‘It is Torture to Intubate Patients Without Sedating Them, As is Being Done in Cuba Now’

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 22 August 2021 — “Imagine your mouth being forced open to shove a tube down your throat and all this without a sedative.” The Cuban doctor asks to keep his name in reserve before telling 14ymedio about his traumatic experience with Covid-19 patients in collapsed hospitals, without oxygen, without medicines for patients and without means … Continue reading “‘It is Torture to Intubate Patients Without Sedating Them, As is Being Done in Cuba Now’”

‘Last Night 36 Patients Died in Cienfuegos Hospital’ Laments a Cuban Doctor

14ymedio, Havana, 18 August 2021 — “The Cienfuegos hospital continues to have an oxygen deficit. The helicopters of the Primetime News on Cuban Television are something symbolic for the need that exists,” a doctor from the province, which has replaced Ciego de Ávila as the province with the highest positive rate of covid on the island, … Continue reading “‘Last Night 36 Patients Died in Cienfuegos Hospital’ Laments a Cuban Doctor”

The Rebellion of Cuban Doctors Spreads in Holguin With a New Video

14ymedio, Havana, 18 August 2021 — More than twenty Cuban doctors have denounced the health collapse in a new video and have shown solidarity with their colleagues who, last weekend, broadcast another audiovisual to demand supplies and protest against the criticism of the sector launched by Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero. On this occasion, and … Continue reading “The Rebellion of Cuban Doctors Spreads in Holguin With a New Video”

Challenge to Cuba’s Decree-Law 35

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Desde Aqui, Havana, 18 August 2021 — As I do not have the patience needed to analyze paragraph by paragraph, article by article, the ways in which Decree-Law 35 violates the rights of freedom of expression, I opt for the following challenge. I formally challenge President Miguel Díaz-Canel, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, … Continue reading “Challenge to Cuba’s Decree-Law 35”

‘He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’, a Doctor from Placetas Responds to the Cuban Prime Minister

14ymedio, Madrid, August 13, 2021 — “Since the community transmission phase was declared, we are all on the red line, we’re soldiers in a nuclear war going into battle with slingshots.” Dr. Kenia Castellón works at the North Polyclinic of Placetas (Villa Clara Province) and knows first-hand the reality of Covid-19 patients on the Island. … Continue reading “‘He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’, a Doctor from Placetas Responds to the Cuban Prime Minister”

Cuba’s Provincial Press Reports on the Drama in Ciego de Avila Hospitals

14ymedio, Havana, 11 August 2021 — In Ciego de Ávila they know what is happening and the local press no longer holds back on reporting it. “I knew we lost my cousin due to problems with oxygen therapy. And it wasn’t just hime,” reports a family member in Morón whose relative died of Covid-19, speaking to the local … Continue reading “Cuba’s Provincial Press Reports on the Drama in Ciego de Avila Hospitals”

Cuba: Notes on a Roundtable with Nothing New to Say

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, July 15, 2021 – The first reaction of the Cuban communist dictatorship to social protests was the repression and imprisonment of numerous protesters—this is to say, fear. The second has been propaganda, with the Roundtable television program espousing the government’s viewpoints. Yesterday, this medium led the charge with Manuel Marrero, Cuba’s … Continue reading “Cuba: Notes on a Roundtable with Nothing New to Say”

Against the Wall, The Cuban Government Authorizes Unlimited Imports of Food and Medicine

14ymedio, Havana, July 14, 2021 – The Cuban Government announced this Wednesday that it authorizes “under special circumstances” imports of food, cleaning products, and medicine for passengers arriving to the island. The entry into the country of these goods will be “without limit of import value and free of tariffs,” said Prime Minister Manuel Marrero … Continue reading “Against the Wall, The Cuban Government Authorizes Unlimited Imports of Food and Medicine”

Searching for the ‘Conceptualization’ With a Member of the Cuban Communist Party

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Desde Aqui, Havana, 6 May 2021 — A former colleague of the microbrigade that built the building where I have lived for 36 years, visited me on Wednesday afternoon to help him search on the internet for the update of the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development … Continue reading “Searching for the ‘Conceptualization’ With a Member of the Cuban Communist Party”

Tourism in Cuba Falls to Historic Lows in First Quarter of the Year

14ymedio, Havana, 26 April 2021 — The worst tourism forecasts for the island are already a reality. According to figures published Monday by the Cuban Statistics and Information Office (ONEI), between January and March 2021, 76,913 travelers arrived, representing only 6.2% of those who arrived in the same period last year (1,230,934), more than one million fewer. … Continue reading “Tourism in Cuba Falls to Historic Lows in First Quarter of the Year”

Cuba’s Private Sector to Expand but State Maintains Control of Foreign Trade

14ymedio, Havana, April 17, 2021 — On Thursday the Cuban government promised to expand the private sector according to details released by press office of the Council of Ministers, several of whose officials held a meeting with self-employed workers on the eve of the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party. “At this time, the process … Continue reading “Cuba’s Private Sector to Expand but State Maintains Control of Foreign Trade”

When Can We Freely Debate Phasing Out the Party?

14ymedio, Pedro Pablo Aguilera Juarrero, Toronto, April 19, 2021 — The leader of the Cuban Communist Party, Raúl Castro, is on his way to fulfilling a promise he made to the Cuban people eight years ago when he announced his retirement. Unlike his egotistical older brother, Raúl’s tenure has been characterized by a peculiar pragmatism. … Continue reading “When Can We Freely Debate Phasing Out the Party?”

In Cuba Marino Murillo Falls, Raul Castro’s Ex-Son-in-Law Rises

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, April 19, 2021 — The most striking development of the Eighth Communist Party Congress, which concludes on Monday after a four-day meeting with hardly any news, will be the retirement, at least officially, of the old guard. For the first time, no one with the last name Castro will hold a … Continue reading “In Cuba Marino Murillo Falls, Raul Castro’s Ex-Son-in-Law Rises”

Cuban Communist Party 8th Congress: The Continuity of the Useless

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 26 January 2021 — It is very difficult not to be repetitive when talking about recidivism. Before referring to the expectations regarding the VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), scheduled for the middle of April, I reviewed what I had published on the eve of the VII Congress, held … Continue reading “Cuban Communist Party 8th Congress: The Continuity of the Useless”

January 1, 2021: Cuba’s Communist Regime at the Crossroads

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 1 January 2021 — The political heirs of the revolution’s first-generation leaders already have their own legend. After a speech by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cubans will henceforth associate January 1 with not one but two great failures in their nation’s recent history. The results of the first — the triumph of the Revolution, which … Continue reading “January 1, 2021: Cuba’s Communist Regime at the Crossroads”