Thousands and thousands of Cuban are now working, day and night, to the peak of their professional abilities, so that the Venezuelan dictatorship won’t fall. This is now the number one priority of Plan Fatherland, inside and outside our little dictatorial island. Without Venezuela, there is no future for Fidelismo (as its faithful still call it), nor for the Castrismo (as its detractors now call it).
It’s calculated that the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT) with a terrifying number of agents, collaborators, informants and military. There are analysts – and also deserters – who have even put six zeros after the final number of paid and volunteers from the omnipotent MININT.
Indeed, for decades Cuba has ceased to be a country that behaves statistically like a military camp, like a totalitarian one-man bastion. This is the essence of Real Socialism, far beyond theories of equity and obligatorily free social programs. This is the essence of what the Latin American Communist parties don’t know, or don’t know how to distance themselves from.
In principle, of course, everyone is invited to the revolutionary avalanche that immediately unhinges the civil logic of our societies. But, woe unto those who are not enthusiastic or don’t feign enthusiasm for the “process”: sooner rather than later they will have to choose – totally democratically – between shutting up or leaving or ending up in prison or dead. Havana or Managua or Santiago de Chile or Caracas: the scenarios and obscenities repeat themselves.
MININT is the Revolution itself. Cuba might well be called the Minitarian Republic of Cuba. So as not be extinguished with the deaths of the octogenarian Castro brothers, the shock wave of the thousand and one Minints needs to impose itself as soon as possible on the continent’s sister republics, Venezuela being the victim that has most dramatically resisted our interference: an invasion that went from being silent to being murderous, but that, murderous or not, still continues complicitly condoned by international indolence.
For Cuba’s geopolitical – geophagic – interests, the forging of a supranational bloc is imposed that is as monolithic as each one of its communist parties. An alliance whose tactic and even syntactic axis comes from the Plaza of the Revolution’s marble obelisk itself. Hence the megalomaniacal charisma of Hugo Chavez that so disturbs the Cuban hierarchy; hence the pertinence of a proletarian dandy with a presidential sash. It is a question of life and death, the infamous instinct of self-perseveration (because someone who makes the lives of others unlivable shouldn’t have the right to life).
And so the Cuban Ministry of the Interior kills and orders killings in Venezuela with impunity, as it killed and ordered killings with impunity in Cuba and in Chile and in Nicaragua, to name just a sample of the puppet regimes in the region that came to power through the guerrillas or the ballot boxes.
However, all this comes packaged in a rhetoric that shines in the naïve imagination and on the silly T-shirts of the new generations. We all hate capitalism from capitalism. We all want to be justice-seeking subversives and rebels-with-a-cause. Like the slogan we repeat in all of the Island’s schools from the time we’re five years old, “Pioneers for communism, we will be like Che!” (Castro Hood in the barbaric forest of his Merry Men.)
The worst thing is that this violence is irreversible. Castroism is not escaped through peaceful means. The Castro regime ensures that in practice there is no peaceful, nor palatable, way out. They have loaded their weapons with death and have the narrative behind which they disguise themselves as victims of imperial aggression. There is no legitimate opposition to continental Castroism. There is no decent dialog with continental Castroism. They came to power through the violence of ballots or bullets. And they will only leave power through greater violence.
In this sense, it has been the only honest dictatorship in history: “Socialism or Death!” as in the morbid closing phrase of official Cuban speeches. As the founding leader of the Christian Liberation Movement, the martyr Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas said, this slogan makes it clear than anyone seeking liberation in Cuba will find death. As it was true for him, when they killed him on a Cuban highway on 22 July 2012, in an extrajudicial execution for which there is a surviving witness in Spain, the young politician Ángel Carromero.
Venezuelans: an army of Cubans is now working day and night, probably threatened with death by the counterintelligence agents of their own regime—as the Bolivarian elite maybe threatened with death—so that the Venezuelan dictatorship won’t fall. It is MININT against MININT. It is a war to the death for life. Venezuelans must know this, in your historic struggle in the streets, if you don’t want to abort this new independence for your country, if you want to finally put an end to your status as a military camp. And I say this ashamed of being Cuban.
Venezuelans: MININT is not authorized to concede defeat; it must be imposed on them even at the price of sacrifice. And I say this ashamed of being Cuban.
15 March 2014