“If You Keep Bothering Me, I’ll Have Them Call the Police,” Says Cardinal Jaime Ortega / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, 4 July 2015 — Diplomacy does not seem to be Cardinal Jaime Ortega’s strongpoint. The archbishop of Havana behaved badly to a group of anti-Castro activists who were distributing a statement on a proposed amnesty law for political prisoners to diplomats attending 4th of July ceremonies at the home of Jeffrey DeLaurentis, head … Continue reading ““If You Keep Bothering Me, I’ll Have Them Call the Police,” Says Cardinal Jaime Ortega / Ivan Garcia”

Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega at Harvard

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player The role of the Catholic Church in Cuba right now is such a critical issue, that we are posting this video so you can hear Cardinal Ortega, discussing it in his own words (translated within the presentation itself). The Q&A starts about the one hour mark. The first question is … Continue reading “Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega at Harvard”

Letter to Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino / Jeovany Jimenez Vega

Artemis, January 22, 2012 Your Eminence: Last October 2, during the passage of the image of the Virgin of Charity through the municipality of Guanajay, I had the opportunity to listen, with my family, to the words spoken by you to the people gathered there to show their respect and veneration for the Mother of … Continue reading “Letter to Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino / Jeovany Jimenez Vega”

Jaime Ortega, Cardinal of the Thaw, Dies in Havana

Luz Escobar and Mario J. Penton, Havana/Miami, 26 July 2019– Cardinal Jaime Ortega (1936-2019), a key figure in the secret talks that led to the reestablishment of relations between the United States and Cuba, died at age 82 on 26 July in Havana, after a long illness, according to ecclesiastical sources. “Jaime Ortega was a … Continue reading “Jaime Ortega, Cardinal of the Thaw, Dies in Havana”

Cardinal Jaime Ortega calls for “deepening the reforms” / 14ymedio

14YMEDIO, Havana, 2 August 2014 – This Saturday a Mass of Thanksgiving was held at the Cathedral in Havana for the 50th anniversary of the ordination of Cardinal Jaime Ortega. The Archbishop himself celebrated the Mass which was attended by other Cuban and foreign bishops. Ortega Alamino made is entrance into the room at 10:20 … Continue reading “Cardinal Jaime Ortega calls for “deepening the reforms” / 14ymedio”

Boston Cardinal Quarantines for Barely Six Hours After Visiting Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 15 September 2021 — On September 9, Boston Cardinal-Archbishop Sean Patrick O’Malley asked President Miguel Diaz-Canel to pardon demonstrators who participated in the July 11 protests in Cuba. The request was specifically for those who had protested peacefully. Authorities responded by defending their position, claiming once again that those who were arrested are being … Continue reading “Boston Cardinal Quarantines for Barely Six Hours After Visiting Cuba”

The Cardinal’s Bad Memory / 14ymedio, Mario Felix LLeonart

14ymedio, Mario Felix Lleonart, Havana, 12 June 2015 – As was expected, Cardinal Jaime Ortega’s flat denial of the fact that there are still political prisoners in Cuba has leaked from the interview granted to Spain’s Ser Chain program Hour 25. It borders on the enigmatic how someone in the position of this man is … Continue reading “The Cardinal’s Bad Memory / 14ymedio, Mario Felix LLeonart”

Who Will Succeed Cardinal Ortega? / Reinaldo Emilio Cosana Alen

Havana, November 2013 — Cardinal Jaime Ortega turned 77 on October 18 of this year. Canon law sets the retirement age for cardinals at 75. Pope Benedict XVI asked Cardinal Ortega to postpone his retirement but Benedict is no longer in charge at the Vatican. Time has passed and the Cardinal is looking exhausted. Finding … Continue reading “Who Will Succeed Cardinal Ortega? / Reinaldo Emilio Cosana Alen”

The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40 In those years of UMAP*, when Mr. Jaime Ortega was one more in the concentration camps, no one would have imagined that the last but most important mission of what some still … Continue reading “The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso”

The Cardinal of Disgrace / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

I have no words to describe the recent statements made by his Eminence Cardinal and Archbishop of Havana Jaime Lucas Ortega Alamino during his stay last week in the United States of America. Those who have followed each of the press releases that mention in one way or another the statements of the highest Cuban … Continue reading “The Cardinal of Disgrace / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

An Open Letter to Castro and The Cardinal / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

By Luis Eligio D’Omni and Amaury Pacheco D’Omni: (Artists currently on tour in the United States of America) 1- On The 13th of April, Hector Riscart Mustelier (El Ñaño), the leader of Cuban alternativity, musician for and director of the band Herencia [Heritage], and Bobo Shanti Leader in Cuba, will be tried behind closed doors, … Continue reading “An Open Letter to Castro and The Cardinal / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

The Cardinal’s Rebellion

No one counted on him. He was a person who accommodated the political mandarins. Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino, the Archbishop of Havana, had just left the local parish. In all the years of the acute economic, social and political crisis that Cuba has and continues to live in, Ortega made very few announcements. He simply … Continue reading “The Cardinal’s Rebellion”

Thank You, ’14ymedio’, For Making Me a Journalist

Making a newspaper is not easy at all. Doing it from Cuba is even more complicated 14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami, May 23, 2024 — The first time I heard about Yoani Sánchez was on the midday news on Cuban television. Mariuska Díaz, the announcer, called her a “cyberterrorist” and an enemy of the country. … Continue reading “Thank You, ’14ymedio’, For Making Me a Journalist”

A Former Cuban Political Prisoner Who Had Been Missing for Days Was Found Dead in Florida

14ymedio, Havana, 11 August 2023 — Former Cuban political prisoner Nelson Molinet Espino, 59, was found dead in Florida, where he had lived for years, after disappearing for several days, according to his good friend Normando Hernández, general director of the Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press and announced on Facebook this Friday. … Continue reading “A Former Cuban Political Prisoner Who Had Been Missing for Days Was Found Dead in Florida”

Cuba and the Protests of November 15

14ymedio, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami, 7 November 2021 — I have not been able to find out, for sure, why Raúl Castro authorized the appearance of Carlos Lage asking for “deep changes.” Lage is the former Cuban vice president purged a few years ago along with former Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque. I have asked … Continue reading “Cuba and the Protests of November 15”