Two Cuban Prosecutors Contradict the President of the Supreme Court on the 15 November March

14ymedio, Havana, 3 November 2021 — Today the limits of the law are at the center of the debate between the authorities and the Archipelago collective, promoter of the Civic March for Change on November 15 (15N). While the organizers of the protest argue that they are complying with Cuban legislation point by point, the Government published … Continue reading “Two Cuban Prosecutors Contradict the President of the Supreme Court on the 15 November March”

Archipielago Denounces Cuban Police Harassment of its Supporters

14ymedio, Havana, 25 October 2021 — More than 1,200 people risk being summoned by Cuban State Security for the mere fact of having signed the letters of support for the Civic March for Change called by the Archipiélago platform. According to the group’s complaint, the political police are summoning not only its members, but also … Continue reading “Archipielago Denounces Cuban Police Harassment of its Supporters”

UN Rapporteurs Show Concern About New Internet Regulations In Cuba

EFE (via 14ymedio) — Law decrees approved in April and August by the Cuban government to regulate telecommunications, which, among other things, establish various cybersecurity crimes, “could undermine freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association,” warned three United Nations rapporteurs. In a recent letter to the Cuban authorities, the rapporteurs for freedom of … Continue reading “UN Rapporteurs Show Concern About New Internet Regulations In Cuba”

The Official Cuban Press Takes Out Its Artillery Against 15N and Yunior Garcia

14ymedio, Havana, 13 October 2021 — Cuba’s official media deployment against 15N (15 November) and specifically against Yunior García Aguilera, one of the promoters of the marches initially called for November 20 and advanced after the Government decided to place the Moncada Exercise and the National Defense Day for that date. One day after learning the … Continue reading “The Official Cuban Press Takes Out Its Artillery Against 15N and Yunior Garcia”

“I Use My Visibility to Make the World Understand That in Cuba There is A Dictatorship”

14ymedio, Havana, 16 October 2021 — Just a few days ago Saily González announced the closure of her private business. After more than five years of service the Amarillo B&B, a hostel in Santa Clara, stopped offering its tasty breakfasts. The reason is neither the pandemic nor the difficulties in obtaining raw materials, but the … Continue reading ““I Use My Visibility to Make the World Understand That in Cuba There is A Dictatorship””

Cuba: On the 61st Anniversary of the CDRs, is This Goodbye?

14ymedio, Elias Amor Bravo, Valencia, 28 September 2021 — The CDRs reach 61 years of age and carry the same problems as any organization that reaches that age. An article in the State newspaper Granma addresses it. The CDRs need young people, and above all, to be updated, to catch up. The old paradigm was left hollow, empty, and is … Continue reading “Cuba: On the 61st Anniversary of the CDRs, is This Goodbye?”

Group of Cubans Ask Authorization to Demonstrate in Havana on 20 November

14ymedio, Havana, 21 September 2021 — With the reopening of tourism and schools, scheduled for the middle of November, a way is opened to the reactivation of citizen protests. A group of artists and intellectuals who participated in the spontaneous demonstrations on July 11 has requested authorization for a march against violence on Saturday, November … Continue reading “Group of Cubans Ask Authorization to Demonstrate in Havana on 20 November”

Cuban Organizers of the Peaceful Marches on November 20th (20N) Expect 8,000 People in Holguin and Santa Clara

14ymedio, Havana, 23September 2021 —  This Thursday in Villa Clara, about twenty citizens joined the Archipelago collective in its call to peacefully demonstrate on 20N. In addition, the thirty signatories joined the initiative this Wednesday in Holguín. As playwright Yunior García did in Havana, citizens from Villa Clara and Holguín submitted a document notifying local … Continue reading “Cuban Organizers of the Peaceful Marches on November 20th (20N) Expect 8,000 People in Holguin and Santa Clara”

What Happened to Freedom of Expression in Cuba in 2020? / Cubalex

Cubalex, 19 May 2021 — The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression [of the  Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)] documented a continuation during 2020 of the pattern of restrictions on freedom of expression and access to public information in Cuba. The annual report issued by the organization indicates that acts of threats, harassment, and … Continue reading “What Happened to Freedom of Expression in Cuba in 2020? / Cubalex”

Cuba’s Official Press Plans to Participate in Social and Popular Control

14ymedio, Havana, 26 August 2021 — Cuban authorities want to update their peculiar approach to information transparency. According to their analysis, when they have silenced some uncomfortable news it is because they needed to defend the Revolution from its “enemies,” but times have changed and the strategy must be different, said Ricardo Ronquillo Bello, president … Continue reading “Cuba’s Official Press Plans to Participate in Social and Popular Control”

More Than the Embargo, the Cuban Government is Concerned About the ‘Free Internet’ Offered by the US

14ymedio, Havana, 18 August 2021 –The Cuban authorities have denounced before the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) the initiative of the US Government to encourage the expansion of the Internet on the island, as revealed this Tuesday in the television program Mesa Redonda, the Vice Minister of Communications Wilfredo González. “What the United States wants is … Continue reading “More Than the Embargo, the Cuban Government is Concerned About the ‘Free Internet’ Offered by the US”

Responsibility for Cuba’s Economic Crisis

14ymedio, Elias Amor Bravo, Economist, August 7, 2021 — Once again the Castro regime is tripping over itself to pass a series of laws aimed at, according to the official press, “strengthening the Cuban socio-economic model.” These actions, adopted with urgency but little forethought, have received the approval of the Council of State. Government, Council … Continue reading “Responsibility for Cuba’s Economic Crisis”

Cubalex’s Analysis of Filmmaker Anyelo Troya’s Case and Sentencing / Cubalex

Cubalex, 23 July 2021 — Anyelo Troya’s* summary trial took place on July 19, 2021, and it was done through the legal figure called atestado directo (summary trial without witnesses/evidence). Troya was the defendant in a kangaroo trial where the most elementary principles of the criminal procedures and due process guarantees were violated. They had … Continue reading “Cubalex’s Analysis of Filmmaker Anyelo Troya’s Case and Sentencing / Cubalex”

Cuba: In Defense of Political Dialogue / Dimas Castellano

Emerging civil society has to prepare to deal with the current power or the one that replaces it, and that articulation requires moving through the channels of dialogue. Dimas Castellano, 13 July 2021 — The recent events of Sunday, July 11, confirm that the Cuban crisis is deepening, that popular discontent is growing and that … Continue reading “Cuba: In Defense of Political Dialogue / Dimas Castellano”

Free Internet Access for Cuba: Wishes and Realities

14ymedio, Jorge Tintorero, New York, July 28, 2021 – Since last July 11, the demand for free internet access for Cubans has become a trend, supported by Senators, Congressional Representatives, and a multitude of public and political figures in the United States. There has been no lack of promises, including that of President Biden, to … Continue reading “Free Internet Access for Cuba: Wishes and Realities”