special attention devoted to it, given that even if the performance of a farmer’s harvest exceeds expectations that, too, does not meet the objective of achieving the terms because it was not reflected in the contract.

How is it possible that markets are largely unserved, making it possible to supplement the initial contract, but here’s another great dilemma: if it is nefarious to fail to meet the plan, it is more nefarious to over fulfill it. They would have to walk hand in hand as binomial-procurement planning. With proper planning, could well provide an adequate contract, and with a good solution, it would lead to a good distribution and a high probability of satisfying the consumer, right?

October 2 2012

Year-End Accounts / Fernando Damaso #Cuba

Photo: Peter Deel

The year 2012 is coming to an end and it’s a good time to review the successes and failures, with the objective of starting the new year with less baggage. For many citizens it’s a reality that, during the intervening months, there have been changes that have affected the inert skeleton (it’s all that remains) of the Cuban model. They have not been very deep, are too slow, and have not influenced the country’s economic structure, which remains intact in its obsolete socialist conception, but that’s another matter.

In the year that’s ending, the so-called guidelines were also approved, which are more a guide to developing a retaining wall, which establish limits to the changes, and which have expanded the possibilities within the framework of allocating land in usufruct (bowing to pressure from the peasants who rejected the initial straitjacket). Self-employment rules have been relaxed, expanding its spheres of action, they have tried to bring order to physical planning, and have conceded aid (in extreme cases) and credits for the repair of dilapidated housing, have established new customs rules, and have adopted a new travel and immigration law and a new tax system.

This does not mean that all these questions are on the way to being resolved or that existing problems have been solved. Even the land in usufruct has many weaknesses, and does not meet the needs and expectations of private producers, being subject to absurd regulations and restrictions that conspire against production, distribution and marketing, and that don’t increase the offerings available nor reduce the prices paid by consumers.

The new possibilities within self-employment are approved by drips and drabs and only after long periods of unnecessary experimentation in the so-called provincial-laboratories (Artemisa and Mayabeque), when they should be adopted and spread more quickly

The physical planning regulations, forgotten and systematically violated over too many years, are very difficult to apply in a country where the deterioration and lack of housing constitutes a national tragedy, without conditions to truly solve things in the short and medium term, despite the aid and credits approved, and so the problem continually worsens, influencing widespread social breakdown.

The new customs rules, which by their volume seem to expand the possibilities of bringing goods into the country, actually limit them by weight and value.

The new travel and immigration law, to go into effect in the coming year, although it eases some of the paperwork, creates new limitations and trades the existence of one document for another (from the white card to the blue booklet), without eliminating them, as well as increases the price of a passport.

The new laws on taxation, also scheduled to go into effect, with some adjustments, this coming year, are still a mystery to be clarified as they are applied.

The state of the accounts can be summarized in a general conclusion: the skeleton of the model has started to move, but the movement is unbearably slow and cautious, and is not in line with the needs of the citizens and the country.

November 28 2012

The Dilemma of Economic Contracting (1) / Cuban Law Association, Rodrigo Chavez #Cuba

By Lic. Rodrigo Chávez

Monotony? War of attrition? Psychological pressure? False expectations? Or direct or indirect solutions in the short, medium or long term?

With so many questions, we do not know how to start, but it is true and, as always, there is a beginning and an end, that … God forbid, has started and can be completed, directly or indirectly in the short, medium or long term.

The issue of contracting, which is so inherent to the Cuban, that you can almost say he has become a specialist in this area without even knowing the essential elements that comprise it, suffice it to say that “horse trading” or “haggling” or whatever you want to call it is a daily form of establishing contractual relations between two or more people who want to be engaged in a relationship, legal or illegal (it’s very trendy in the underground market), and even though the State knows it, it cannot act effectively against them and believe me, in this market there is more than enough supply to meet the demand.

Let’s look at the issue of the newspaper Granma, on August 3, 2012, on page 4, titled Companies Must Play Their Part, by the journalist Ivette Sosa Hernandez. We ask ourselves, if the international contraction goes badly, as required, is contracting at the national level in good health? The rules for international contracts (covering a larger number of subjects, different economies, etc.), are not the same as those that apply to the national (internal order in the state enterprise sector and even in the private sector).

Indeed, the laws and regulations that still apply to economic contracting, do not conform to current conditions, so we can infer they have been frozen in time.

Both internationally and nationally, concluding a legal instrument of the magnitude of a contract, involves a solemn act, seriousness, responsibility, rights and obligations for the parties, but is primarily a meeting of the minds, wills backed by trust and commitment to its full implementation, so much so that in its commitment and arbitration clauses it does not become a dead letter.

