One Hundred Relatives of the 11 July Detainees in Cuba Request the Mediation of the Catholic Church

EFE/14ymedio, Havana, 12 October 2021 — A group of relatives of people detained and accused by the Cuban authorities after participating in the anti-government protests on July 11 on the island have asked the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba (COCC) to intercede for their release. “We are addressing the ecclesiastical authorities to ask for their … Continue reading “One Hundred Relatives of the 11 July Detainees in Cuba Request the Mediation of the Catholic Church”

Time Magazine Names Cuba’s Otero Alcantara as One of 2021’s Most Influential People

14ymedio, Havana, 15 September 2021 — The American magazine Time has names the Cuban artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara as one of 2021’s 100 most influential people of 2021, in the feature’s opening section labeled “Icons.” The most visible face of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), who is now once again imprisoned since the protests of July 11, appears with, among … Continue reading “Time Magazine Names Cuba’s Otero Alcantara as One of 2021’s Most Influential People”

Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara is Charged With New Crimes

14ymedio, Havana, 6 September 2021 — The artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, who has now spent 53 days in prison, was charged with new crimes on Monday. The curator Claudia Genluí, a member of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), reported that Otero Alcántara is now being accused of public disorder, instigation to commit a crime and … Continue reading “Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara is Charged With New Crimes”

The Current Status of Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara’s Health / Cubalex

Cubalex, 10 May 2021 [please note date*] — We present a summary of our report, which you can read in its entirety at this link. The situation that Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is going through is the result of the unequal relationship between the power of the State and that of the citizen who expresses disagreement … Continue reading “The Current Status of Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara’s Health / Cubalex”

Cuba’s Ladies in White Show Solidarity With the 11J (July 11th) Detainees

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 3 September 2021 — The leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, joined the fast of other dissidents on Thursday in support of the opponents José Daniel Ferrer and Félix Navarro, both former prisoners of the Black Spring of 2003, who were arrested on July 11, the day of the … Continue reading “Cuba’s Ladies in White Show Solidarity With the 11J (July 11th) Detainees”

What Happened to Freedom of Expression in Cuba in 2020? / Cubalex

Cubalex, 19 May 2021 — The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression [of the  Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)] documented a continuation during 2020 of the pattern of restrictions on freedom of expression and access to public information in Cuba. The annual report issued by the organization indicates that acts of threats, harassment, and … Continue reading “What Happened to Freedom of Expression in Cuba in 2020? / Cubalex”

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Rules in Favor of Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara / Cubalex

Cubalex, 14 May 2021 — The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) and its Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression (RELE) and for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (REDESCA) expressed concern about the escalation of repression against journalists, artists and human rights defenders in Cuba, in particular, members of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), beneficiaries … Continue reading “The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Rules in Favor of Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara / Cubalex”

International Human Rights Organizations Demand Release of Detained Journalist / Cublaex

Cubalex, 27 May 2021 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), ARTICLE 19 Office for Central America and the Caribbean, and CUBALEX today demand the release of Mary Karla Ares Pérez, detained since April 30 in relation to her journalistic work. Ares is being held in the Western Women’s Prison in … Continue reading “International Human Rights Organizations Demand Release of Detained Journalist / Cublaex”

Otero Alcantara’s Lawyer Visited Him in Prison and Will Ask for a Change of Measures

14ymedio, Havana, August 5, 2021 — The artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, who as of this Thursday has been detained for 26 days, received a visit from his lawyer Clemente Morgado in the maximum security prison of Guanajay, in the province of Artemisa. This Friday, the lawyer will present a request for a change of … Continue reading “Otero Alcantara’s Lawyer Visited Him in Prison and Will Ask for a Change of Measures”

Cuban Government Opponent Yandier Garcia Labrada Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

14ymedio, Havana, 28 July 2021 — The activist Yandier Garcia Labrada, of the Christian Liberation (MCL) Movement, was sentenced to five years in prison in a (non-contact) Telematic trial, according to the opposition organization, which denounced the action. On October 6, 2020, García Labrada was arrested when he protested in a line to buy food in Manatí, … Continue reading “Cuban Government Opponent Yandier Garcia Labrada Sentenced to Five Years in Prison”

Opposition Cuban Rapper Denis Solis Leaves Prison

14ymedio, Havana, July 12, 2021 — The opposition rapper Denis Solís was released from jail, according to confirmation today by his colleague Eliexer “El Funky” Márquez, after being imprisoned for eight months. According to the sentence he received, the activist should have been released on Friday, July 9, but that day State Security summoned the young … Continue reading “Opposition Cuban Rapper Denis Solis Leaves Prison”

Cuban Activist Virgilio Mantilla Released After Seven Months in Jail

14ymedio, Havana, 5 July 2021 — Activist Virgilio Mantilla Arango was released this Sunday after serving a seven-month prison sentence for the alleged crime of hoarding food, as confirmed to 14ymedio by the Lady in White Leticia Ramos Herrería. The opponent was arrested on December 7 after publicly expressing his solidarity with the San Isidro Movement (MSI). On social media, … Continue reading “Cuban Activist Virgilio Mantilla Released After Seven Months in Jail”

Foreign Correspondents in Cuba: The Fascination with the Dictatorship / Miriam Celaya

Miriam Celaya, Cubanet, Havana, 2 June 2021 — One of the most effective pillars that has helped to cement the legend of the “good Cuban dictatorship” has been the work of not a few accredited foreign press correspondents in Havana. It is not something new. Since New York Times journalist Herbert Matthews’ crush on Fidel … Continue reading “Foreign Correspondents in Cuba: The Fascination with the Dictatorship / Miriam Celaya”

Otero Alcantara Leaves Havana Hospital After a Month of Forced Confinement

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 31 May 2021 — “I am relatively well, from a physical point of view but, emotionally, [I am] worried about all my brothers,” Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara told CubaNet Noticias shortly after leaving Calixto García Hospital. The artist announced that health “tests” will be carried out outside the “control of State … Continue reading “Otero Alcantara Leaves Havana Hospital After a Month of Forced Confinement”

Otero Alcantara: ‘The Torture I Suffered Was Psychological’

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 1 June 2021 – Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara does not plan to pause or take a rest in his art or his activism. A few hours after leaving Calixto García Hospital, where he has been for almost a month without hardly any outside communication, he told 14ymedio that he is now ready to demand … Continue reading “Otero Alcantara: ‘The Torture I Suffered Was Psychological’”