The United States Revokes the Humanitarian Parole of a Former Senior Official of the Cuban Regime

Before requesting refuge citing humanitarian reasons, Liván Fuentes Álvarez was part of the regime’s leadership.

Díaz Canel and Fuentes attend to the press after the passage of Hurricane Ian / Screenshot of a video uploaded by the Presidency to X in 2022

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 13 May 2024 — The United States immigration authorities denied entry to their territory to Liván Fuentes Álvarez, president of the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power on the Isle of Youth between 2019 and 2022, who had previously been granted humanitarian parole.

As confirmed by Martí Noticias, the former official was informed of the revocation of the permit just at the time of boarding a charter flight to the United States.

“We take the security of our country very seriously and we will do everything possible so that those who are members of the repressive apparatus of the Cuban regime cannot benefit from measures that are to help the Cuban people,” a government source who requested not be identified told the media.

While he was in office, on Isla de la Juventud, Fuentes showed himself to be a staunch defender of the regime, as witnessed not only by the official images with President Miguel Díaz-Canel but also by some of his publications on networks.

This is not the first time that members of the People’s Power and the Cuban Communist Party have taken advantage of the humanitarian parole program created by the Joe Biden Administration in January 2023 to try to stop the flow of illegal migration from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

On the contrary: quite a few agents of the Havana regime have been admitted to the United States, where they live, work and, many of them, vote. Examples of this, compiled by this newspaper, are Misael Enamorado Dager, former first secretary of the Communist Party in Santiago de Cuba between 2001 and 2009, and Yurquis Companioni, a counterintelligence agent in Sancti Spíritus.


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