Formalism, has become for Cuban entrepreneurs, something commonplace and everyday and therefore close to creativity, so it is unusual to speak about about bidding, negotiating; in such cases, the lawyer’s voice or intervention is usually relegated to the background, the lawyer is not on the plane where he should be but is called in cases of default, when conflict is already imminent, when given sufficient time he would have known the state of gestation that led to the evolution, development and delivery of such conflict.

October 1 2012

Cessation of Cohabitation / Cuban Law Association, Miguel Iturria Medina

By Miguel Iturria Medina

Property Law governs the use, enjoyment, possession and availability of good which one owns. The ultimate power is related, in short, to the possibility of the title holder doing with his property what he deems to be best. In the case of housing one of the issues is the disposition it, that is the owner’s decision about who lives in his property.

This is addressed in Article 64 of our General Housing Act, Act No. 65; however there are exceptions provision regulated in Article 65 of the law itself, which limits the cessation of cohabitation for ancestors and descendants of the owner, mothers with children born during the marriage, formalized or not with the owner, or mothers with children living in the housing for three or more years and having no other residence; elderly who have lived for more than three years in the building and who do not have a place to reside, cases of manifest injustice or inhumane acts.

Outside of these exceptions, the owner may terminate the cohabitation of any person without requiring an administrative or judicial declaration, but if the cohabitant refuses to leave the property, then the owner can call the Municipal Department of Housing to issue a resolution which determines whether unwanted cohabitant must leave, a process that can be achieved in the second instance in the Provincial Court, by application of nonconformity of the administrative decision, and which ends, finally, in appeal to the Supreme Court.

The real problem lies in the Order to Cease Cohabitation because once it is signed, either by resolution of the Municipal Housing (DMV) or Judgment of the Provincial or Supreme Court, whether the cohabitant refuses to leave the property and which is antisocial behavior unrelated to a work center, the competent authority comes to force removal by the police. But if the cohabitant does not meet these characteristics, the DMV only issues a provision ordering them to leave the house in 30 days and if they do not they will be fined 30% to 50% of their salary which will accrue to the State. So far.

Why doesn’t the competent authority take action in all cases where a final decision calls for the cessation of cohabitation? What coercive force is there in reducing the minimum wage by 30% to 50% when the cost of renting a home is around 20 Cuban Convertible Pesos (around 500 pesos in “national money”), and this figure is more than 50% of what the average worker earns? How can the owner get someone out of his house who doesn’t meet this requirement of an “anti-social labor link”?

There is no other option than to modify the Law so that it truly guarantees this ability.

September 30 2012

Something in Common / Regina Coyula #Cuba #FreeRodiles

What has cost others in the political world millions and years of publicity, has been accomplished by Cuban State Security with an arbitrary arrest. Antonio Rodiles has become a household name.

Antonio Rodiles has also turned into a dangerous citizen. If the tactic of three weeks was to humiliate him with bland interrogations, the other reading is that the interrogators lacked arguments (or intelligence, or both), and these same interrogators-interrogations have confirmed for citizen Rodiles the need to maintain Estado de Sats (State of Sats) and to push forward with the Campaign for Another Cuba (Por otra Cuba) for the ratification of the UN Human Rights covenants.

If Rodiles’ case wasn’t enough for the near-sightedness of many with regards to the status of our rights and freedoms as citizens, I go to the other extreme, the case of the blog La Joven Cuba (Cuban Youth), created by young professors from the University of Matanzas.

Very quickly, thanks to the absence of censorship in the comments section and the occasional approach to controversial issues of our national reality, the blog enjoyed a notable growth and visibility within the Cuban blogosphere.

It was a surprise that on the crest of the wave, La Joven Cuba issued a warning that many of us, with good reason, interpreted as a farewell, and that many of us, with good reason, interpreted as the effect of pressure to close a space that “had moved on.”

Recently, not only were my suspicions confirmed that the pressures were great and from different sides, but that it got to point where some hothead accused them of “going too far,” but of “going over to the enemy.” Nor did the constant profession of faith that they made when they dared to address some thorny issue, free them from suspicions which they are now trying to clarify.

Unlike the opinions of others, the fate of the blog La Joven Cuba and its creators gives me no pleasure, consistent with something I’ve made clear here and as a commentator on the LJC blog: in the country I imagine, diverse and antagonistic ideological currents will coexist, rather than be enemies, and I will have family and friends who vote for different candidates than mine without it leading to a rupture in our relations.

