The Kremlin Keeps Cuban President Diaz-Canel Comfortable on the Eve of His Meeting with Putin and Sends Greetings to Raul Castro

A tanker from Russia loaded with fuel is expected to arrive in Cuba on May 23

Dmitri Medvedev, former president of United Russia and deputy chairman of the Security Council, displayed his friendship with the Cuban president. /  Presidency of Cuba

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 8 May 2024 — President Miguel Díaz-Canel wants Cuba to have “greater participation in the mechanisms” of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). “I sincerely believe that we all need better cooperation to promote joint projects in areas of joint interest,” he expressed this Wednesday at the EAEU Summit in Moscow, in which the Island participates as an observer country.

The Cuban Government, the president reiterated according to the official press, “attaches great importance to economic, commercial, financial and cooperation relations” with the Union and its member states.

Meanwhile, the ship Caesar, loaded with fuel, heads to the port of Matanzas. According to Jorge Piñón, a specialist from the University of Texas, speaking to this newspaper, “she loaded up in Russia, with ‘technical’ stops in Greece and Malta.” According to the information provided by ship monitoring pages, the ship will reach Cuba on May 23.

Miguel Díaz-Canel met this Wednesday with the former Russian president, Dmitri Medvedev, currently Deputy Head of the Security Council of Russia, who described Cuba as a “reliable partner” with whom his country maintains “an intense political dialogue.”

The Russian leader praised the Cuban regime, underlining the recent closeness that unites the authorities of both countries. “Even if it’s brutally cold outside, that doesn’t hinder our warm relationship. The Russian Federation warmly welcomes you,” he told the Cuban leader, who arrived in Moscow on Tuesday on an official trip.

Medvedev, who was president of Russia – with Putin as prime minister – between 2008 and 2012, asked Díaz-Canel “to send greetings and best wishes to Army General, Raúl Castro. We spent a lot of time together in different places. The force with which he defends Cuba’s positions has always been for us a very serious symbol of how to fight for the independence of our country,” he added.

“The strength with which he defends Cuba’s positions has always been for us a very serious symbol of how to fight for the independence of our country

The Cuban president, for his part, posted on his X account the conclusions of the meeting. “We confirm the progress and results of the relations between our parties and the potential for work that we still have,” he wrote. The head of United Russia was, according to the Kremlin, willing to address not only issues related to economic relations but also the links between his party and the Communist Party of Cuba.

Díaz-Canel will have to wait until tomorrow, however, for the highest-ranking meeting, with the recently proclaimed president – ​​for the fifth time – Vladimir Putin. The meeting will be held on the same day as the Victory Day Parade, this May 9 on Red Square, to which he is invited.

On Wednesday, Díaz-Canel laid a wreath at the statue of Fidel Castro, inaugurated by himself and Putin in 2022.

“It is a symbol of the historic friendship between the peoples of Cuba and Russia,” he wrote.

On Tuesday, shortly after landing, the Cuban president congratulated Putin on his victory by an “overwhelming majority,” which is a “lesson for the world” about his leadership in Russia and his authority in the international arena, he said.

Putin was re-elected in March with 87.28% of the votes and a record attendance after having disqualified or detained the majority of candidates who could contest his position.

After reforming the Constitution in 2020, the Russian president removed the legal obstacles to perpetuate himself in the Kremlin almost without limits. At 71 years old, he will be able to continue governing until 2030 and then run for re-election for another six-year term.

Translated by Regina Anavy


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