Indubitably most of these testimonies will be about the spiritual liberation of many Cubans. I will join them, but I would like to take the opportunity of this brief space to also thank God for the physical liberation of an elevated number of prisoners that before the celebration of the last three campaigns, and mainly for motives of conscience, had no hope of being set free for many years. They, with their first and last names, were intense prayers of petitionthe testimon that were raised to the Lord and in this Campaign of Celebration we can not fail to include the gratitude for the answers to our prayers.
This can be verified simply by reading the press release published in the newspaper Granma on Thursday, July 8, 2010, page 2, to confrim that that which for many was impossible became reality. The Catholic magazine Palabra Nueva, of the Archbishop of Havana, was giving an account of each of the releases in its issues. The Presbyterian Christian Herald Publication No. 4, July-August 2010, on page 5, appealing to Luke 4.8 and Hebrews 13.3, recognized and appreciated these releases and “the end of the hunger strike kept for that cause by Mr. Guillermo Fariñas.”
More than human efforts this was an authentic divine miracle granted by fasting and intense prayer of Cubans of good will. This large group of prisoners and their families have known of our intercessions and are now more willing to listen to spiritual liberation that, above all, Christ offers and many have also been received. Glory be to God!
Pastor Mario Félix Lleonart Barroso
April 18 2011