Both cases: Rodiles and La Joven Cuba, confirm for me the lack of freedom that sickens Cuban society. You know I don’t usually engage in profound analysis, so the rest of the ruminations I leave to you.

November 28 2012

Chavez Back in Cuba for More Cancer Treatments / Yoani Sanchez #Cuba

Image from comedonchisciotte.org
To our wide repertoire of popular jokes, a new one that continues to be topical was added a few weeks ago. A couple of friends meet in the street and one asks the other, “Hey, did you know that Cuba has the biggest and best oil field in the world?” At first the listener starts to wonder if his friend is losing his mind, or whether they’ve just discovered a great source of crude and he hasn’t heard about it. For a moment he thinks maybe it was on the morning news, which he didn’t watch. He’s wracking his brain for an answer when his crony busts out laughing and announces, “Yeah, buddy, we have the Chavez oil well #1 that never goes dry and doesn’t need any resources to exploit it.”

The Venezuelan subsidy is felt in every part of our national life and this sensation doesn’t escape the jokes and ironies. This week the theme returned to the fore after Hugo Chavez asked his country’s National Assembly for permission to receive new medical treatment on our Island. Wednesday morning, supposedly. He arrived at the Havana airport although the national press failed to show any images of this moment. Days earlier it was already being passed by word of mouth that the resident of the Miraflores Palace had to come to receive urgent new medical treatment. The rumors flew about a possible worsening of the Venezuelan leader’s health, but secrecy continues to mark his stay in Cuba. Not a single word filters out, not one doctor dares to bear witness, not one revelation escapes through the media. Nevertheless, there’s a feeling of nervousness in the air.

Because many fear that the “Chávez oil well #1” might run dry and so trigger a deeper economic crisis in our country. Perhaps these common jokes are trying to deflect the worry through laughter. But behind the sarcasm, hides the perennial anxiety of a “kept” country.

28 November 2012

SWEET NOVEMBER / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo #Cuba


Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Every November I write this same column. Without noticing it, without paying attention, without needing to parody or plagiarize myself.

November looms and frightens. The days are short, the sun kinder than ever in Cuba. The gray begins to beautifully color the garish and flat tones of our reality. The island looks a little bit more Nordic, less despotic and more democratic. Cubislandia, Habaneijavick.

I think, of course, of Eslinda Nunez of late 1971, the year I was born. Her black hair so black, almost digitally blue before the digital age: sprays of liquid light cascading over her disconsolate eyes in the foreground of the screen. Her waist, tiny. Her hypermobile ballerina voluptuousness. Her hands of an abandoned bird in a Havana pocket park between death and love. Her seriousness to kiss, her willingness to make love without falling in a common place. Her wonder, her miracle.

I’m speaking about a musical filmed by Humberto Solas and composed by Leo Brouwer: One day in November, a work very few in Cuba have seen and even fewer remember (a movie betrayed even by the interviews that ignore its director). I’m speaking, too, of all the successive Novembers that came while the anachronistic time of the Revolution dilated, until, of course, we arrived in that of 2012, when there is nobody left alive in Cuba, but the miracle and wonder again sprout with an atrocious voracity, of life that buds in winter, if only in the case of a girl on stage for half a month, or half a year, before jumping into the empty garden beyond.

I try and I try, but not even I can avoid living life to the full in November. I become friendly, adorable, and see things with total transparency, terrifying. Like the gaze of a messiah, who borrows the binoculars of an angel or of God himself. And I hope I am not committing a heresy with this. The truth of the soul should never constitute a heresy in the face of the Superior Being.

We are already at the 27th and for me it’s like the beginning of the month. My birthday is coming, on December 10. 2013 is approaching and very soon it will turn into summer, perhaps in March or April. It’s now or now. I am determined, I want to be me. I want to return the mutilated smile of Eslinda Núñez of 2012. I want to dare to break the traps of whatever era and walk hand in hand down the avenues of this city with H (a mute, deadly letter). I want freedom not to be a right to demand, but an eternal state of mind.

Ecclesiastes lies from A to Z. Or maybe not, but almost. There will be nothing new under the sun, it is true. But under the November moon even the ruins shine like new. There is nothing old under the sky of this only night. It is useless trying not to love you now. I do not even remember the name of my city and country. Cubislandia? Habaneijavick?

