Cuban State Security Announces To Yunior Garcia That He Will Go To The Combinado Del Este Prison

14ymedio, Havana, 12 November 2021 — Cuban State Security has warned Yunior García Aguilera that it will not allow him to march alone on Sunday the 14th, as he announced this Thursday that he plans to do. The political police again summoned the playwright this Thursday to threaten him with details of his arrest, including that he … Continue reading “Cuban State Security Announces To Yunior Garcia That He Will Go To The Combinado Del Este Prison”

University of Havana Plans a ‘Great University Fair’ for the Same Place Yunior Garcia Will March on Sunday

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 13 November 2021 — The Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana has summoned its students to gather at the Quijote Park in El Vedado, on Sunday the 14th, precisely the place where the playwright Yunior García Aguilera will begin his journey to the Malecón carrying a white rose, as a way of … Continue reading “University of Havana Plans a ‘Great University Fair’ for the Same Place Yunior Garcia Will March on Sunday”

The Official Cuban Press Takes Out Its Artillery Against 15N and Yunior Garcia

14ymedio, Havana, 13 October 2021 — Cuba’s official media deployment against 15N (15 November) and specifically against Yunior García Aguilera, one of the promoters of the marches initially called for November 20 and advanced after the Government decided to place the Moncada Exercise and the National Defense Day for that date. One day after learning the … Continue reading “The Official Cuban Press Takes Out Its Artillery Against 15N and Yunior Garcia”

Yunior Garcia Calls for a Stop to the “Lynching” of Opponents in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 15 October 2021 — Cuban officialdom continues with its defamation campaign against Yunior García Aguilera and 15N (November 15), which had initially been called for a nationwide demonstration on November 20, which it was decided to advance to the 15th after the Government announced the National Defense Day for that date. “The baseness … Continue reading “Yunior Garcia Calls for a Stop to the “Lynching” of Opponents in Cuba”

Yunior Garcia Takes on Activism Against the Totalitarian, Abusive Power of the Cuban Regime

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, Cuba | 27 September 2021 — For many years, Yunior García Aguilera has not been satisfied with just being a playwright. Since 2016 when he stood up at a meeting of the Hermanos Saíz Association and asked 15 questions that upset the authorities, the artist, who was born in Holguín in … Continue reading “Yunior Garcia Takes on Activism Against the Totalitarian, Abusive Power of the Cuban Regime”

Yunior García’s Uncomfortable Questions / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 3 February 2016 – In a recent interview, the young playwright and actor Yunior García Aguilera affirmed that he was “dissatisfied with everything.” A finalist for the Virgilio Piñera Prize for his work Sangre (Blood), and highly praised by critics for his piece Semen (Semen), this graduate of the National School … Continue reading “Yunior García’s Uncomfortable Questions / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar”

The Day Fidel Castro Admitted the Assault on the Moncada Barracks Was a Flop

On a program intended to commemorate the event, Castro ended up saying publicly that he should have skipped it and gone “straight to the Sierra Maestra.” 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, July 17, 2024 — During a taping of the “Roundtable” program in 2000, Fidel Castro showed up unexpectedly at the television studio. “The problem … Continue reading “The Day Fidel Castro Admitted the Assault on the Moncada Barracks Was a Flop”

Carlos Espinosa, An Essential Look at Cuba

I want to think that death surprised him while he was reading, with his eyes shining when he found some clue, some lost piece in the puzzle of our culture 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 8 July 2024 — In one of the presentations of the play Jacuzzi [written by the author of this article] … Continue reading “Carlos Espinosa, An Essential Look at Cuba”

Never a Time of Peace for the Cuban Economy

The revolution is not in crisis. The revolution itself is a perennial crisis and a chronic illness. 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, July 2, 2024 — Fidel Castro did not want to call the great Cuban debacle of the 1990s a crisis. He preferred the euphemism “Special Period.” He used the term twenty times during … Continue reading “Never a Time of Peace for the Cuban Economy”

Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given

The great Havana pimp was the dandy who dazzled everyone while riding his white braided-tail steed or walking his greyhounds through the streets of the capital 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 23 June 2024 — Yarini has become news again. The great Havana pimp, the most bastard of national heroes, the greatest sex symbol of … Continue reading “Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given”

Cuba: Change So That Everything Remains the Same

In December 2014, Raúl Castro and Obama surprised everyone with the news that relations between both countries would begin to normalize. 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, May 24, 2024 — The last decade in Cuba is, perhaps, the one that has seen the most changes in half a century. However, we have the feeling that … Continue reading “Cuba: Change So That Everything Remains the Same”

Díaz Canel’s Ten Lies

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 21 May 2024 — Some Cubans have dubbed Ignacio Ramonet the “French Randy Alonso,” a reference to the host of the Cuban TV interview show “Roundtable” and his sagging face. The truth is that Ramonet was born in Spain, raised in Morocco and educated in France, where he has lived … Continue reading “Díaz Canel’s Ten Lies”

How To Forget Cuba in Three Tries

The complex thing here is that it is not about forgetting a person, but about removing an entire country from your bones, from your liver 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 11 May 2024 — Those who have had a toxic relationship desire with all their soul to be able to say: it’s over, a clean … Continue reading “How To Forget Cuba in Three Tries”

Batista, a Tropical Messiah

Six decades of indoctrination can somewhat distort our view of the past. 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 5 May 2024 — Fulgencio Batista landed a major role in the soap opera that is Cuba on September 4, 1933, during the Sergeants’ Revolt. He went on to become its biggest star, earning the grandiose nickname The … Continue reading “Batista, a Tropical Messiah”

The Decline of Alba

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 27 April 2024 — Alba-TCP, the alliance created by Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro, has reached 20 years with the vitality of an “almendrón,” a 1950s American car, without spare parts. The high price of oil during those founding years was the viagra that unleashed the social-imperialist fantasies of both … Continue reading “The Decline of Alba”