Mr. Presidents and Foreign Ministers participating in the Sixth Summit of the Americas, meeting in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia:
I am Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez, former Cuban political prisoner who, after warmly greeting you and sending you my respects on behalf of my brothers of the internal resistance, which in a peaceful but direct fight suffers daily repression with respect human rights and fighting for a transition to a free and democratic society. I would like to take this opportunity through an exile organization, MAR for Cuba and the Cuban Resistance Assembly, which serve as a conduit to this letter, to expose to all those present, the grim picture of violated human rights in Cuba, and the titanic efforts of a people in their struggle for freedom.
Respected leaders and foreign ministers, delegations, the regime in Havana is striving more than ever to continue curtailing the freedom of its citizens and to nullify their rights and freedoms for the sake of their ultimate goal, to stay in power at all costs, regardless the high price paid by a people living in poverty and lack of freedoms.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in my country they continue to penalize the exercise of fundamental rights recognized internationally. The beatings, violent raids of homes, imprisonment, are the order of the day, covered in the cold indifference of an important part of the international community, and committed by callous hierarchy and especially the impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of such outrages whose victims, in the absence of rule of law and guarantees as citizens, are in a perpetual state of helplessness.
In this repressive situation, the desires of a people for freedom caused them to stand up and demand justice. The proof is the existence of a number of organizations that make up an emerging civil society, including the Orlando Zapata Tamayo National Front of Civic Resistance and Civil Disobedience, which has managed in an unprecedented reality to organize a concerted effort by a full range of regional coalitions in Cuba peacefully promoting democracy.
This Front, born of the need for historical and situational leadership for the longed for unity in action, has become the most annoying nightmare facing the repressive bodies, which are alarmed by soaring pots-and-pans protests, marches, sit-ins, speeches and other forms of public protest that have managed to shake the very foundations of the dictatorship.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the emergence and development of a strong opposition leadership within the island formed by the new generations that the regime sought to indoctrinate with the same totalitarianism, show the whole world how necessary it is to redouble the approach and contact with Cuban democrats, of how imperative it is today is to intensify international solidarity not only to support us but politically and to economically isolate a regime that uses its resources to suppress the rebellious voices.
The Orlando Zapata Tamayo National Front of Civic Resistance and Civil Disobedience and other organizations of the political opposition claim before this VI Summit of the Americas, one of the most important and prestigious of the free world, asking all people of good will present, that an occasion like this calls for a clear and forceful statement in favor of the cause of freedom in Cuba and condemning the Castro communist dictatorship, responsible for so much pain, censorship and damage to our people.
Remember that Cuba is the only country in our hemisphere that lacks a democratic state, the only people of this great American family that is forbidden the sacred right to democratically elect their leaders and where opinions, freedom of movement, association and even disagreeing politically are acts that constitute a crime
All these elements are more than enough for an urgent, timely and strong condemnation. Ignoring the crime would also legitimize the repressors and further delay the end of this totalitarian agony that has oppressed us for over half a century.
With my greatest respect I await, from such distinguished participants at this Summit of the Americas, a statement on the matter,
Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez
Secretary General of the Orlando Zapata Tamayo National Front of Civic Resistance and Civil Disobedience.
Placetas, Villa Clara, Cuba, April 8, 2012
April 13 2012