The Euphemism that Looks After Me / Alejandro González Acosta

Alejandro González Acosta, 1 December 2017, Mexico City — Lichi[1] told me that the last time he was in Cuba[2], he went to visit a G-2 colonel at home, the brother of a famous Cuban historian who was Lichi’s good friend in Mexico. Between drinks and confidences, Lichi asked him: “Come on, man, just between us: … Continue reading “The Euphemism that Looks After Me / Alejandro González Acosta”

The Compañero Who Looks After Me

Angel Santiesteban, 16 October 2017 — Another title of this book could be A Cuban History of Fear. The fear of living (and, above all, of writing) surrounded by an army of police, undercover agents, collaborators and simple snitches in charge of rounding up the misguided souls of Cubans, be they writers or not. But … Continue reading “The Compañero Who Looks After Me”

The Cuban ‘Big Brother’ Seen by 57 Writers

The book ‘The Compañero Who Watches Me’ was presented last Thursday in Coral Gables (Florida) and reflects its authors’ preoccupation with the omnipresence of surveillance in Cuba 14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 3 November 2017 — Writing a book can be like an exorcism, especially when trying to leave behind ghosts of the past. This … Continue reading “The Cuban ‘Big Brother’ Seen by 57 Writers”

Gagged Words / 14ymedio, Jose Gabriel Barrenechea

14ymedio, Jose Gabriel Barrenchea, Santa Clara, 27 June 2016 – The Eva Tas Foundation, located in Amsterdam, publishes and promotes texts that have been and are censored, regardless of where or how. Indeed, as a part of this laudable and necessary work, this institution just published two books by one of the most important figures … Continue reading “Gagged Words / 14ymedio, Jose Gabriel Barrenechea”

Elisa Tabakman: Editing, Ceramics, Life / Luis Felipe Rojas

Luis Felipe Rojas, 11 January 2016 — Her friends call her Elisa, it’s that simple. She is an Argentinian writer, editor, ceramics artist who got so involved in the case of the Cuban writer Angel Santiesteban that she ended up redesigning his blog, The Children Nobody Wanted, and wrote to Amnesty International and Reporters Without … Continue reading “Elisa Tabakman: Editing, Ceramics, Life / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Somos+ (We Are More) Holds Convention Despite Police Operation / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 14 January 2016 – The Somos+ (We Are More) opposition movement held its national convention Thursday, despite the arrest of several participants and a strong police operation around its site in Havana. The home of Eliecer Avila, leader of the organization, was surrounded by several police patrols at dawn, and only those who entered … Continue reading “Somos+ (We Are More) Holds Convention Despite Police Operation / 14ymedio”

Declaration on the Cuban Migrant Crisis / Forum for Rights and Freedoms

Forum for Rights and Freedoms, 23 November 2015 — In recent weeks we have observed, with deep concern, the development of a new migration crisis. The human drama that thousands of Cubans are experiencing already affects the entire Central American region, the Caribbean, and especially Costa Rica, a nation that has received migrants with great solidarity, … Continue reading “Declaration on the Cuban Migrant Crisis / Forum for Rights and Freedoms”

The IAPA Does Not See Progress In Press Freedom In Cuba / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 2 October 2015 — Within a few hours of the opening of the 71st General Assembly of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), scheduled between 2 and 6 October in Charleston (South Carolina), regional reports from the Commission for Freedom of the Press and Information were made public. According to the organization, ten months after the … Continue reading “The IAPA Does Not See Progress In Press Freedom In Cuba / 14ymedio”

Open Letter to Pope Francis for the Release of “El Sexto”

Freedom for Danilo Open Letter to the Pope Havana, September 8, 2015 Your Holiness, Pope Francis: In advance of your visit to our island, a group of Cuban citizens wish to call your attention to a case that needs an immediate solution. This is the politically motivated imprisonment of Danilo Maldonado Machado, a young artist … Continue reading “Open Letter to Pope Francis for the Release of “El Sexto””

Several Reasons to Support #Otro18* / Lilianne Ruiz

Lilianne Ruiz, 8 September 2015 — I have already written this before in my blog. I want to live in my country and to know that my power as a citizen is intact, that with my vote I participate in the legal architecture that governs the small details of our lives. Never more than now. Because … Continue reading “Several Reasons to Support #Otro18* / Lilianne Ruiz”

US Expresses “Deep Concern” Over The Arrest Of Dissidents In Havana / 14ymedio

EFE, Washington 10 August 2015 — The US government on Monday expressed “deep concern” about the detention for some hours of about 90 dissidents in Cuba, including a group of members of the Ladies in White, and insisted that it will continue to work to ensure respect for the right to demonstrate in Cuba. “We … Continue reading “US Expresses “Deep Concern” Over The Arrest Of Dissidents In Havana / 14ymedio”

What Can Journalists Do For Cuba? / Somos+, Kaned Garrido

Somos+, 20 July 2015 — In 2014 the organization Reporters Without Borders released a list of “100 Heroes of Information.” They are journalists from 65 nations who have denounced crimes against humanity. From 25 to 75 years of age, they report from the most solid democracies to the most authoritarian regimes. They are brave men … Continue reading “What Can Journalists Do For Cuba? / Somos+, Kaned Garrido”

Arrested: 90 dissidents and Ladies in White Who Protested in Obama Masks / Diario de Cuba, Havana, 9 August 2015 – Some 60 Ladies in White and 30 human rights activists were arrested this Sunday in Havana where they protested while wearing masks with the image of United States President Barack Obama and carrying photos of political prisoners. The Obama masks signaled the participating activists’ rejection of the Washington-Havana rapprochement, … Continue reading “Arrested: 90 dissidents and Ladies in White Who Protested in Obama Masks / Diario de Cuba”

Number of Detained Activists in Cuba Was 674 in July, According to CCDHRN

14ymedio, Havana, 4 August 2015 — During the month of July there were 674 arbitrary arrests reported on the island, according to the report released Tuesday by the National Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN). The independent entity reported “at least 21 cases of physical assault and 71 victims of acts of repudiation orchestrated … Continue reading “Number of Detained Activists in Cuba Was 674 in July, According to CCDHRN”

More Than 50 Activists Arrested Sunday In The March Of The Ladies In White / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 2 August 2015 – This afternoon, after Sunday’s march of the Ladies in White on Fifth Avenue in Miramar, Havana, 40 members of this organization and about 15 activists were arrested. The arrests came after a massive act of repudiation against the Ladies in White, as reported to 14ymedio by several witnesses present at the scene. Among … Continue reading “More Than 50 Activists Arrested Sunday In The March Of The Ladies In White / 14ymedio”