Cuban Families Denounce Mexico’s Immigration Authorities for Deception and Extortion

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 14 November 2023 — Despite numerous complaints, Mexico continues to extort money from migrants. On this occasion the victim was Mayelín Díaz Vargas, a Cuban. As attorney José Luis Pérez Jiménez told this newspaper, the woman was “coerced” by Jorge Rosalino Valencia, head of operational services of the immigration station of … Continue reading “Cuban Families Denounce Mexico’s Immigration Authorities for Deception and Extortion”

Freedom of the Press Continues To Deteriorate in Cuba Due to High Level of Repression

EFE (via 14ymedio), Mexico City, November 10, 2023 — Freedoms of press and expression “continued to deteriorate” in Cuba, where in recent months multiple independent journalists have been arrested, harassed and assaulted, denounces the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA). According to a preliminary report scheduled to be approved this Sunday by the Press Freedom Commission of … Continue reading “Freedom of the Press Continues To Deteriorate in Cuba Due to High Level of Repression”

Complaints of Cuban Migrants Detained in Mexico, Including Children, Are Increasing

14ymedio, Mexico, 8 November 2023 — Migration Agents arbitrarily arrested Mayelín Díaz Vargas on Wednesday, one of the Cubans injured in the traffic accident in Pijijiapán (Chiapas) where 10 migrants from the Island died. This 51-year-old woman from Havana was informed that the protection order she showed to the officers “was not valid” at the … Continue reading “Complaints of Cuban Migrants Detained in Mexico, Including Children, Are Increasing”

Diaz-Canel Will Be at the Summit in Mexico To Talk About the Cuban Migrants in Tapachula

EFE (via 14ymedio), Mexico City, October 18, 2023 — The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirmed on Wednesday the attendance of the leaders of Cuba, Colombia, Honduras, Haiti, Venezuela, Ecuador and Guatemala at the summit on migration next Sunday in Chiapas, a state on the southern border of Mexico. “Attending will be the presidents … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Will Be at the Summit in Mexico To Talk About the Cuban Migrants in Tapachula”

Bribes and Robberies, the Complaints of Cubans Against Mexican Migration Officials Multiply

14ymedio, Havana, 17 October 2023 — Complaints from migrants and activists against Mexican Migration officials are multiplying. To the complaints on Monday that the Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (COMAR) gives erroneous information to Cubans about the documents they have to request, leading them to run the risk of being deported, are added several … Continue reading “Bribes and Robberies, the Complaints of Cubans Against Mexican Migration Officials Multiply”

Mexico Resumes Deportation Flights and Returns 138 Cubans to the Island

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 15 October 2023 — Mexico resumed, this Saturday, the deportation flights of Cubans with the return by air of 138 people who illegally entered the Aztec country. The return came a day after Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed the meeting with 10 leaders, including Miguel Díaz-Canel, on October 22, in Palenque … Continue reading “Mexico Resumes Deportation Flights and Returns 138 Cubans to the Island”

Mexican Agencies Take Advantage of Cubans and Double the Cost of Tickets

EFE (via 14ymedio), Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 28 September 2023 — Travel agencies in Tapachula (Chiapas) are doubling the cost of tickets for Cubans who want to fly to Mexico City or the U.S. border. This was reported to 14ymedio by Yumara, a 29-year-old Cuban who was processed by the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar) … Continue reading “Mexican Agencies Take Advantage of Cubans and Double the Cost of Tickets”

Cuba Identifies 9 of the 10 Who Died in the Accident in Mexico, but Refuses To Give Their Names

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 4 October 2023– Cuban authorities have identified nine of the ten people who died last Sunday in a traffic accident in Pijijiapan (Chiapas), but at the moment they have not publicly said who they are. According to the consul in Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Moreno Carpio, “all the deceased will be … Continue reading “Cuba Identifies 9 of the 10 Who Died in the Accident in Mexico, but Refuses To Give Their Names”

Havana Blames the United States for the Ten Cuban Migrants Killed in Mexico

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 4 October 2023 — On Tuesday, the Government of Cuba blamed the United States for the accident in which ten Cuban migrants were killed in southern Mexico and urged it to adopt the “necessary measures” to prevent similar events. This message came in a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, … Continue reading “Havana Blames the United States for the Ten Cuban Migrants Killed in Mexico”

A Least Ten Cubans Die, Including a Girl, in a Traffic Accident in Mexico

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, October 1, 2023 — At least ten Cubans, including a girl, died this Sunday after a truck without license plates in which they were traveling overturned in the municipality of Pijijiapan, 150 kilometers from the border city of Tapachula (Chiapas) with Guatemala. A source from the Rafael Alfaro community hospital, where … Continue reading “A Least Ten Cubans Die, Including a Girl, in a Traffic Accident in Mexico”

In a Month, 2,730 Cubans Who Entered Through Guatemala Applied for Refuge in Mexico

14ymedio, Mexico, 3 October 2023 — Thousands of Cubans, mostly young people, have arrived in Tapachula, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, in the last week. Among them is George, who has been sleeping since last Thursday, along with his cousin, in a tent in the ecological park of the city on the border with … Continue reading “In a Month, 2,730 Cubans Who Entered Through Guatemala Applied for Refuge in Mexico”

Mexico Reports the Arrival of up to 16,000 Migrants per Day at Its Borders

EFE (via 14ymedio), Mexico, 2 October 2023 — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported on Monday the arrival of up to 16,000 migrants per day on the northern and southern borders of the country in the last migratory wave. “In recent times, through the Darién [Jungle], which is a very dangerous area, up to … Continue reading “Mexico Reports the Arrival of up to 16,000 Migrants per Day at Its Borders”

Inter-American Press Association Demands the Immediate Release of Cuban Journalist Henry Constantin

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami,18 September 2023 — The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) demanded on Monday the immediate release of Cuban journalist Henry Constantín, victim of arbitrary detention by the Island’s authorities since last Friday. The director of the independent magazine La Hora de Cuba, from Camagüey, was arrested that day by State Security agents in … Continue reading “Inter-American Press Association Demands the Immediate Release of Cuban Journalist Henry Constantin”

Mexico Will Extend the Agreement To Receive Doctors From Cuba for One Year

14ymedio/EFE, Mexico, 12 September 2023 — The Government of Mexico will extend for another year the agreement with Cuba to hire specialists from the Island. The director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, insisted this Tuesday that it is to cover the staff deficit in public health. In the same appearance, at … Continue reading “Mexico Will Extend the Agreement To Receive Doctors From Cuba for One Year”

At Least 16,000 Cubans Are Stranded in Tapachula, Mexico, Waiting for an Immigration Response

14ymedio, Mexico, 7 September 2023 — Yumara has been stuck for 22 days in Tapachula, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala. This Thursday she went to the offices of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) to find out if she was approved for the “supplementary protection” that guarantees being … Continue reading “At Least 16,000 Cubans Are Stranded in Tapachula, Mexico, Waiting for an Immigration Response”