Alejandro is a boy I’ve known for more than five years; he finished his Social Service after university and is looking for work as a teacher that will give him time to finish his master’s. The other day we ran into each other, and as he knows that I have a blog, he began to talk with me about some information that had come to his attention. He told me about a Google service that posts information in real time — he had seen some Yohandy using his time on the internet to talk about Yoani Sanchez, as if he were a paparazzi — and he was curious about the appearance of this modality in our society and was looking for information about that person. Yohandy seems ubiquitous and sleepless, he has an enviable internet connection and is interested in the details. He keeps track of the money Yoani spends on text messages and Twitter, and has even published a photo allegedly showing Yoani’s husband kissing another woman. Alejandrito looked for gossip about others, but Yohandry focused his inquiries only on Yoani.
Almost nothing I heard surprised me. I told Alejandrito that Yoani could spend that money and more, from the prizes she has received. Which demonstrates her seriousness, because given the conditions in Cuba, anyone else would have earmarked that money to fix their house or trade for another one, buy a car, take a great vacation, eat well.
Some time ago I said in a post that in the absence of anything in your life, they will design a campaign to discredit you. Is this Yohandry’s interpretation of what a Battle of Ideas should be?
November 26, 2010