November 27 2012

Open Letter to the President of Cuba by the Writer Angel Santiesteban-Prats / Angel Santiesteban

Mr. Raul Castro Ruz,

In recent days a horde of soldiers and officers from “State Security,” most in plainclothes, who are located in Section 21 (headquarters of “Counterintelligence”), attacked a peaceful group, of which I was a part and that was in front of the police station at Acosta and 10 de Octubre Streets, to support the elderly parents of Antonio Rodiles, whom they advised, in their turn, of the destination and “legal” case for which their son was being kept in the cells of that station.

One day earlier, this same horde of criminals, violators of justice and of the most elementary human rights, had assaulted a group of people who peacefully presented themselves at the aforementioned Section 21 together with the attorney Veizant Boloy to inquire about the whereabouts of his wife, the attorney Yaremis Flores, who had been kidnapped from their home by police.

Afterwards they took me to spend several days in the dungeons, where I remained without food and water, the only way I had to protest against the violence committed. They released me without charged thanks to the public outcry that resulted from the playing on the Internet of a video recording showing the brutal manner in which they arrested me.

Our only “crime” is to think immeasurably about the fate of our country, which for more than five decades has been in the throes of a ghostly and exhausting war, which has only served to devastate a nation and to keep you in power.

We have the unquestionable right to choose, to dissent, to gather together, to speak out, to decide what is most necessary for the Cuban nation and its future. We ar its legitimate children, with equal rights, so we demand respect and freedom for those who make up the opposition within the Civil Society in Cuba.

Right now, still arbitrarily detained under an alleged crime of “resistance,’’ is Antonio Rodiles, Director of the Independent Project of State of SA (Estado de Sats) and Coordinator of the Campaign For Another Cuba (Campaña Por Otra Cuba), a citizen initiative born in the deep social and economic crisis we are going through which demands the ratification of the UN Covenants, signed by your Foreign Minister on February 28, 2008 in New York City, and that we consider essential rights for the democratic transformation of the Cuban nation and its entry into the community of nations in the XXI century.

We therefore demand the immediate release, without manipulated charges, of Antonio González Rodiles, and I demand of you the earliest intervention in the ongoing violations in our country that are committed in your name.

Ángel Santistesteban-Prats
Cuban writer

Translator’s note: Between the time Angel released this letter and TranslatingCuba.com translated it, Antonio was released.

November 27 2012

Linguistic Reforms / Yoani Sanchez #Cuba

We will never yield to blackmail from any country or group of nations no matter how powerful they may be.
We will never yield to blackmail from any country or group of nations no matter how powerful they may be, come what may!

Don’t worry, reader, this article isn’t about what you think it is. It’s not a call from the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language to expedite the process of accepting new terms, nor even a demand to reduce the complexity of Spanish spelling. None of that. It’s been quite a while since I hung up the robes of a philologist, and I now understand more about bytes than syllables, more about tweets than conjugations. I am speaking, rather, of those peculiar twists used in Cuba to describe economic, political and social phenomena. The “reforms” that we are experiencing seem to be happening more in the field of linguistics and semantics than in concrete reality. I will offer up some examples… don’t despair.

In our country there has been a call to “update the socialist model” through measures that are simply adding elements of a market economy to the system. What is called “self-employment” is known in other parts of the world as the “private sector.” Nor are the unemployed designated with the corresponding word, but rather given the label of “available workers,” a very smooth way to describe the drama of unemployment. In hospitals, when they greatly reduce the number of X-ray and ultrasound technicians, it’s explained as a chance to “enhance the clinical diagnosis.” Which, translated into a truthful statement, means that the doctor must discover with her eyes and her hands everything from a fracture to an internal hemorrhage.

In the official discourse, popular frustration with the reforms is simply a sign of “misunderstanding and indiscipline.” If, in addition, this disagreement leads to protests in the street, then the participants are neither “outraged,” nor “proletarians demanding their rights,” but rather “mercenaries” and “counterrevolutionaries.” On this Island, the expression “the people” is one of the many pseudonyms for the powers-that-be, so you can imagine the confusion this often creates. When you read, “by the decision of a sovereign people…” or “with the participation of all the people,” you can substitute for the subject in each of these phrases “the Communist Party.” Nor can the cholera epidemic be mentioned by its seven letters, because the newspaper Granma has already coined the phrase “an illness of acute diarrhea.” And those impoverished neighborhoods that stretch around the periphery of the city, don’t even think of calling them favelas or slums! They are, in the distorted semantics surrounding us, “low-income communities.”

I don’t understand anything and neither do you. A meta language has taken over our lives and no word is what it seems. But trust me, reader, and “don’t worry yourself,” which is just the way we say every day that “the situation is worrisome.”

28 November 2012