Human Rights: the Ongoing Struggle / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

On the occasion of the conference “Cuba: Changes in the Cuban process?” sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and CADAL (Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America), held last December 4th through the 6th, I was invited to participate, along with other Cubans on the island, on Panel 5, about human rights, and I sent … Continue reading “Human Rights: the Ongoing Struggle / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

Human Rights: the Ongoing Struggle

On the occasion of the conference “Cuba: Changes in the Cuban process?” sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and CADAL (Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America), held last December 4th through the 6th, I was invited to participate, along with other Cubans on the island, on Panel 5, about human rights, and I sent … Continue reading “Human Rights: the Ongoing Struggle”

Prize Winning Doors / Miguel Iturría Savón

As an unexpected Christmas present, Doors to the Imagination: New Cuban Literature arrived in Havana last week. The volume compiles the prize winners and honorable mentions from the Voices of Change writing contest, sponsored in mid-2008 by the Independent Libraries of Cuba Project. Although the formal presentation has not yet been made,a dozen copies circulated … Continue reading “Prize Winning Doors / Miguel Iturría Savón”

2011, That Year So Remote / Yoani Sánchez

In October Laura Pollan left us, in a dark hospital on a drizzly day, in a year, 2011, that had been born already battered. In the early months, the final prisoners of the Black Spring had been released and national and international headlines gave most of the credit to the Catholic Church and Spain’s Foreign … Continue reading “2011, That Year So Remote / Yoani Sánchez”

Between the Gun and the Cassock / Miriam Celaya

A debate encounter sponsored by the Catholic digital publication Espacio Laical took place on Saturday, October 29th, 2011. The agency EFE, the leading Spanish news agency, reported the event in a very laudable manner, as published on October 30th on the digital site Cubaencuentro. The report states that “The new role that the Catholic Church … Continue reading “Between the Gun and the Cassock / Miriam Celaya”

Strange “Estrangement” of the Foreign Press in Cuba / Miriam Celaya

An article by a foreign news agency recently reported on the Internet, “Cuban Dissidents at a Crossroads”by Paul Haven and Andrea Rodríguez of the Associated Press, suffers from, at least, two of the most common and serious limitations of accredited journalism in Cuba: contempt for the nationals of this Island and an almost total disregard … Continue reading “Strange “Estrangement” of the Foreign Press in Cuba / Miriam Celaya”

Cuba, We Who Are About to Die Salute You / Angel Santiesteban

So Orlando Zapata gave himself up with the only weapon he had. Guillermo Fariñas then went to the edge of the abyss, from where it is assumed there is no return, but his spiritual energy carried him and brought him back; besides, the fight is not over, that was only one chapter. Both Zapata and … Continue reading “Cuba, We Who Are About to Die Salute You / Angel Santiesteban”

Divine Providence and the Assassination of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia / Ricardo Medina

“Life is worth nothing if I ignore that the assassin took a different path and is preparing another ambush.” – Pablo Milanes When I retrospectively analyze my pastoral relationship with Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia, I discover that neither international forces or media campaigns were interested in him. Instead, God, who is never neutral before the … Continue reading “Divine Providence and the Assassination of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia / Ricardo Medina”

Of Strikes and Causes: Reflections on a Conflict / Miriam Celaya

Recently a fellow Cuban living abroad and I exchanged views on the advisability of hunger strikes as a way to confront the dictatorship. The subject, of course, was motivated by the strike initiated by Jorge Luis Artiles (Bebo) last May 9, in the city of Santa Clara, and that was assumed on Friday, June 3, … Continue reading “Of Strikes and Causes: Reflections on a Conflict / Miriam Celaya”

Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez

As a child whenever I heard the name of Perico*, a town in Matanzas Province, I ended up with a pain in my stomach from laughing so hard. Until I learned that a part of my father’s family was from that area and the joke didn’t seem so funny to me any more. Last Saturday … Continue reading “Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez”


Indubitably most of these testimonies will be about the spiritual liberation of many Cubans. I will join them, but I would like to take the opportunity of this brief space to also thank God for the physical liberation of an elevated number of prisoners that before the celebration of the last three campaigns, and mainly … Continue reading “THE TESTIMONY THAT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED / Mario Barosso”

A Few Minutes with The Student / Luis Felipe Rojas

I saw him two times in my life. The first time was in Placetas. I can’t remember if it was at the house of Amado Moreno or that of Antunez and Iris. From there, he left to organize something about a protest we would later participate in, but I did not see him again because … Continue reading “A Few Minutes with The Student / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Information from Santa Clara / Miriam Celaya

José Lino Asencio. Photograph courtesy of Ricardo Medina Since the death of John Wilfredo Soto this past May 8th as a result of beatings received by local police, successive acts of violence, threats and harassment of various kinds have been carried out against dissident groups and individuals in the city of Santa Clara. My friend … Continue reading “Information from Santa Clara / Miriam Celaya”

I Will Go / Mario Barosso

by Yoaxis Marcheco Suarez The burial of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia began on foot from the funeral home to Camacho Street where the Santa Clara cemetery is located, and there his remains were laid to rest. The sun was strong and the heat was intense but those men and women- relatives, friends, or partners in … Continue reading “I Will Go / Mario Barosso”

God Despises Lies (Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia) / Mario Barosso

The crime committed against Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia has taken an even more treacherous turn as the assassin, upon trying to dust off another death, has used methods so low like releasing a testimony from his sister Rosa who has suffered from psychiatric disorders since her adolescence. She (Rosa) is a person that is greatly … Continue reading “God Despises Lies (Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia) / Mario Barosso”