The Progressives, the Cubans and Israel

An Israeli tank on the border with Gaza on November 12, 2023. (EFE/EPA/Neil Hall)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 12 November 2023 — While the totalitarian regime that has prevailed in Cuba for 65 years, minus two months, has almost always enjoyed favorable public opinion, the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel, is still the target of many of those who defend Castroism.

Cuban democrats, like Israelis, are, in the mentality of these groups and organizations, targets to be destroyed. However, they represent just causes that have never had the necessary international support to achieve the objectives that encourage them.

Their enemies, who consider themselves progressive, liberal and leftist, do not care that the Jewish nation promotes democracy and the rule of law. They simply share with the Nazis the hatred of a people who defend civil and religious freedoms, where the norm is between absolutism and military dictatorship.

They prefer to ignore that Israel is a free geographical and cultural space, in a region where authority is based on  military might or religion. Without being perfect, Israel should be an example for those who defend freedom and human rights. The Israeli State is concrete evidence of material progress and well-being for those who reside in its territory.

Cuban Democrats, like Israelis, are, in the mentality of these groups and organizations, targets to be destroyed

However, it is a country that suffers permanent harassment from its neighbors. Israel has been subjected to true international isolation and frequent military conflicts, with the aim of eliminating it as a nation, as advocated, among others, by the theocratic State of Iran.

The terrorist actions against Israel, such as those of last October 7, are a brutal reflection of the hatred advocated by the serial killer Ernesto Che Guevara: “The intransigent hatred of the enemy, which pushes beyond the natural limitations of the human being and turns him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine.” This phrase could have inspired the executioners of the Tribe of Nova festival.

Complicity with Guevara is not exceptional. It shows the frivolity and hypocrisy that reign in some international organizations, non-governmental organizations and famous universities that present themselves as standard-bearers of justice but have placed themselves at the service of the worst causes.

Guevara defended violence out of conviction. It was the instrument in concentration camps for homosexuals in Cuba. There are hundreds of testimonies about the murders he ordered, and, however, this did not prevent the UNESCO World Memory Program, in all its categories, from accrediting and rewarding his work, in addition to the fact that Guevara and Fidel Castro were proud of their cemeteries. As Guevara said at the United Nations, in 1964: “We have executed, we have shot, and we will continue to kill as long as is necessary.”

These actions are incomprehensible and force us to unearth the moment when Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, spoke in 1974 at the United Nations with a gun on the table in front of him.

I do not dispute the fairness of the Palestinian cause, but the beheading of children and indiscriminate murder should not be protected or silenced, as some sectors claim

Ideological commitments lead to omitting or changing the facts. When the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died, the headline of the newspaper El País said: “Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet dies.” However, when the Cuban autocrat died, the headline read: “Fidel Castro, the last revolutionary, dies”, as if he had not been another dictator with a horrendous criminal record.

I do not dispute the fairness of the Palestinian cause, but the beheading of children and indiscriminate murder should not be protected or silenced, as some sectors claim. Nor should persecutions be justified by race or religion, as the enemies of the Jews are doing in many parts of the world. They are acts repudiated by the United Nations itself and should be severely punished.

Cuban totalitarianism also inspires the progressives  to misrepresent the facts. On the Island, citizens’ rights are systematically violated; those who profess ideas contrary to the official proposal are imprisoned; total censorship of the media is practiced and bloody events such as those of the unforgettable tugboat massacre on March 13 occur, with dozens of deaths, including children. However, his allies present Castro totalitarianism as a victim of the United States and of the exile community.

They speak of a blockade or embargo, which has more holes in it than gruyere cheese, without alluding to the vileness of the rulers and the true blockade of Castroism.

Translated by Regina Anavy 


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